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(B,M) Im looking for hired guns.

Discussion in 'Black Market' started by Blaine871, Nov 18, 2016.

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  1. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    I Do not have a specified time for this yet, I am still collecting info.

    I am looking for a group of at least somewhere between 3 to 5 individuals, (even more than that if there are more interested) willing to work with me to obtain a collection of riot pistols from a small outpost. Yes this is stealing, but for the right purpose. These pistols were originally planned to go to a colony in the outer reaches. The outpost itself is located in a desert, guarded by two individuals (Apex). They are not connected with any law enforcement in the region. Recent info collected states that they originally moved to this location looking for two humans who had fled their homeland for illegal reasons, Who those humans are, I am unaware of and they don't matter to this operation.

    They are now awaiting a shipment of experimental non-lethal pistols to be sent to them where they will be held and sent to a colony in the outer reaches beyond Council space. I intend to intercept this package before it is sent away and put it to a much more suited use. Any who are interested please inform me here, Payment will be brought in two halves, One before the session in a small amount, and one after success of the mission once the weapons in question have been sold to external sources more fit to use them to their proper use.

    We will need something capable of breaking into a vault door. I am not expecting it to be too solid of a door, They did only built it a few months span of time ago. How we enter and deal with the guards is of no interest to me as long as it works to get us into the structure and obtain the crates. They are somewhat heavy but can be carried out. I will re message here if there are those interested and once I have collected more info on the structure itself as well as the guards.

    Also let it be noted that if we do take out the guards the structure itself is of no use to me and I will let anyone keep it as payment. The original owners are not likely to come to it in search of the guards, for it is a very far span to go and entirely un-worth the resources needed to get there.

    I await a response.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You better have a comprehensive plan before you go trying to pull this kinda shit. Im not here to make plans im here to get shit done, so gimme some full deets.

  3. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    As stated, I am still collecting info. If you or anyone has any more details you want me to look into I am fully willing to give added info I might have missed to label.
  4. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    I have collected more info... Yet only one person has responded to this request. I dont intend to leak anything else until I have at the least received messages from three separate individuals interested in this. If no one is interested... Then I will just dump this and hope for opportunity at a later point. I am still waiting...
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hey I'm interested, just need to talk. On a job currently, but it's most likely going to shit in the next for days.
    - LG
  6. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Good. Glad to see there are still people out there. I am willing to speak personally with those I hire for this endeavor. but I will need to await a third response. Two people only is still a risk im not willing to take with this. Those guards aren't pushovers. We also still need to make sure we have the explosives to get into the vault. Though, with skills of random origin im sure we could find another way into it if neccisary. Anything is possible I suppose.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I could use the money. Additionally, I have more than enough experience getting into places and containers I'm not meant to be in. If you need a scout to acquire more information, or you have more details, send a message to <burner23> on Starnet.
    ((Don't call me, I'll call you.))
  8. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Ah wonderful. Finally enough people to begin getting this underway. Unfortunately, the amount of time it took to get these responses nearly lost us this job. Thankfully though that blockade nonsense has helped delay the arrival of the ship to retrieve the crate. So we do still have a reasonable window to achieve this. Now that I know this is guaranteed I am going to gather the last bits I need to make sure this is a success without issues. For those who responded, please do re message so that I know you are still alive and willing for this task. Also, any other individuals you feel might be willing to do this are a welcome. The more the merrier.
    Though I am not a millionaire and any number above seven will force me to split pixels. Considering the three of you currently, I can spare from my private reserves about two-hundred pixels per person before the mission has started. Yes, payment before we even begin. And if all goes well and I receive what I am looking for, I can distribute the funds received from selling the cargo among the group. And I plan only to take 20%. I'm not looking to make a load of money here. I'm more or less looking at potential for future jobs.
    Also, another note. There is a file cabinet inside the structure that I wish to salvage things from. Possible other job leads if luck boasts well. But otherwise I await further responses. From the three previous or even new interested individuals.

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    200 pixels? You better add a couple zeroes to that if you expect us to risk our lives over a job we don't know much about. I'm not sticking my neck out for anything less than 5k up-front. Sorry guy, I'm not looking to make chicken scratch.
  10. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    5,000? You think I'm made of money? Therese a reason this is low key work. 2 guards vs. 3 people, or more even if others take interest. And a chance to earn around 8,000+ in addition to the 200 per person by the time this is done. I understand you don't want to take risks but its two guards and its a very very small compound. We go in and then we get what we need, then we go out. The guards shouldn't be much of a problem if your smart about your approach. I don't feel this mission is anywhere near worth 5,000 up front due to the low risk it is. I can manage to up the payment to 1,000 per 3 people but that's the highest I go without risk of bankrupting myself.
    If I can manage to profit enough from this I can promise you future jobs will likely be more profitable. But until I can manage to get my feet off the ground I wont be able to even afford the things needed for future jobs.

    The compound is comprised of three sections, The first is the entryway, A sizable door is in the way but if we manage to catch one of the guards outside we can get them to open the door for us. Or blow it open if you so chose. One of the two is very squeamish and a cowardly one. Ive witnessed the individual avoid any animals that come into sight. As well as take steps back if the creature comes any closer. The second chamber is the living quarters where their beds are housed. Of course anything you find interesting in there can be taken as well. Likely a suit and a weapon or two within. Likely pistols or shotguns. Those seem to be the two most common weapons I see carried outside when they switch patrol shifts. And finally the last chamber. The vault chamber. This houses their files and info as well as the safe that holds the container I'm looking for. Let it be known that each chamber is separated by a doorway, but there are no doors in-between.

    Again I can manage to raise the price to 1,000 per person before we even start. But I am not made of money, and this is a rather low risk job if everything is done right. You will likely profit the 1,000+ around 8,000 or more from this job once everything has been done. Please leave me any questions so I can better negotiate work terms. I still await responses from the other two who spoke interest.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Fine. I'll take a thousand. 'Low risk' doesn't mean 'no risk.' I took a 'low risk' job thinking nobody was going to get hurt. And I watched one of my best partners get disintegrated from the waist down. I'll do this, but I expect 'future jobs' to yield higher results.
  12. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Oh I expect future jobs to yield more. And any danger that would occur would only happen if everyone doesn't do their part correctly. I'm not saying danger isn't possible, because of course your going up against people with guns and well anything can happen. Mercenary work is always dangerous, as you stated with your other partner. But a note. If something does go wrong, the one who doesn't do their job correctly will likely be the blame. I would also like you to get to know your partners. You obviously don't have to be friends, but I want to make sure this doesn't lead down unexpected betrayals of any kind. I still await the response from the other two, or new individuals taking interest.

  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You're naive for a crook. We'll be in touch.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Alright, I'm in. Give me some time to establish contact.
    - LG
  15. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Wonderful. Now just for this anon character and we can get on our way to getting a proper timing for this.
  16. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    (Uh won't let me message you I'm LG
  17. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    (Left you a message on Discord. Anyone know who anon is? Not sure if they are still watching this thread or not.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Always watching.
  19. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    There, everyone accounted for. Now I can get this underway. So lets see here... Best time to do this is likely during the day, they have night vision goggles so we would be at a disadvantage at night. hmm.

    ((Everyone tell me your timezones and usual availability. My timezone is Central standard time Wisconsin. Im usually available around 5:00,pm through 3:00,am. work can wreak havoc due to random schedule, but I have next week's schedule written down. Guaranteed times That I wont likely be kicked off are around 11pm through 3or4 am on any day.))
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    ((from Sunday onward, usually 10pm - 4am
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