((Aryanne's Recordings can only be found on the database of her crappy ship, and can only be accessed by both, having Aryanne's consent, or sneaking your way inside. Wich is unprobable. But the information that is public will be marked as so.)) #001. *The sound of someone's butt taking seat on a real faux-leather chair is heard, after a sigh from Female origin. In the background, a strong sandstorm is heard. The same voice later starts to speak, with a strange Anglo-Germanic accent. "...Vell... I have to vatch out for ze explosives. Overall ven jerks like zat idiot of Hans touches it. It goes boom real quick." *After another sigh, the voice continues. "But anyvays, the Station is gone. I believe zat I am ze only survivor... As I picked the last working shuttle. Vell, it vas Hans fault, not mine. And ze idiotic vessel threw me into a fully-fitted Fleet. In the middle of zeir formation. Zhey shot ze engines, as I made my vay avay from zem. For my luck, I crashed on zis planet called "Union". After I valked to a nearby outspost, I found out zhat zis planet is under control of zome kind of organization USCM-like, but it is not USCM." *After a bit, some tapping on a plastic card is heard. "Zey gave me zis "Visa", for identification. Zis like on Marathon... If zhey left me in. But vell. I am accepted to vander in Union anytime... As long as I don't vear any weapons. I miss mein pistol. Zhey also said zat I could buy a home hier. Vell, after ze detonation, I have novhere to go, zo... Yeh. I vill take zis opportunity... Vhile I repair zis zhitty ship. Vell... Aryanne out." *The recording ends here.
#002 *Again, the sound of someone sitting on a leather chair is heard. Aryanne's voice takes over after. "Vell, ze vessel vas ready for ze takeoff, after a 'friend' of mine assisted me repairing. Vell... He repaired everyzhing vile I vas looking. Using zat chance, I accidentally FTL'd to ze X sector. Zhings vent vell there... Mostly. Got nuff' Materials and zat fancy stuff now, and some zhings to sell to ze merchants of ze area. Avians don't know how to fight back vhen ve have guns. Lots of guns." *Aryanne chuckles for a bit, before talking again. "But vell. I vent back to Union. I zhing zat I vill settle there. Zeems like a good place to live. Oh, and I accompanied zis Avian, named Felith to go to zis place called "Liberty Mills", zat banned Florans and ze grounded Avians. Felith vas a Grounded, so he vould be boiled alive. I vanted to see that, but no. He vas hidden, so nothing happened. Sadly. I told my 'Friend' zat I vas going to do some 'Business', trading an old corpse I have on the sarcofagus on mein ship for somezing else. Actually, I'm just going to drop it somevhere else... Probably back on ze Liberty Mills, or in ze Union. I don't know, zat vould be funny to see. Aryanne out." *And so, the recording ends. Again.
#003 *This time, the Recording seems to have been done inside a Bunker. In the room of a bunker, to be more prescice. "...Vell, I have joined Union's military. Zhey accepted me as a Recruit, to furzher make me, or an Engineer, or ze Explisves Expert. I like ze second idea more. I used to blow up ze asteroid belt close to ze Planet, to make ze asteroids fall on ze colony of Avians zhere. It vas entertaining... Unzill Hans touched ze explosives. Hmph..." *After a moment of silence, she continues. "Zhere is zis guy. Solour. He flirts vith me. He likes mein accent. I am not liking zat situation, but vell. I might be able to zurn him into a "Missing in Action" trooper someday. Ja, zat is a güt plan. Vell zhen, I vill have ze sleep... Tomorrow, I vill start ze training. Aryanne out." *And so, the recording ends, with Aryanne falling asleep with the Recorder on her hands. It automatically turns off...
#004 *Aryanne takes the recorder again, a bit exited about something. "Vell, before ze trainings, Solour taught me how to play music vith zis plank vith strings... Zat I took from ze corpse of ze fallen Avian from ze Colony. But vell. Solour is a good freud... If I take avay ze flirting. Aryanne out." #005 *This time, a loud bump is heard, as Aryanne seems to have jumped into a bed or something. "...Vell... Ze training vas... Hard. Teamwork... Running... Leaps of faith... Gunning... How to stab vith a bayonet, and take out zem guts... Ja, zat vas güt..." *A loud yawn is heard, as Aryanne seems to have fallen asleep quickly. Her soft snoring is heard, as the recording automatically ends...
