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Avian Technology

Discussion in 'Avian' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 6, 2016.

  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Avolite Crystals
    Weapons and War

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    Avolite Crystals

    Avolite Crystals are the backbone of Avian technology, keeping them relevant in the modern galactic scene. Due to either astronomical luck or actions by the progenitors, Avolite Crystals are primarily found in Avian controlled space. These crystals are fabled to have almost magical powers, able to seemingly generate power, produce light, and even communicate over long distances. From powerful weapons to everyday tools, these crystals are a staple of the Avian aethstetic.

    The Avolite Crystal's full potential wasn't realized until the Avian's civil war, where necessity mothered innovation. The Flightless, outnumbered by the Loyalist army, were forced to adapt more advanced technology in order to keep up with their adversaries. After much detailed research, the Stargazers were able to adapt the crystals into powerful weapons, turning the tides of war with their superior energy based guns. After the war, the Stargazers kept their knowledge of the crystals secret, so as to prevent the crystal's powerful potential from being turned back on them.

    Thus, the Avolite Crystal has achieved a sort of legendary status among the other races, stumping even the Apex as to how they function. Any and all information regarding their function or the experiments devised to unlock their potential is tightly under wraps, sealed behind the beaks of the most highly protected Avians in the universe. However, a few things are observable when studying these crystals. Firstly, some crystals have the ability to amplify and refract light, being found in lamps and lights. The same principle applies to blasters, where the crystals, when combined with the right components, seem to act as a prism, focusing the light into a beam. When examined closely, however, their structure and makeup is nothing atypical when compared to any other kind of crystal found in nature. This only makes them more mysterious, furthering the idea that they are impossible to reverse engineer.


    Unlike most of the other races with a large intergalactic presence, Avians don't have any means of mass production. Most Avian goods are hand-crafted by skilled artisans instead of thrown off the end of a conveyor belt, meaning products can be of a higher quality, but the potential for error is also much larger. Due to this fact, higher technologies are often too expensive or too difficult to acquire for the average Avian, meaning they typically live a simple life. This fact, however, is usually not of much concern to Avians, as they are generally humble and enjoy living simplistic lives.

    Because of the typical Avian lifestyle, farming is a very popular choice of profession for an Avian. They are well known for generating a large amount of quality produce, making it one of their most important exports. Even though Avians don't have large machines to handle their farming tasks, the sheer number of colonies and Avians generating crops is enough to make them one of the galaxy's largest producers.

    Weapons and War

    Avians are not widely viewed as violent, but their culture integrates with warriors a considerable amount. Warriors are feared and respected figures who wield weapons of considerable power. Despite some of the Avian's armaments looking somewhat primitive, they will often incorporate Avolite Crystals into the designs, making them quite dangerous. When not fighting on the ground, Avians are also known to employ their impressive fleet, typically regarded as the most advanced naval force in the galaxy.

    When on foot, neophytes and acolytes can often be found using blades, generally spears and shields. The spear has been used throughout Avian history, marking spears as cultural features as well as weapons. Avian spears can be equipped with Avolite Crystals, using their resonance to turn the spear into a vibro-blade. These ultrasonic vibrations increase the cutting and penetration potential of spears considerably. Their shields are often composed of advanced alloys like durasteel, and when finely crafted, can comfortably absorb a good deal of punishment.

    Though uncommon for lower ranked soldiers, you would be hard pressed to find an officer without a blaster. Using the methods mastered during the civil war, Avians are able to produce lasers using the Avolite Crystals. These beams can vary in intensity depending on multiple factors, usually hinging mainly on the size and power of the crystal used. The blasters primarily deal heat damage with limited penetration.

    However, the shining jewel of the Avosian military is not their ground forces. The Holy Fleet, one of the largest and most powerful naval forces in the galaxy, is the Avian's most impressive military feature. The fleet craft are all finely constructed using Avolite Crystals, making them impressive pieces of technology. Avian ships are often hard to disable, as nobody but the Stargazers truly understand how they function.

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    #1 L.O.R.I.E., Oct 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2016