My name is Ta'Lone Ze'Vora, the Quartermaster of the RA. I'm looking to apprentice a young acolyte and groom them to be apt at the job. I will not take anyone with a background in the Outcasts unless they have proven to the galactic population they can be trusted, do to the element of my work being extremely valuable and delicate in many cases. But this does not mean you will be pampered. Personalities I seek and can teach is highly charismatic, charming, and attentive. But you must be able to pull of straight faced negotiations. Physical things I seek and can teach is high stamina, low fat/muscle ratio, in shape and strong throughout the body. Knowledgeable things I seek and can teach is compatibility with technology and core education. All species and genders(both or none) are welcomed, no discrimination will come to you. Starting as my apprentice, you will be paid out of how well you work and a base pay of 400 pixel bi-weekly. Housing and workspace will be provided. By accepting to be my apprentice, you must join the RA. Please PM me at my work radio (OOC: WR: *message* or forum pm.) or stop my Opportunity and ask to see Ta'Lone. P.S: I will no tolerate any spam or negative scolding comments, this is legitimate job advertisement and I will be keeping a advanced bot on the reply sub-forum to block/delete any questions/statements/other unrelated writings to the said topic.
not to be offensive, but do you really think you'll just pluck some guy off the street and expect him to be a professional speaker/marketer for you? this stuff requires college, dude, have fun waiting for ages to find one nowadays. -Markus21 (Markus_Lancer)