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Audio Log - Building The Warren

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Tallen, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Audio Log 1: An introduction.

    -Brief static-

    "Ahh... here we go. Not accidentally uploading it to the Starnet. Not accidentally spreading compromising information. Just me, this computer, and my A.I.. Thanks for the help, Daedalus."

    "Anytime, Operator Glauen!"

    A deep breath is heard. "My name is Glauen Moonseeker. Current leader of this group group of fellow Grounded Avians. I am making this log to register our tales in building the Warren - our new home. Our trials, problems, and stories of success. Hopefully, when this information no longer requires secrecy, I will share the story amongst those who plan to build their own homes, colonies and havens to assist them in their own endeavors. I mean, it's not like they just pop out of the ground overnight when someone decides they need a colony of their own, right?" He makes a pause. "It's been an ongoing process, now, but I suppose better late then never. Some recent happenings showed me that keeping a log at the very least would prove good for us."

    He gives a doleful hoot. "Now... you may be thinking 'why call it the Warren? Why refer to yourselves as rabbits?" Those who know the culture of the Avians probably knows the significance of the rabbits. They symbolize the Grounded in the eyes of the Flightless. They will never gain flight. Never Ascend and reach the stars alongside Kluex. They will forever hop, stuck to the Ground, unable to fly at their pathetic attempts to reach the Aether above."

    "So, again, you must be asking yourself - 'Why? Why label yourselves as something the people who have Outcasted you use as an insult to your people?' Well, there are two main reasons. The first one is an idea supplied by my nestmate, Alo. Her idea was that we can take their term and use it for ourselves. Change it into something positive, and use it against the Flightless. It has happened several times in history, already. Not anything new."

    "Secondly... The Flightless want to refer to us as small, harmless creatures? Let them." He gives a challenging hoot. "Let them grow complacent. Let them see us as harmless. Let them think they have power over us. When they cross the line... They will see that we aren't rabbits. We are eagles, hawks and owls, and when they realize it out talons will be at their throats before they know it."

    He stops, hesitating for a moment, before continuing.

    "But right now there is truth to it, I will admit. We aren't numerous, and we are hiding away. It is something I hope my companions will not think too deeply. Right now, they are far too entertained with building the Warren, and I am happy for it. One day, we will be large enough to go public about it. But for now, we band together and prepare ourselves."

    "This is Glauen Moonseeker. Former tower guard, current cook and Leader of the Warren. Daedalus, end the audio log."

    "Right away, Operator Glauen."
    #1 Tallen, Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2015
  2. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Audio Log 2: The beginning

    -Brief static-

    "I'll be very frank. I had absolutely no idea how Fenics' message would have had such a pronounced impact in my life in later days to come. She sent me a text message one day, claiming she was exploring planets and found the entrance to an abandoned human facility. Bless her beak - she was far too terrified to inspect it alone, and asked me to tag along. Looks like she does this kind of exploration with regularity. She's small, meek and easily scared, but she still finds thrill in exploring these locations? Frightened, but also courageous. She is far stronger than she knows."

    "The facility seemed to have been abandoned for years, but miraculously it had working electricity still. Quite frankly? I know I am terribly technology-illiterate, but even I know it is a incredible good fortune that it is still somewhat operational. Human tech isn't in the same level as that of Apex, but still very advanced. Arid planets are very windy - Fenics told me there were three wind turbines above ground generating power. Incredibly fortunate."

    "Rust. Rust everywhere. I was taking no chances in exploring the place - asked Daedalus to perform a lifeform scan, and gave Fenics instructions on how to proceed when we beam down. She is a civilian - while I may no longer be tower guard it is still my responsibility from my training to ensure her safety first and foremost. "We take up arms so others will not". I wasn't expecting trouble, but I had to ensure her safety in the one percent chance that things go bad."

    "There was no need to be worried, thankfully, as we were all alone in that facility. The blinking lights and some noises spooked us, to be sure, but we did a full search and it came up with nothing. A central building with a bar beneath it, a mess hall with a kitchen right next to it (mental note - even if the power is on you don't want to see food left inside for years). A greenhouse and some bunkers, even! Rather uneventful - except that I berated her just a bit for buying a gun and offering to use it without any kind or prior training or instruction. Kluex above, she could've shot herself with it. She didn't even know basic gun safety!"

