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Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kazyyk, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Amidst all the recent drama and "toxicity", I thought we could use some positive vibes.

    So this thread is for appreciation, whether it be for the server itself, the community, another player, a Staff member, a feature, life itself, something completely unrelated, or anything else you can think of.
    You can voice it here.

    I'll start.

    I appreciate my Staff, for they put up with me when I get crazy. They do good work and are honest in their thoughts.
    I also appreciate this community, and despite it's recent issues, I know it'll find a way to pull through. A server is just an empty piece of software without it's community.
    Lastly, but not least, I appreciate the few handful of people who hear me out when things get rough. All they do is lend an ear and a honest opinion, and that's all I need. Thank you very much.

    I look forward to reading the responses.
  2. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I appreciate Kaz stealing my idea. [was gonna make this thread in like an hour, was thinking of it for the last 4 but just didn't do it]

    Also, I appreciate all the friends I've made and the many hours of fun RP i've had here.
    I appreciate the stories i've helped make, and the tidbits of others i've witnessed.

    Edit: Feel Like giving some shoutouts and awards from some of the people I've played with, in no particular order.

    Guardian: Most improvement in RP quality I've seen. Witnessed you begin at a stage where you metad and pushed for what YOU wanted, and progressed to where you lament what your character is about to do at times, because you're playing them as they are. Also always there to do some RP with me, for better or worse on his sanity.

    CouchPotato: First person I met on the server, and a constant companion in RP ever since. Phobia of pink teacups.

    Leschinsky: Second person I met, providing tons of fun with DB's antics, and become a close friend OOC as well as IC

    TD: Third person I met, many hours spent deviously planning things to happen to our characters, close friend with just as many hours spent casually talking over Steam. Also the one who got me to play TWEWY.

    Omegamatt: Strong guy who's tried to keep Tet running all these months of inactivity, some of the more interesting character devlopments as well. [How many of us could have actually guessed IC or OOC Rudy was actually a "Ruby"

    Awe: Yer not around anymore, but always loved the RP we shared, and the world ending shenanigans when we did some minecraft. Had many interesting characters with deep backstories intertwining each other, how he ever kept track of it all, I'll never know.

    [If you weren't on the list, don't take it as a personal offense, just giving props to the people who affected me the most in positive ways in my time on the server)
    #2 Malachar, Aug 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2014
  3. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    I appreciate Kaz also taking the whole positivity vibe idea right out from under me literally 8 minutes before I posted it.

    Seriously though, I appreciate the potential of the new entrants to the server. And the amount of effort players put into RP. I know it can seem like they don't at times, if they do it badly or we just plain don't like them, but I doubt anyone can say nobody tries.
  4. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I appreciate life. Without it I would be here, without it all the wonderful people of the community wouldn't be here. Without it all of the pains, fears, angers, jealousies, hates, sadness, confusions, thoughts, debates, discussions, challenges, accomplishments, joys, friends, interactiveness, and experiences wouldn't be here. No matter if it's suffering or pleasure, be happy you're experiencing it.

    As far as this community goes, it's a fun thing to be a part of.
  5. Super Sugar

    Super Sugar New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I appreciate the friends I have made here in the short amount of time I have played. Some have shown me trust while allowing me to be a part of their plans, and I am deeply grateful for them.
  6. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I appreciate the great artists here.
    Holy crap you guys are talented...
  7. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    I appreciate... Everyone here! Really, you've all helped me improve myself in RP, and create a good story.
  8. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Kaz: For a nearly insane level of dedication to the life of the server, and the ability to see when his insanity has gone to far. You've put up with my incessant out of the blue questions and bug reports. You are one incredibly ambitious person, but don't be afraid to find people that can temper that ambition when it could go too far.

    TD, Hono(u)r, and everyone else from the IRC regular crew: Sorry I don't recall the names atm, but I loved chilling with you fools. I miss the IRC dearly.

    Ivrian: For being the person I have had the most fun RP'ing with. It wasn't even much, but the first conversation left a lasting admiration. Cheers if you are still kicking around.

    Mosstress: For being the center of Red's universe on Avalon. Quite often I was IRL stressed by the situations, and got the same IRL relief by spending some time with you.

    Everyone I have debated with on these forums (AKA just everyone): There are a lot of smart people here, and also a lot of people that frustrate the living shit out of me with their posts. I've done so much research for the sake on arguments here, and am honestly grateful for the motivation. When I reply, it isn't because I dislike you, but rather I like your idea enough to investigate it for myself.

    Aiko-Yori, Cutter, John, Yung, and the many other Avalon regulars: For keeping me nearly unhealthily invested in Avalon. I've tipped over 500 hours in Starbound, and although I bet many of you have exponentially more, it was Avalon and it's people that hooked me to the server.

    Weavle: For convicing me to come back to the server. I'm still trying to find my place of comfort here, but it wouldn't even be on my map if not for you.

    I can hear the orchestra starting up, so I am going to step off the soapbox and step offstage. If you're not here, (sod off) I love you anyways. Looking forward to making this list twice the size with new people!
  9. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i like franz, badstar, gpol, shekel, ed, skipi, coldmaj, terallis, jimjam harrison, chronicle, and cole harris

    i will not write a sappy paragraph, that's all you get^

    #9 Pie4Pigs, Aug 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2014
  10. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I appreciate all of teh friends i;ve made here.
    Its them who conviced me to actually stqay and let things play out.

