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Are Memetic shenanigans ok? (plus a few other things)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Donovennn, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    EDIT: I know there are probably a few writing mistakes but I've been sleeping late and my brain isn't at full capacity so sorry. If you point them out I will fix them.

    EDIT EDIT: OK there used to be crappy stuff here but it doesn't matter since I've finally go local recruits so yay.

    Now, on to my actuall topic.

    EDIT: I just wanted to add that this whole idea was inspired by a book called 'Snow Crash,'
    which I recommend.

    I looked around on the internet for a concrete definition of the concept, and found a term describing 'memetics.'
    I searched for ages for a short definition of Memetic stuff, and I found one here, slightly altered to make sense in context :

    Memetics deals with information transfer, specifically cultural information in society. The basic idea is to conflate the exchange of information between people with genetic material, to track the mutation of ideas as they are transmitted from one person to the next in the way you could track viral transmissions and mutations.

    Meme : Memetics :: Gene : Genetics

    Memetics does NOT refer to telepathy, ESP or any imaginary psychic mental magic. These words are memetic, and if you understand them then they are having a completely ordinary memetic effect on you.

    Memetics in regards to my faction and any others who chose to use it tends to focus on the impossible rather than the mundane, regarding effects that are transmitted via information. In general, the effects themselves should remain in the realm of information. A memetic phrase or symbol would be more likely to be a phrase that makes you think you have wings as opposed to a phrase that makes you actually grow a pair of wings. If you write up magic words that make people grow wings, it should be described as something other than memetic.

    Memetic symbols or phrases do not emanate auras or project beams. They are devices which involve ideas and symbols which trigger a response in those who understand them.

    ---end definition---

    Essentially, my idea is that, with the right conditioning (anything from simply agreeing to be subjected to a small one to several weeks of indoctrination for a large one) my forces will use memetics to alter the behavior of those who are recruited into their organization, making them more loyal and self-sacrificing, at the cost of leadership abilities and independence. The closest you can get to a hive mind without telepathy or other mind to mind interface, just people who have been memetically programmed to think the same way. I will add several new rules to prevent misuse, should I be allowed to use it:

    1. I can't just hit someone with one and they are helpless. They have to be at least aware and accepting that something mind altering will happen when exposed.

    2. Larger ones, like the primary indoctrination memetic used to get recruits to conform, take a week weeks/months to take effect, allowing the character a way out if they have a change of heart after joining.

    3. this is less of a restriction than a statement of the obvious, but if I, or for that matter, someone else, uses a memetic on a mentally unsound person, the results are unpredictable, and up to the player.

    As for the lore reasons for this, the group I'm playing as started out as an experiment by an old earth government to control their citizens, but after the earth was destroyed they found themselves on their own, left to fend for themselves, and only able to truly trust themselves after having fundamental aspects of their nature forever changed. They do not wish to go back to being normal, as it is impossible and they would not know how to live normally at this point, and they just wish to carve out a place of their own.

    As for the fact that they are currently a merc company, it is just because most of the experiment subjects were soldiers, as they were more susceptible to loyalty enforcing memetic programs.
    So they just stick to what they were good at.

    They used to be much stronger than they are now, but a recent (and short) campaign against the miniknog left them vastly depleted of resources and a loss of three quarters of their forces, and in a state of desperation, so they headed far away, to the Antares sector, where they are now trying to get a hold of things and find a place to recollect themselves.

    As for what they can offer to the sector, that's the thing, they don't really know. For all their work as mercs, they still look for a true calling. I hope that whatever they choose, they grow into it organically over time.

    So, yeah, I just want to know if all this is ok before I start to really make my faction known and commit myself to it. Any suggestions or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
    #1 Donovennn, Jun 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2014
  2. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    First off, the idea of primarily using alts for something like this is highly frowned upon. Mind you, such a thing also wouldn't be able to make it into an official faction or anything. An official faction would require at least five players with individual characters involved in the faction. They generally need to be rather active characters, too. Can't just make a character for the faction in order to make the faction valid, and then suddenly never play the character again.

    As for the rest, I'm personally very against using memetics for anything at all. Even if there are some drawbacks and you won't really be forcing it on people, it still comes off as godmodding as a whole. Just the idea of it doesn't sit well with me in the slightest. It's pretty much using information as a method of mind control, no matter how much you try to limit it. On that, it won't be allowed, I'm afraid.
  3. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    EDIT EDIT EDIT: Also ignore this because of reason stated above
    #3 Donovennn, Jun 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2014