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Approved App for Lore Editor (zkkzz)

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by zkkzz, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Forum Name: zkkzz

    Reason for Applying: I want to give our lore some life beyond trying to give everything perfect, realistic clarity. I want to have the ability to propose stuff that isn't lifeless, like events and storylines without an absolute basis in what Chucklefish has already written.

    Are you familiar with Starbound Lore?: Decently, but not as well as other lore writers would be. I'm not looking to clarify existing stuff, like explaining Greenfingers or whatever. Other people would be better at that than me.

    If not, are you willing to learn?: Yes, definitely, if it comes up.

    Write a short (3-4 sentences) non-fiction style paragraph, preferably something starbound related:

    The Clixiclocans are a civilization of both Apex and Glitch which began far outside the outer rim of Council Space in what is colloquially known as the ‘deep west’. Made up originally of Miniknog scouts and settlers, the Apex population cut off ties with their homeworld and began settling down, seemingly in hope of achieving greatness. At some point in their history, their new homeworld was named Clixicloca, which means ‘Ascend to Power’. It was around this time that the initially somewhat humble Apex discovered a large, multi-planetary Glitch civilization of unknown origin, and began peaceful trades for a few decades or so. Over time, the Clixiclocans developed a formidable military, having almost no competing colonies in the extremely sparsely-populated ‘deep west’, and then used their new power to take the Glitch worlds, and enslave its populace.