#006 *Aryanne takes the recorder. In the background, there are muffled sounds of someone trying to shout, but seems unable to, probably due to a rope, or tape. Or a sarcofagus. "Vell... How to put zis vithout sounding like ze zycophath of ze day... I have zis Avian named Alyx on ze Sarcofagus... Zat Avian got her Beak on mein business, so.... Vell... I vill have to get rid of her... But I have to find a güt place for zat..." *More muffled shouts are heard again, followed by the sound of the chair turning around, Aryanne getting up and the sound of a hard impact on stone, with Aryanne shouting. "Halt die Klappe da hinten!" *After a few seconds of silence, Aryanne sighs, and sits again. "Güt. I vill have to do a zhing or two before getting rid of zis... Deal. Aryanne out." *And so, Aryanne cuts the recording, as the muffled screams return...
#007 (Hue hue.) *The recording starts in another close space, like under blankets. "Hmph... After coming back to Union, I get greeted by a comitee of War. I vas busy... "Closing" a Slave-exchange Station... Blowing it up, to get greeted by a menace of getting executed for zhat..." *She sighs, rolling in a bed. "...But vell... Zhere is two zhings that can happen now. Or I gas zhem all... Or I face ze concequences. Or both. Ja, both vill do... Aryanne..." *She yawns. "...Out." *The recording ends here.
#008 *Yet again, the recordings starts in a bed. "..." *Awkward turn in the bed, followed by a nervous, yet relieved voice. "...Cleaning labour. Aryanne out..." *The recording abruptly ends.
#009 *This time, the recording starts on a ship, exiting FTL. "...Vell. I got news zhat Solour got shot in zhe knee, and zhat he's getting a bionic replacement. He mentioned zhat zhe person zhat shot him is in a cell, or somezhing like zhat. I vill make sure zhat it never happens again..." *After a little while of silence, a quite angered reload of a flamethrower is head. "...Ever. Zhere is also zhis girl named 'Lily', vich is zhe best friend of Solour. Hrm... Oh, I also found zhe station from vhere I come from. Attached coordinates... I don't vant to lose zhis place again. Maybe a little patch on zhe explosion, getting zhe oxygen back... Hmm..." *Attached to the audio file, there's a set of coordinates: ((Only accesible to whoever has entered Aryanne's ship and checked her logs.)) " Delta, X 194, Y -202, VIII. " "...I vill have to maneouver through a lot of asteroids, if I remember correctly. Vell, hier goes nozhing. Aryanne out." *Yadda yadda, the record ends here. #010 *The Record starts with a muffle voice, probably due to an EVA suit. "Vell, I got Solour to accompany me to zhe station. I need some help getting zhere, and to stabilize zhe Reactor Core. He's changing in his Bunk, so I don't have much time. Zhe Core is unstable due to zhe explosion, but if zhis goes correctly, vhe should go fine. Maybe zhey could take zhe plans from zhe... Hrm... Cloning chamber... Or zhe logs... I don't know... Anyvays, Aryanne out." *As the records ends, there's no more entries. However, there is a Video file. #Video File. ...The Camera's located in the ceiling, looking towards a huge centered Generator. There's a few numbers showing up in the upper side of the Generator. Then, in the centre, someone in an EVA suit shows up, and heads towards a set of controls in the Generator. It looks back, then back to the console, introducing a few commands. Then, the Generator closes, and liberates a large orange explosion, that seemed to don't affect whoever is inside the EVA suit. Then, the person inside the suit gets up from the controls, and raises a thumb. Then, it falls to the ground, the visor covered in red, and it stops moving. It stays there for the next three minutes, untill the recording ends by itself. ((And, due to IC reasons, and a terrible Microwave-related vapourizing death, Solour has now IC access to these files and all the information (The little) it holds. He can share it too, as he has been given full access to them.))