    "We sat down to talk in the bar. I congratulated Fenics for her incredible discovery, and asked what she intended to do with it. She said she wasn't sure, and asked me what it could be used for. I felt my pendant pressed against my chest. I asked her if I wanted her honest opinion, and she said yes. I asked her if she wanted to turn it into a safe haven for the Grounded. She said she was delighted by the idea. Thus, the Warren was born that afternoon."
  3. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Audio Log 3: Mouse

    -Brief static-

    "I have gained newfound respect for the common builder during my first few attempts to improve the Warren. Many small things that we take for granted, such water pipes and electricity are very difficult for the those without knowledge to work with. We desired a bathhouse, but where? With what water? Filtrated with what tank? Heating it up with coals from where? To avoid leaks, me and my companions have been working by ourselves, and we simply lack knowledge on some of the more basic things. Thankfully, I've been studying up carpentry since I was gravely wounded in the last few days of Asani, but still my furniture isn't exactly top-notch just yet."

    "We were lucky enough to find help, however. The goal of the Warren is to provide assistance to everyone in need - not just Grounded avians. A human was found naked in a frozen planet, abandoned. He called himself a janitor, and asked for clothes, lodgings, food, and work. Thankfully, we could provide exactly that. I gave him a nice salary in exchange for removing all the rust and cleaning up what we could find, as well as offering him a bunk as well as our food. It's... not an easy task, but he seemed very eager for it. Perhaps willing to prove his worth, or to show his gratefulness. Honest pay for honest work. I do not ask for undying loyalty or oaths of fealty to the Warren, merely that you help your fellows in need and be useful in some way. So far, everyone has."

    "With attacks and robberies and rumours of conflict spreading across the Frontier, it is reassuring to return to this place knowing no-one else had the co-ordinates to our hideout. Something I learned from my time as Tower Guard is that there are two very effective means of defending your base - to be akin to a dragon, or to be akin to a mouse. To be a dragon would be like Katune or Newer Gum - proudly claim of the prowess of your military, usher threats against possible rulebreakers and set example of those daring enough to break them anyway. To be a mouse is to simply pretend that you do not exist; don't tell anyone where you are. Don't spread news. Don't tell people about it until you are ready to defend yourself. Both defense methods are very valid on their own right, depending on how well you can organize your defenses. Lacking numerous fighters, I took the mouse route for the moment, and it was working very well. Ziggy and I walked around without a handgun for the first time in quite a while. Well... it turns out that while secrecy continues to be an excellent defense against would-be attackers, there is still a slight problem when someone just stumbles upon your lightly-defended hideout."
  4. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Audio Log 4: Intruders

    -Brief static-

    "We got complacent. Ziggy and Fenics had gone to sleep in the barracks when they were rudely interrupted by a scene out of a nightmare - a giant of a Glitch wearing armor and carrying an enormous battle-axe and a wooden shield. In the scuffle, Ziggy managed to cut the Glitch's chest and hit it with a rock - but he was gravely wounded himself. Gustwood arrived at Fenics' behalf (despite his own horrific leg wound) and they managed to take him to Katune for proper medical treatment."

    "A part of me screamed to destroy the Glitch for good while he was deactivated. Another part begged for patience; I needed to understand who the Glitch was, how he found us, and why he attacked Ziggy and Fenics. 'Calmer minds will prevail'. I hired another Glitch named Nano to repair the giant and paid extra to keep our location a secret. I am glad I did - the giant was surprisingly pacified when he was woken from his slumber. We struggled briefly to understand it - looks like he was modeled after the human "old nords" and none of our translators were equipped to translate him properly initially. After a patch we got to talking: turns out his name is Óðinn after some old human deity, and his goal is to die in battle. He seemed... frustrated if understanding that he was spared, but I offered him to work and to fight for us to give him the opportunity to fight and die a glorious and bloody death. Thankfully, it looks like he found us merely by chance - just traveled around until his fuel ran out, visiting planets in the hopes of dying in battle. I don't know if I should be worried or relieved for it."

