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Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Havel, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Havel

    Havel New Member

    Nov 29, 2015
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    Well, Kalidasa already exists, and he has been in activity for a while, so it's not really a discussion about him, but rather about his backstory, which I wrote and wanted opinions on. Anyways, I'll post it here:

    "Kalidasa is a native of Avos, born from a trader and a weaver. Growing up in the commercial district of one of the major cities, he always kept an eye through the windows of his house, analyzing the ones passing by, buying and selling. Occasionally, he would also wake up in the middle of the night by the noises of law keepers pursuing some thief.

    His father was a polite man, from whom he acquired most of his trading skills. He would sell silk and fleece, kept inside a bustling compact store. Soon enough, Kalidasa was called to help, and would then learn from practice. His mother, very devout, taught him on the ways of Kluex. They would pray every night, and Kalidasa adored the almighty god like a good flightless does.

    Over the years, he learned everything his father had to give, and became a major associate to the store, eventually expanding it. This went on until he completed 21 years. By that time, an illness spread over his father, incapacitating him from further exercising his profession. With complete authority over management, Kalidasa began to discover some nasty bits of the business.

    Every now and then, a burglar would break into the store and take something away. It was becoming an increasing annoyance and especially a monetary loss. Against what his mother would have agreed upon, and maybe even his father, he began to pay a fee to a local mob, who would protect his store in exchange for the money.

    The local community of merchants agreed with it since the members of the mob seemed to be good followers of the faith, who would protect their businesses when the official authorities could not. It was a time of decrease in government spending at the time, and the mayor of the city decided to cut some of the funds directed to law enforcement so he could pay his bills. In response to that, crime activity thrived. It was the occupation of the faithless, who did not follow Kluex’s commandment, which prohibited theft.

    Thus, it began, and soon they were asking his to hide smuggled goods in his store. The thefts curiously ceased completely after he started to pay the fee, but he did not pay much attention to it at the time. After a while, he’d be transporting some of these goods himself, in exchange for an extra in his profits. Eventually, the management of the store would be left almost completely under the hands of one of his new associates, as he spent more time doing side jobs.

    While still operating only inside Avos, once his father died, he became a smuggler in no time. Taking lengthy “business” trips far from the city, he and his mother distanced themselves over a few months, and his prayers to Kluex faded as well. The Arbiter, he believed, had not listened to any of his prayers to keep his father from suffering, and instead kept his father from Ascending for a long and disgraceful time of malady.

    This binding to the black market, however, did not render less bold his opinion on the thieves he heard as an infant or the burglars he hated as a trader. When his mother died, two years later, he made up his mind and sold their store and house in Avos, paying with it the first parcels in a ship illegally bought. In his own opinion, the one to blame by the choices he had taken was Clipped Council, which had turned its back on his neighborhood. He would go in and out of Avos a few good times with his spaceship until, eventually, the Stargazers captured his ship. He somehow managed to avoid his incarceration, and kept living low-key in the ghettos of an Avosian city for a few months before he made contact with a fellow associate, Alom.

    They had been through some hardships together, and there was a time Kalidasa would trust Alom most, only second to his pistol. He was rather quick to answer to Kali’s distress call, and the two met inside an abandoned warehouse. Kalidasa told him he needed a lift to any nearby Grounded settlement, and this was enough for his friend to bring him inside his ship. After they took off and were out of Avos’ orbit, he knocked Alom unconscious with the grip of his handgun, and left him tied on the nearest grounded settlement, heading off-sector into the unknown.

    He went to stars he knew none of previous associates had the coordinates to, so he could not be traced. Selling some cargo Alom had on his ship, Kalidasa made a living for the first months, and with some items he scavenged over his course he kept himself, selling guns or spare parts every now and then to tiny settlements and travelers he encountered. He did not track the time passed until he reached a seemingly more populated area, but far enough from Avos. It was the Council Space sector he had stumbled upon, and where he decided to settle."
    #1 Havel, Dec 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  2. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I find it absolutely acceptable, but don't really have anything to say until I see it acted into real RP.
  3. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Interesting read. I like grungy characters.