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Astora's dusty old tome

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Dreganius, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    ((One may have observed an old book by Astora's waist, attached loosely by chains. If one is curious, one could ask Astora what it is, to which he would explain that it is his personal journal. The only way one would have access to his personal journal is if they were to either A: take it from his dead body, or B: very literally risk their lives by stealing it, as Astora does not share the contents of it with anyone. That means, if you want to try and steal it, contact me in a message first. We'll sort it from there.))

    Entry #1

    *An alphabet of letters are scribbled over and over, as if drawn by someone learning to write for the first time*
    #1 Dreganius, Mar 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2014
  2. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #2

    *Still poorly written, grammar is terrible*

    What to me happened.
    I remember a thing don't.
    Clad in this armour.

    (( Fun fact, this entry is a haiku. ))
    #2 Dreganius, Mar 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2014
  3. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #3

  4. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #4

    Astora Astora Astora Astora Astora Astora
  5. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #5

    I have reading books here in ruined castle. Was my castle? Did live here? I don't want forget again things. I will written this as own book journal.
  6. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #6

    Book reading now say I have amnesia, say memory comes back sometimes.
  7. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #7

    I think I am Glitch. I must be. This book say so. Look like Glitch.
  8. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #8

    Astora, what is Astora
  9. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #9

    Glitch don't amnesia. My memory been wiped. Who wipe my memory? Why?
  10. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #10

    *Handwriting is noticeably improved from the previous entries, grammar is much better*

    Ah, that's where I put you! I've misplaced this journal for almost a full year cycle now, if I am to believe the authors of some of these Astronomy books. And between the books and the patterns of the sun, it hasn't lied to me yet. Oh, how it feels good to bask in the warmth of the sun! And how repugnant my previous attempts at writing in this journal have been... I've been writing much more, reading all of the books in this castle, over and over. There is so much to learn, I can't possibly write it all down in this journal. Besides the point, a journal is meant to remind me of who I am should my memory be formatted again. I wish for more books, though. I've also busied myself with rebuilding some of the more destroyed parts of the castle, as well as taking care of some of the flora in the ruined courtyard. Perhaps if I can construct a distress beacon, someone out there may have some books. I can only hope I'm not the last living being left in the universe.
  11. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #11

    So. I constructed the distress beacon, and a Hylotl vessel eventually arrived, and beamed me up. They immediately identified me as a Glitch, and when they asked me my name, I couldn't even begin to think what to say. That is, until "Astora" came to my mind again. I hadn't even thought about that word for months, but there we go. I'm Astora now, and that's that, I suppose. The Hylotl are currently listening to some rather interesting music, the likes of which I have never heard before. They offered me some refreshments, but I politely declined. I had great trouble in speaking to them; it took me a good fifteen minutes to explain my situation. I'd never really spoken before, to anyone else. I now understand what some of my books referred to as "Performance anxiety". How odd a sensation.
  12. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #12

    That turned out rather amicably. I am now sitting in a space-faring vessel of my own. The Hylotl identified an abandoned Glitch vessel in orbit, and they must have assumed it was my own, as before I could even explain that it wasn't, they gathered some spare coal from their fuel stores, handed it to me in a large pack, and bid their farewells, beaming me to the vessel. I suppose I will get some rest, and enter standby mode for a short while. What a peculiar turn of events.
  13. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #13

    My shield is completely broken now. This saddens me greatly.
  14. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #14

    I finally figured out how to use the 'radio' device installed on my ship. Another Hylotl was kind enough to help me figure out how to fly it. How exhilarating! Although I will miss the Sun greatly, I think I shall attempt to meet with the Hylotl who helped me, in order to give him my thanks in person.
  15. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #15

    By the Sun, are Hylotl always this kind? I met up with the Hylotl who had assisted me in learning how to operate my ship to give him my gratitude, and he handed me a spare shield! It's quite the design. A golden trim, with a castle embossed on the front. How lovely. He's given me the co-ordinates of a nearby settlement called "Avalon". Perhaps I will visit there on the morrow.
  16. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #16

    Avalon is an interesting place, full of interesting people. It was today in Avalon I met my first fellow Glitch, a unit by the name of John M893-CV. He insisted greatly that I just call him "John". By the Sun, what an interesting story he had to tell!
    Five centuries ago, during his first weeks of freedom after escaping the control of his Hivemind, John M893-CV stumbled upon Avalon, which is apparently run by a Hylotl named Aiko Yori. While John found it liberating to be able to finally think for himself without the risk of being branded a heretic and imprisoned for it, after a few days, the lack of purpose became overwhelming for him. Certainly, work was plentiful as a mercenary, which kept the coin rolling in, but to quote John himself, "Statement. A Knight, without a cause, is as useless, as a cod-piece, to a tavern wench."
    Self-aware members of our kind were apparently very rare back then, and John had no-one to relate to in race. Human, Hylotl, Apex, Avian, none of them seemed to understand why we Glitch prefer medieval attire and weaponry. They found it quite strange, even impractical. Then, he tells me, he discovered the Florans, those hissing, bloodthirsty savages and scavengers I've only read about. Most of them were members of "Chief Firedrinker's Tribe" in their own colony of a place called Tallest Tree, and after helping them out on few occasions, they seemed to welcome him into their Tribe as a sellsword. "My ferocity, in arena-combat, was appreciated, and I finally have, a place to call, home."
    Truly a remarkable person.
  17. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #17

    It seems that not all Florans are savages after all. I met with a few civilised Florans at the Avalon bar today, such as one who called himself Bloodrazer. They look quite peculiar, like an amalgamation of a humanoid and a plant. They remind me of the days when I took care of the horticulture around my small castle.
  18. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #18

    I fought John in arena combat today. It was the first time I had ever fought since before I awoke in those dusty catacombs, my shield in tatters. At least my combat routines are still top-notch, I took John's head clean off! He was apparently very impressed, and invited me to join him at the Tallest Tree. I'm not sure how to take this, although I know there are civilised Floran individuals, I've heard from many accounts that the Floran tribes are truly bloodthirsty, killing eachother over the slightest differences, in arena combat. Is that a place for someone like I? I'll have to think this over.
  19. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #19

    I had decided to go to the Tallest Tree after all, at least to have a look. John's castle is so large! It's thrice the size of the castle I awoke in. John tends to visit Avalon a lot though, to socialise. I accompanied him, and discussed matters of the tallest tree with him. John informed me that the Tribe had recruited more sellswords, numerous but rather disorganized. He heard that the colony of Fort Mattis has the USCM as their standing army, and Avalon had started to form a defense force of their own, so in response he had suggested to Firedrinker that the sellswords be organized into a standing army for Tallest Tree, which had lead to the forming of John M893-CV's Private Army.
  20. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #20

    I've been inducted into the standing army at the Tallest Tree. I feel strangely at home here, it's very odd. There is much to do here, though, and I am not sure I will have much time to write as detailed journal entries as I usually do. The Florans are savage, but they still maintain a strange form of respect and civility amongst one another. I also met quite a few new Knights today. It seems that the garrison here at the castle is growing.