    "It was... an incredibly unfortunate series of events. What else is there to be done, however? For weeks we have had zero unwanted intruders. I would really prefer to set up a guard to keep an eye out on invaders at all times... But who? Myself and Alo swore off fighting. Ziggy never recieved proper training. Fenics and Az are just civilians. Gust has a wounded leg... That leaves only Óðinn. And besides, I've been bleeding money to rebuilding the Warren for days, now, and I don't have the funds to pay a salary to anyone else. Mostly building materials, thankfully. Wood is very cheap to come by, but still... My funds were never great to begin with. Building the bathhouse was an excellent boost in morale after the wounds, but it left me nearly broke. I reopened my delivery services, but perhaps it is time to re-open the Kero Kero after I'm done with the bedrooms."
    #4 Tallen, Apr 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2015
  5. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Audio Log 5: Leadership

    -Brief static-

    "Back when I was a cook at the Tower High Priestess Kieiri once made a surprise late night visit to the restaurant. Typically anyone who comes by past nine-thirty is cordially asked to leave, as there wouldn't be enough time to serve them before closing time... But you make exceptions to the High Priestess. I offered to stay past closing hours while everyone else went to their quarters. And High Priestess Kieiri actually asked me to sit down with her and talk while she ate!"

    "We talked a little and she complimented my food, saying that no matter what my parents said abandoning Tower Guard duty to be a cook was a noble calling. I thanked her and complimented how well she was running the tower, making it seem quite effortless. She laughed and looked at me almost with pity. She started to talk about all the difficult decisions she had to make. Sacrifices, funding, relations with our Tyto neighbors and Temple Prime, security, lodgings for pilgrims... My head started to swim as she continued to list all her problems she faced on a regular basis. That particular day she had a meeting with the High Priest of Khilennia in our own territory that ran very late - she had no food prepared at home so she dropped by to visit."

    "'Leadership is a great burden', she confided to me. 'Greater than many believe, but so long as I continue to see happy Flightless flocking around it is a burden I will gladly shoulder. And when the weight becomes too heavy on your shoulders... That is when you pass on the mantle to someone else, who you know with continue your legacy to the best of their abilities.' Then we both went to clean the dishes while she told me the dirtiest jokes I've ever laid ears upon."

    "The next day High Priestess Kieiri stepped down and my father took her place. The voting had happened in secret weeks ago, and the day prior High Priestess Kieiri was just laying the groundwork for the newly appointed High Priest Loclan to take her place."

    "Leadership is truly a terrifying burden. Difficult decisions, leading by example, inability to show weakness... I faced them all in the recent weeks of the Warren. We have finished the living quarters and the bathhouse, and set up plenty of decorations to make the place livelier, but I had to give my fellow rabbits a small warning against complacency so we wouldn't forget to clean out the remainder of the Warren. Some questions are starting to pop up: do we open it to the public? Who else do we bring in? Would anyone really be interested in coming to our underground home? Can we even defend it? Where would I get the money to hire security? What other source of income can we get? And, the most damning of all: What if bringing the Grounded together is marking us as a target for the Flightless?"

    "I'm hoping to find someone to pass the mantle on soon enough - I became leader by accident, as I was the one who was passing along the Grounded pendants to begin with. Someone else to be leader, so I can go back to simply being a cook. A future leader would have to be a fellow Grounded Avian, naturally, but candidates are... scarce. Alo, my nestmate, refused, claiming not to be charismatic enough, even if she is firm and determined. Ziggy is far too young and inexperienced. Gustwood sometimes opens his beak without thinking to spout out rude opinions. Fenics is kind, but I fear she wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of it all. Someone like Crim would be ideal - sadly he proclaims himself Flightless."

