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Arc's Audio Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Rickety Prince, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Rickety Prince

    Rickety Prince New Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    (Logs found scattered around several places including the Den, Liberty Mills, and New Chicago. Some of them are arbitrarily placed and unmarked.)

    -Recording One, Wolf's Den-

    "Cold. Cold. Cold. So much cold. There's nothing here but ice, and sleet, and slush, and snow, and hail. It's nothing like the colony I grew up in-- beautiful deserts, shifting sands. Would it be too much to ask for a little sun and sand?"
    *An audible sigh.*
    "And I am not talking about just the weather here, either. Don't get me wrong, the Den is nice. But as a first experience, people giving me the cold shoulder is not what I was expecting... though I have had worse interactions with people. I should have expected it, though. People don't initially like those who are in the business of privateering, and some don't like Avians, with the Fleet's bad reputation. I don't want to be lumped in with them, though. I just... want to know where I fit in.
    "The people aren't all bad. This place seems to have more of a sense of familial pride to it than anything. While people do in fact mingle with one another, you will hardly ever find them straying far from what groups they prefer... if they're a part of a group, that is. I may not stay here much longer. We will see."

    *Recording end.*

    -Recording Two, Liberty Mills-

    "Adrenaline is a powerful thing, no?"
    *Sounds of the recorder shaking faintly fill the background of the log.*
    "I cannot express how difficult a life I live. You may not believe me, but... I have not been welcomed in all places with open arms, as charming as I am. Especially when I do something brash and foolish.
    So, upon doing a little exploring here, I stumbled upon the fleet's doorstep. Don't misinterpret that; I do not wish to join them, and don't plan on doing so any time soon. However, I found myself there. Eavesdropping. They did not like this."
    *Arc begins laughing, though not in a normal manner.*
    "I ran back to a cafe in the depths of the city, hoping to blend in with the few people who were there. It did not work. One Avian woman of the fleet found me, and called her leader. Soon after, I found three Avian women, one with a gun, trying to figure out why I was near their base. I told them it was out of curiosity, which it was. They did not like this."
    "I did my best to convince them I was simply trying to learn about Avian culture. They eventually realized I was nothing more than a fool who was trying to learn something, but they seemed offended at my tone. And, I may have called them a cult. They did not like this."

    "I will not be going back to that place in the near future."

    *Recording end.*

    -Recording Three, New Chicago-

    "This place is beautiful. Not very welcoming, but beautiful nonetheless. It has been freshly built, however, it seems like a ghost town. Construction sites here, while supposed to provide the feeling of beginnings and freshness make this place seem... hollow. It makes no sense, I know, but there are no other words to describe it."
    "The nightclub is also appealing. However, there are few people there to make it interesting."

    "I have little else to say about this place. Perhaps I will return in the future."

    *Recording end.*

    -Recording Four, Wolf's Den-

    I keep finding myself returning to this place. Every time, I get in more trouble than the last. Here, I occasionally see the Avian women who held me hostage, and while I am not particularly excited to see them, I treat them with as much respect as anyone. They, among others in this place, are not what I would call friendly. Besides, I had heard that the Wolves were hunting down any members of the fleet that came to the den. It's only a matter of time before they're gone, I suppose."
    "Just today, I found myself in a duel with a Glitch fighter. The reason, you may ask? He was standing on my table. Besides, he was asking for it. Literally. And, here I am, a few hours later, lying in a hospital bed, with a recorder in my hand, and a gash in my chest. I will admit it, I lost the battle. Horribly. But, I learned from my mistake."
    "Were it not for three people who came after the fight had finished, I would be dead. They patched me up in the courtyard, and sent me here. I do not remember their names, but if they ever hear this, they have my thanks. I can cheat death... just not alone."

    *Recording end.*

    Unmarked Recording, Undisclosed Location-

    The voice of a male human starts off the recording.*
    "All members of the USCM, this is Colonel Locke. We're stranded in the Delta Sector of the Antares Frontier, and an unknown contact has just boarded the ship. Requesting backup at coordinates X-one-seven-nine--"
    *The human stops talking, and sounds of a struggle ensue, followed by a loud, discomforting snapping sound. Arc begins speaking.*

    "All members of the USCM. I will be taking this ship indefinitely. All of the Marines on this ship are either dead or incapacitated, and my crew is looting the place as we speak. All fuel rods, rations, weapons, and medical supplies you have on board are now ours for the keeping, and this ship's signal will be lost and scrambled in a matter of minutes. I sincerely thank you for your time, and apologize for the inconvenience. Goodbye."
    *The rest of the recording is Arc shouting commands to his crew in the background.*
    "Back. Back, further. Move the crates to the storage rooms, and put the bodies in the airlock. All of them. Yes, all of them. Take the colonel there first. No, no-- What? Why not? Well, fix it, before I--"
    *Recording end.*
    #1 Rickety Prince, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2014
  2. Rickety Prince

    Rickety Prince New Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    -Recording Five, Wolf's Den-

    "I am not a bad person. This is not to say that I am the most upstanding citizen, not in the least. But I'm not as bad as people assume I am. You may not believe me... Hell, sometimes I don't believe me. I'm a glorified bandit, as far as most people are concerned... But, I'm not. I know I'm not. Last night, I talked to the initiate who screamed at me about eating hatchlings. At first, I didn't think she recognized me, since there was no talk of me being a rotten, grounded, hatchling-eater... which I'm not. But, when I asked her, she knew exactly who I was."
    *Arc quiets down for a moment, obviously contemplating something.*
    "Eventually, we settled the few differences we had between us. And while she still claims I am a 'rabbit', she realized I wasn't as bad as Avian culture portrayed me to be. Perhaps it's because they think I'm an
    atheist, but a lot of the time, it seems like a lot of people who worship Kluex thinks that anyone who doesn't believe exactly what they do should be shunned. And no, I don't worship Kluex, but I don't completely dismiss him, like some do. I'd just rather stay in the middle."
    "When I told her this, she shook her head. 'You can't be in the middle. You either worship Kluex, or you're grounded.' I just waved it away with a joke. But, I remain in the middle, nonetheless."

    "Enough talk of religion. I'm going to the bar."

    *Recording end.*

    -Recording Six, Arc's Ship-

    "Ugh. I do not feel well."
    *Arc slurs throughout the recording. His senses seem dulled.*
    "So. I woke up at the den this morning. I don't know why I slept there, in all honesty, but I am hungover, so that's all the reason I need. Unfortunately for me, I hid my pants somewhere in the room, so I had to spend fifteen minutes looking for those...
    ...I am not as charming when I have to talk to strangers with no pants on."
    *Arc zones out for two minutes, the tape going silent.*
    "Ungh! I fell asleep. I must stay awake. Er... What happened yesterday...? I think I remember a little bit. I talked to the private investigator, Marlowe. Offered him a deal. After that... I went to my favorite place; the bar."
    *Arc zones out. Again.*
    "Egh... That is all I remember. It will come back to me, eventually. Now... what was I doing?"

    *Recording end.*
    #2 Rickety Prince, Jul 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2014
  3. Rickety Prince

    Rickety Prince New Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    ((For the record, I'm okay with people posting OOC comments here. I'll hardly ever pay much attention in game, and I don't really care about people posting stuff here, so go ahead.))