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Asani Experience

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Optimism, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Day 1

    I wanted a Floran's mask, but why I cannot say. Maybe greed, or maybe because of the shove they gave me. It doesn't really matter. If I hadn't taken the mask, it would have been taken by someone else, and I always wanted one. What value revolved around the mask that those torturers with badges were so intent that I give it back? I gave the Floran time to fight me for the mask, which was fair. I would have sworn the police wanted nothing less than me dead or suffering.

    A metal man grabbed my collar and smacked the back of my head and when I broke free to defend myself he tried to crush me under his weight. One of the police ran after me, trying to hit me on the head with a gun after I knocked the Floran trying to stop me out of the way, and then they shot at me. I fell, scared and my ears felt like they were bursting from the ringing going off in them. I couldn't hear, and was only thinking of getting up after falling to run again, to escape these people trying to kill me, when he shot me in the leg. It feels inexplicably wrong, that feeling when a part of you is ripped out by a bullet and not there, and the bone is cracked. I screamed and tried to hold onto the mask while the Floran I couldn't fight anymore took it away from me.

    A Hylotl hit me with the butt of a stun gun on the head while I was lying there bleeding and screaming. Then the Hylotl took me to the hospital, and I waited to be treated by the mop: the doctor who treats the wounded who were hurt by a lawful usage of deadly force to restore order. They put me to sleep with a needle, since they had taken my freedom to walk, and the doctor performed surgery.

    Day 2

    I woke up maybe a day later, weak and thirsty and hungry. A pretty nurse with pink hair gave me some water, which was refreshing, but she left and I didn't see her again for a while. I got thirsty again, and I was still hungry, so I tried to leave. I couldn't make an attempt the first day, maybe I did it on the second, but I dragged myself down from the bed with my wounded leg, still dizzy from blood loss, and tried to leave the hospital while another patient just stared.

    Day 3

    I almost made it. I got to the bottom of the staircase after reopening my leg wound and screaming twice because it hurt so much, dragging that dead weight limb down one bump at a time while feeling sick. The Avian viceroy of the colony demanded to know why I was yelling; I'd disturbed him in the hospital waiting room, and he picked me up to throw me back onto the hospital bed. I hated him. I thought I had learned my lesson already after being shot, and whether I bled to death while leaving or not it was my choice! It doesn't matter. He showed me it wasn't my choice. He put me back in bed while I was clawing at his face as best I could, then left. The mop came to look at me again with a strange Avian covered with unusual garb and with many trinkets hanging. They made clicking noises. He seemed like he was the only one who understood what I wasn't saying. He called the viceroy an idiot, and told the mop I needed food and water, which was true. I felt so weak, and my flute was in the jacket they took, so I had nothing to play.

    That was the good part of the day. The mop brought food and some drink, and the Avian talked some with me, promising to look into my case, then left and never came back. I ate, drank, had the bandages on my leg changed, and wished I could take a shower and change my clothes. They were getting scratchy and felt slimy with sweat and blood. The Hylotl cuffed me to the bed so I couldn't try to escape again, and I slept a little.

    Day 4

    I wasn't strong enough to try to escape again, but the day wasn't bad. I had some food, lay in bed staring at the ceiling, and the mop talked to me some. He seemed kind of sorry about what I was going through, which was strange. If he was sorry he could have helped me escape, instead of talking about it. But I guess he just wanted to let me know how he felt, even if it didn't really mean anything to me. I didn't tell him to leave, though. Having him was better than having no one. Eventually he left anyways, and told me to tell him if I needed anything. I thought he was joking, since I couldn't get up from bed to tell him if I needed anything, but maybe he was serious and just forgot. I lay in bed most of the rest of the day, whistled since I had no flute, drank some water from a pitcher, and slept through most of the afternoon.

    Day 5

    It's hard to tell how long I sleep. I think it's tomorrow today, but maybe it could be the day after tomorrow. Maybe the Hylotl came by yesterday, maybe it was two days ago, or maybe he came by two days after today. It's hard to remember in the hospital. He came by and wanted me to tell him why I had been so desperate to hold on to a Floran mask: enough to be smacked and shot. I wasn't sure what to tell him, so I didn't say anything. I told him he hit me on the head, and he told me I brought it on myself by resisting, so I reminded him he had done it after I had been shot and while I was screaming on the ground, and he didn't say anything else. He left a while later. It's strange. I can remember the shooting and running almost perfectly, but I can't remember everything I did in the hospital. Maybe it's trauma; one of those things I browsed in the hospital magazine. Anyways, I had more food since they remembered to bring it today, more water, and slept again.

    Day ???

