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Avian Society

Discussion in 'Avian' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 6, 2016.

  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Clipped Council
    Local Governing Bodies

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    The Stargazers are the highest political figures of Avian government, said to hold commune with Kluex himself. For this reason, they are not only respected political figures, but also exalted religious leaders. A Stargazers word is considered law, as almost no Avian would even consider questioning their actions. The few Stargazers that rule are often concentrated in towards the Avian core worlds, commanding armies and creating laws from a distance. A Stargazer is an extremely uncommon sight, as they're heavily guarded and few in numbers, meaning most Avians will go their entire lives without laying eyes on one.

    Clipped Council

    Created as a 'face' for Avian government after the civil war, the Clipped Council serves to bridge the gap between the ultra-elite Stargazer and the common Avian. It is said that the first members of the Council were Sunborn that chose to step down from the Aether to assist their kin. While the Council itself resides on Avos, there are many subordinate branches that help to control more distant colonies. The Council typically deals with foreign relations and internal disputes, but Stargazers will often forward tasks onto the Council. Stargazers hold more power than the Council, so the Council must bend to the will of the Stargazers, much like all other Avians.

    Local Governing Bodies

    A branch of the Council is present in every large Avian colony, but the smaller fringe colonies are left without Council guidance. Therefore, smaller colonies typically use priests and high priests as governmental figures, though this may vary from colony to colony. Despite not having a firm grasp with the central government, these colonies generally still follow the rest of Avian society very closely.


    It's important to note that these interactions apply mostly to political and governmental situations. Interactions between individuals will obviously vary, but most Avians will have some influence from these viewpoints.

    Avians view the Apex as a respectable presence on the galactic scene. Their technological advances give Avians a good trading avenue and friendly sense of competition in their own progress. However, the society of the apes might be offputting to Avians, due to their strong devotion to a living, un-godly figure. The thought of devoting one’s self to a living being is often strange to many Avians. However, the Apex are widely regarded as trustworthy enough, despite their seemingly odd culture.

    Flightless commonly hold disdain for Florans, at best seeing them as savages that should be avoided, but at worst, seeing them as threats that need to be eliminated. It is an extremely uncommon occurrence for a Flightless to tolerate the presence of a Floran. The Flightless’ strong feelings towards Florans are enforced from an early age and only solidified as they move through life by their culture. Grounded may or may not share the same strong feelings that the Flightless have towards Florans, but they will often harbor some amount of distrust for them, as should anyone.

    These robotic beings were the first intelligent lifeforms the Avians made contact with. Thus, the Avians have had plenty of time to get acquainted with the Glitch, generally regarding them as allies and trade partners. Though some Avians may find the artificial nature of Glitch strange, they typically keep such comments to themselves.

    Neither Flightless nor Grounded have any specific issue with Humans, though they are generally regarded with caution. Humans highly ambitious and adaptable nature, coupled with their apparent lust for war makes many Avians wary. More conservative Avians may consider Humans solely as cultureless warmongering mammals.

    The majority of Avians hold a cautious respect for Hylotl, viewing their architecture and society as admirable and interesting. However, the pretentious attitude of some Hylotl often can shatter the already fragile belief that they are well-mannered and courteous individuals. Therefore, Avian-Hylotl relations are often delicate matters, with both sides attempting to withhold their feelings of cultural superiority or differences so as to maintain their polite and friendly formalities.

    Avians are not overly fond of Novakids. Their laid back demeanor and inability to focus strikes many Avians as uncaring and disrespectful. The ‘western’ stylings of many Novakid are seen as rather primal and barbaric, as though they are nothing more than a bunch of simpletons who have acquired technology beyond their own capabilities.​

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    #1 L.O.R.I.E., Oct 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2017