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Approved AVA and SAM AI application

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by Lawsonkc6, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Rothfield Genetics currently is in the position where it is easier to have monitored AIs run some administrative processes than have a human do such. I already had AVA being used at the Rothfield space station, and I was going to have an AI prototype named SAM be used at the storages facility in the Berg. I would like to use the two, as I have story lines set up for both of them that corresponds with the progression of Rothfield. Is there anyway that they can still be used, or do I need to scrap them both?

    P.S: I'm on my phone doing this. Sorry for the lack of paragraphs, but my thumbs can't handle that kind of workout. :p
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    ... You've not exactly told us what either one is lol
    If you can tell us I'm sure we can work something out
  3. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    AVA stands for Artificial Vice Administrator. She (we will call it a she for the sake of explaining) is stationed on the space station to monitor life support, oxygen regulation, security, etc.
    SAM stands for System Administrative Module. He is stationed in the Berg storage facility to monitor temperature, making sure all materials are accounted for, and the security of the building and the classified stuff inside.
    The difference? AVA is stable. SAM is a prototype and is somewhat buggy. He might turn into HAL 9000 if pushed far enough or he begins to think that he is alive. AVA is rational, calm, and can actually do her job without having to be carefully monitored by a human. SAM can do his job, but he can become buggy quickly and has to be monitored by a programmer to make sure he doesn't go off the deep end. Really, of SAM was a human, he would be that twitchy pale man that seems out of place and looks like he isn't right mentally. AVA would look like a normal person.
    Now, these are stationary units. They aren't going to "transfer their programs into a Glitch and take over the galaxy *insert evil laugh here*" AVA is confined to the station. SAM can only be transferred somewhere else if his memory drive/hard drive is plugged into some other appliance ex. Moved from his hub to a laptop by using a 16 Gb data stick.
  4. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    ... So AI things to run facilities?

    Yeaaaaah I see little issue in that, seeing they're confined to one space and won't be hacking doors left and right or what have you.
  5. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Thank you. Now time to pull a HAL 9000 move. Kidding :p I'll be good unless he starts thinking he is a real boy lol