    I don't know what day it is today. I know I felt well enough to start sliding out of bed and climbing back into bed. I still have to be careful not to step on my left leg so much, but I can move. My clothes smell awful now and I feel dirty, but I would rather have them than some hospital gown. They never removed my mask, so they haven't seen my face. I don't think they ever asked my name either. Maybe they did, but it's not important. I would have lied. It was boring today, and no one was here, so the food and water they left me with ran out and I'm thirsty and hungry again. I get angry when I think about the mop and the Hylotl sometimes. They can come and go whenever they like, but I'm chained here. I started punching the wall to just have something to do. It felt good until my hand started shaking, and I wiped the blood from my knuckles on the bed sheet.

    Day ????!?!!?

    I got tired of waiting, since the mop and the Hylotl haven't been here, and the time gets monotonous. Today a person almost killed me in front of the security camera with a chainsaw, and no one came to do anything about it, so I thought no one watched the cameras. In a way the person who tried to kill me was more fair than the police here. He told me he wouldn't kill me if I just looked away from him, so I did. I wish I could have just looked away from the police and not gotten shot. So I decided to try and escape again, since no one watches the cameras or they didn't care that someone tried to kill me.

    I wasn't strong enough to walk on my leg, but my arms were still strong, so I got down off the bed and started dragging it behind me by the handcuffs with both arms. It was slow, but I had time. I dragged it to the hospital cabinet and found a scalpel and some paper clips, so I decided to try and use them to unlock the cuffs so I could leave. It didn't work. The same metal man who tried to crush me came up to the hospital with the chief of security: Griss. But I heard them coming so I put the scalpel in my mouth and threw the box of paper clips out the window onto the roof before they came in. Griss said something about moving me to the prison before I destroyed the clinic, which sounded stupid, and the metal man told me not to resist.

    I got scared and my heart started beating fast so I held onto the bed and wouldn't let go. When the metal man couldn't get me out of it he butted me in the nose and broke it. I started screaming again and he picked me up, squeezing me like he was trying to strangle me. I couldn't breathe so I grabbed the scalpel out from between my teeth and stabbed him in the neck. It must have been pretty sharp, because it went in and he dropped me. I hope I hurt him. Then the other one, the head of security, put me to sleep with another needle she stabbed me in the back with. The metal man I had stabbed was screaming "Griss" and it was pretty funny, but I hurt too much to laugh, and I fell asleep.

    Day some day after the last day

    I got out of prison. They didn't care about how they treated me there. I barely got any food and water and my leg was burning and my head felt hot. I'm pretty sure my leg reopened and started bleeding after the metal man dropped me on the floor, and they probably threw me into the cell and made it worse. My nose was broken so bad I was afraid to touch it or look in a mirror. I lost track of time again. Maybe I was in there for a few days with nothing to do but draw on the dirty floor, and no one to talk to.

    They let me out with a crutch to walk on, and that's all. I saw Griss and I tried to follow her. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to kill the metal man. I wanted to kill the viceroy. I wanted to kill the Hylotl. I wanted to kill the Avian who shot me. My hands kept shaking and I just wanted to see blood. The Hylotl stopped me and tried to tell me that he felt bad for me, but that I needed help. It was kind of pointless, since he hadn't stopped any of it from happening, but I let him help me, and he got me back to the hospital and put me to sleep again with another needle. I hate it when they do that.

    A Day

    I was really hungry and thirsty when I woke up, whenever it was, and the Hylotl was around, so he got me some food and water, which was good. My leg didn't burn so much anymore even though my head was still hot, and I poured the pitcher of water on my face. It felt nice. My clothes are filthy and it's annoying. When I'm out I'm just going to throw them away. Maybe it's a waste, but I don't want these clothes anymore. Eventually the Hylotl got a doctor to fix my nose, but I didn't like him so I tried to hit him. When he went away the pretty nurse with the strange pink hair came back. She fixed my nose and changed the bandages on my leg again. It hurt a lot when she fixed the nose and I didn't touch it, but I felt better.

    I wanted to ask her to dinner, but it felt stupid doing it while in the hospital and my clothes smelled bad so I decided to sleep instead. Some strange Avian with green feathers in a white robe came by and made some notes about something on a data pad. I tried to pet him because I was bored.

    Last Day

    I got out of the hospital a while ago. I also heard it burned down, which is good. I still want to make the metal man, Griss, the viceroy, and the Avian who shot me suffer. I'll have to wait, but I have time, patience, and a good knife.

    #1 Optimism, Jan 22, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  2. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
    Likes Received:

    Is good hunt come. Get mask next time. Make own. Is same not.
  3. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Asani's great. I'd rate the guards 11/10; they managed to cart me to an off-planet hospital after I was tased and kidnapped directly in front of the security building and in full view of cameras.

    - Johnson
  4. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Floran fixed posssst for you!