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Avian for Hire

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Caws, May 9, 2016.

  1. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
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    The video begins with a sleepy looking avian looking into a camera, smiling. In the background is chipper royalty-free music that sounds like a ukulele.
    "Hello, my friends on the StarNet, my name is Tideseeker Tleuix. I am currently unhired, and I have not found any suitable jobs. My offer to you is, entrepreneurs or people looking to start businesses, consider me. I am nineteen, left Avos on my own supervision, and I am proficient with technology or other engineering tidbits. I am looking for occupations where I am doing a good for the people, but not the 'good for the people' you are probably thinking of, which is most likely guard duty or military enrollment. The good I am speaking of is making or blueprinting alternative weapons for civilian use, because I have noticed a rise in people using lethal weapons in lethal ways in 'self defense'. This is wrong. Very wrong. Self defense is not murdering one another with no merit and no point; self defense is defending yourself in a manner that does not *kill* the other person. Although tasers are in circulation, they are either: A. too expensive, B. too few, or C. not exactly a taser. Think of it. A future where people are no longer using lethal weapons to protect themselves, but simple and non-lethal alternatives, such as a compact weapon that fires concussive waves of air to push the attacker away. If you are interested in hiring me; please contact me at [email protected]."
    (aka reply to this post/message me on steam/start a conversation here on the forums)
  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Why do you bother with such cloths? Surely it must ruffle your feathers and ruin such a beautiful shade of black.

    And using lethal arms for self defense is not wrong when it comes to Florans or other beasts. Self Defense is simply that, defending one's self. Whether you kill the other person or not, it's still doing its definition justice.

    How did you learn how to make such blueprints, kindred? Surely you must be a savant since you recently left Avos and have managed to pick up such skills so quickly. Perhaps you would make much better use serving as a mortician, or a blacksmith, if you can pick up talents so easily. Help your own people, don't bother with trying to fruitlessly help the non-grateful mammals and toads.

    - Chitlipotonqui Fenuku