    Dreganius: For always having my back and putting up with my shit in our skype chat.
    John Mcfakename: for being a good rper and a good bud
    Kaiser Franz: dealing with muh shit and letting me vent to him. a good friend and rper.
    Weavle: despite our arguments, still good friend.
    Kaz: for being the holy patron that made this all possbile
    the entire USAF group: so welcoming and having my back on things even though i havent rped with them long. good peoples.
    Theangrymelon: overall a good friend and helped cheer me up when i needed it most.
    Laser Lamas: met down the road but still a good friend and great rper.
    and thanks to those who helped me improve my rp

    Jesus who else... so many people ;~:
  11. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Anyone else? I'm sure there's gotta be more. C'mon, there's plenty of things to appreciate.
  12. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Alright, I'll post something!
    I'm grateful for this community. I've been here for a while, and during my time here, I've found a lot of good friends. Since this is actually the first RP community I have been apart of, despite some times when certain things have made me upset here, my time here has been amazing, and I hope to remain a member of this community for a long time.
  13. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    I appreciate this place's "borderless wall", that lets people from every walk of life, ignoring creed, locale, race, faith, age, gender, and every other bias, come together and enjoy the collective art of storytelling.

    I appreciate all the work, input, criticisms, and enjoyment this community has given me for my art. I went from downright awful watercolor pictures to just pretty awful GIMP pictures. But, seriously; this place has kept my inspiration lit longer than any muse I've ever found for the work.

    I appreciate the people I've met here, how they've opened up to me with their lives, and them listening my own dirty laundry without batting a lid of judgement or ridicule.

    Lastly; I appreciate the constant barrage of questions that have been mulled over. I've learned so much from this community, either direct knowledge people have shared, or questions that needed researching on my part, and consider myself much wiser for being here.

    This community is something special, and means something different to every single person who joins us. And that has it's own special beauty that no one can truly appreciate until they've experienced it.
  14. Azeliblehblehbleh

    Azeliblehblehbleh New Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    I appreciate everything here. I haven't been here long, but it's made a large impact in my life.

    I suffer from severe depression. It's something I've learned to live with and though it's hard and constantly undermines my ability to do most things, I do manage to feel happy, or at the very least content, quite often. That's something to appreciate as well.

    Being on the server and roleplaying with those I come across... it's great. And the fact that people are actually interested in the dumb little colony I thought up on an off day is rather rewarding, even if it never becomes a hot spot for activity.

    I've made a deal of good friends here. I managed to see through someone's flaws and be friends with them anyway (I hope I'm making a difference for them), connect with a cheerful and pretty damn awesome artist, and completely whip a total independant man IC and have a pretty fun teasing friendship with that character's owner. And that's just the people I see as being closest to me.

    To the asshole that shot Solari in the kneecaps, thanks a lot. No, seriously, I've been milking the shit out of that injury. xD

    That was a weird mental image.

    Um. What else... life, check, rp, check, friends, check, awesome emotional gritty rp, check... uhhhh.
    Oh, yeah!

    I appreciate all the staff for working so hard to keep the server running in good condition and doing the best they can,
    and I appreciate all the players for being patient with the staff in turn :)
  15. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Well..might as well post what I got to say...because some of these people need to know it

    Kaz and Staff: For the server, RP, forums and all the others things they do for us
    TheAngryMelon: For helping me through my toughest times and still helping me out when I need it.
    Omenvreer: For being all around great RP bud, friend, and partner in crime.
    The community: For providing great times in RP and out of character.
    The Old Memorian/Unbound players: For helping me start out and keeping me going until I got here.

    (There is probably other people I am forgetting right now so just spam via Steam or something and I will add you in :p)
  16. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I appreciate...
    Kaz and staff, cuz everyone else is saying it. :p
    CaptainBritton02 for motivating me to start the HKC (even though life made me unable to perpetuate it)
    TheAngryMelon for all the fun RP with Vivian, probably #1 RP bud
    All my UT friends for still being alive
    Cole Ombre for my SICK AS HELL GUNS PEW PEW
    Crescentfury for my old pro pic of Ray Beluga, lookin sharp
    thatmcgraw, for the super fun RP between Gillian and Aerdem which has loads of potential fun waiting to be unlocked
    All you ex-HKC peeps for being temporarily cool
    CouchPotatowhatever, for your Joshua character and all the fun tiems we had and such.
    Anyone who I forgot who hates me cuz I didnt mention you
    Aaaaaaand everyone else for being really fun to RP with!
  17. Spinach Pirate

    Spinach Pirate The Adorable Spinach

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I appreciate the mods, for making sure this whole thing doesn't crumble into chaos and ruin
    Solour, for fun OOC and IC stuff, and teaching flora to not dress like a slut
    Spyrosis, for givin' flora a pa
    Gramps(number numbers whatever i never paid attention to them), for sharp not actually ending up mating with flora
    Gareth, for tellin me how to make underwear
    Luna(i fergit yer forum nam) for telling gareth how to do stuff so he was able to tell me how to make underwear
    Omenvreer, for not killing flora and instead just stabbing her eye out

    And everyone else too(besides sen and landpunch, im still mad about the teddy bears >:C), cause this whole RP thing would be kinda boring without y'all
  18. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I appreciate the fact that the community is together. As much as we want to believe we have toxicity. It isn't really there and only really shows if we choose to acknowledge it. I appreciate the mods who commit their hard earned free time to keeping this place running.
  19. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    As much as i want to say something here that will likely start shit i wont for the sake of this thread and stuff. I highly disagree with you, thats it.
  20. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Quick! Someone say something nice!