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Approved Application for Timed Success Research

Discussion in 'Faction Questions' started by Michael_Malachi, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. Michael_Malachi

    Michael_Malachi New Member

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Rothfield Genetics, a new Lead Researcher has been put into position. Malak Drehaid, an Apex from a lesser travelled quadrant of the universe, has been appointed by Dr. Steiner at the newest Rothfield station. It has come to light that new research - on a more back stage scene - that the best way to begin towards the Company's goal to freedom of research. A great deal of income will be required, and that has set into play another laboratory on a distant gentle star planet, home to some Agarans. It seems that Malak has been led to a discovery of an extracted chemical found in the youth of Agarans, between ages 0-3 years of age. This chemical is found only within this time frame, and acts as a stimulus for the young mushroom to withstand temperate weathers before maturing.

    The lab that has been set up lies disguised under an Agaran village. Through the use of clever deception, the mushroom people here believe that should an accident occur to the Agar youth and it may perish - our facility is used to bury their remains deep into the planet. By their belief, this is done to encourage new mycelium growth directly from the genes of the perished youth - thus sprouting a clone eventually. Of course, we do this in tiny fractions. Only to convince the Agarans that we are infact who we appear - to them.

    The chemical extracted from the youth in it's raw form is nothing more than a potent psychedelic street drug - with effects that range from hallucinations so severe that it may encourage invincibility - which is not existant. Though, with a refining process, can be formed into a powerful medicine or a weapon used for militarization. Simply, though, this chemical will be sold via black market clientele and the use of undercover street operatives. This will be used to fund more operations within Rothfield Genetics.

    I am hereby applying for the successful research of this extract - to be completed by 10-8-2016. Further research as for complexities of medical values and militarization value will be reviewed later and will not be considered approved from this, only the raw extract which can be sold.
  2. Michael_Malachi

    Michael_Malachi New Member

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Also, there is no deadly overdose. Though, greater administration means proportionally greater hallucinations and loss of ones own self of mind. Duration can last from 12 to 24 hours. It is a clear liquid at highest concentration, but diluting will turn a slight 'blue hue' similar to the look of bleach. The smell is very faint, but will remind the person of a dirty flower. The taste is too bitter to swallow at highest concentration. Even risking poisoning a drink will alert the drinker to foulplay, though cooked in meats - somehow preserve the chemical. If cooked in a meat, it is then tasteless, with no smell. The blue hue is then cooked with the meat, turning slightly dark and can resemble the color of cooked bone marrow.
  3. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I like the fact that you're trying to bring in some illegal goodies and drugs here, but due to the way you've worded it, i'm unsure of what you mean by 'invincibility'. I'm sure you're just trying to say it inhibits pain or something similar, but i'd like to confirm your specific intent. Also, going a bit more into depth with the effects (duration of effects, detriments/positives to health/wellness, details, ect.) would be appreciated.
  4. Michael_Malachi

    Michael_Malachi New Member

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Well, as far as this approval will go, there are no known health benefits or other uses etc, except as a street drug. Later the medical and militarized researches will come. For now we will be distributing this, making behind the scenes money. It will also hopefully infect some of the communities (unless they all are sour asses like Gill)

    As for the effects, it should be treated like an extreme LSD. Yes, it can help ignore pain sensations sent to inhibitors in the brain. But it can also induce the hallucination that yourself may feel like he could suddenly take on a crowd, or be sent into a psychedelic rage. Because hallucinations basically work different for everyone, this one may make you trip and relax for a day - but joe blow might try it and suddenly begin in a rage. The chemical works so many corners of different individuals brains that if a group of twenty were poisoned - or partying together - each person would exhibit completely different hallucinations.

    As for future research, will mainly be a supply demand factor. If we find a group who needs a one up card against another faction - we will then delve into weaponizing or medical enhancements.
  5. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Alright, gotta say you were pretty thorough with this, and so I gotta approve it. How the Agarans are might be subject to change as we perfect our lore, but as that is in the background of all this, it shouldn't be much of a problem. I know you won't do this anyway, but just make sure not to sell a bunch to NPCS to say you've gained a massive fortune that way. Otherwise you're good to go.
  6. Michael_Malachi

    Michael_Malachi New Member

    Sep 22, 2016
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    The financial gain will be Lawson's to deal with, being the researcher - I only care for a finished product. But to be honest, I am here to promote better, more interesting RP. Most people here rp texting on their phones, while I get that casual roleplaying is fun - its just not what gets new players interested. Thats what I aim to change.