    "Ksh... too much. My head is spinning. Daedalus, let's wrap it up."
  6. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Audio Log 6: Strange Nestmates

    -Brief static-

    "Time truly flies, I can hardly believe it's already been a month since we found this place. With rooms and other basic necessities done, we have been working on other things to make this place less 'abandoned human facility', and more 'our avian settlement'. A bathhouse, books, several tapestries courtesy of my nestmate, wooden avian furniture courtesy of myself, flowers being hung courtesy of Fenics, a training yard courtesy of Ziggy... Even a fountain in the hallway leading to the barracks and lodgings. Now that we have proper homes, however, I am uncertain what to do with the barracks. Tear it down? Repurpose it? What do we do with those bunks? The logistics surrounding it are making my head spin."

    "We've had a number of new arrivals - some of which actively joined us and took rooms, others who simply recieved one of my pendants and set off to live in their own homes. Unfortunately, as our numbers grow so does the ability to keep this place a secret become harder. We've been compromised - a Flightless found out about us. Though she lacks our coordinates or more information than 'Grounded grouping up', it is still worrisome. I spoke to her personally and it is possible that we may be able to contain the spread of information in the end, but it brings another question to the front:"

    "Our existence will come out eventually. There is no other way around it. But then... how do we defend our home if we are attacked? Hire guards? With what money? We barely have any source of income except what each of us make for ourselves. When the time comes, I may have to impose a tax on my colleagues to hire security, after all... or find more hands who are willing to defend us. Like Cairn."

    "In truth, he terrifies me. It is only natural - my instinct yells at me to flee every time I see that enormous creature - a natural (or rather unnatural? His existence is most likely an affront to nature and the Sunborn) predator. And yet... I pity him. I care for him. I wish his well-being. He is a creature who is going through pain and misery, seeking a purpose. I hope to give him a purpose. He once claimed he would protect me and Alo if we were ever threathened, because we took him in and treated him well. I hope the rest of the Warren will treat him with care and respect him as well - hopefully, he can find a purpose in defending a new family. I must ask him personally, however. If he no longer wishes to fight... I guess I can find a new purpose for him elsewhere."

    "The more avians, refugees and people in need come, the more I feel this burden weigh down on my shoulders. Every decision - to talk to the Flightless who knows about us and attempting to strike a co-operation, to punish someone for giving away our location, to bring in a certainly dangerous creature to our home, to wonder what are we to do when news of us and our location finally gets out... The more I understand what High Priestess Kieiri meant with the burden of leadership."

    "I hope I can find someone to be the leader in my place. I just wanted to cook food for other people for the rest of my life, now."
  7. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Unlisted Audio Log: Monster

    -Brief static-

    "Daedalus, keep this one unlisted and private. I... I don't know if I ever plan on making this one particular log public."

    "Understood, operator Glauen."

    He takes a very deep breath. "Aether above. I... I wish I could say I was not thinking straight, but that is a lie. I know exactly what I nearly did. An information broker found out about us. He assisted me in Katune when a group of Flightless were actively hunting down Grounded. Helped me drag Cairn away and return him to the Warren. I had no idea about his true nature, and I thought that would be the end of it, but... he started to ask me for money or shelter, which I unfortunately couldn't offer. Then... he correctly deduced that this was a place of convergence for Grounded."

    Long, shaky breaths.

    "He goaded me. Taunted me. Even as I held him at gunpoint with Gustwood and demanded he leave he said 'this will cost you'. I was suddenly aware of the implications. An information broker. A group of Flightless corralling Grounded. The timing could not have been worse. In any other day I would have let him leave - the only information he had was there was a group of Grounded coming together and the fact that I am one of them, hardly worth anything to anyone. But if those zealots caught wind of it..."

    Long pause.

    "Gustwood and I went after him. We nabbed him and took him to a barren planet, set him down on a cavern and had a small chat. I couldn't think of an alternate way to keep his beak silent. He admitted he did not make many friends in his line of work. I nearly pulled the trigger when he mentioned a name to me. Luke."

    "I confirmed he meant who I thought he meant. Called my friend. He gave us a message. The broker fell to our side immediately. The very sapient I threathened and very nearly killed."

    "I nearly killed him."

    "To ensure the safety of the Warren."

    Very long pause. Shaky breaths.

    "...Daedalus..." He doesn't continue.

    "Operator Glauen, is something the matter?"

    "End the audio log."