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Apex Navy Expeditionary Force: A player faction proposal

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by FireDrinker, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Let there be light * To the stars

    Peace and order, this is what the leadership of the Ministry of Knowledge have brought the Apex. The long arm of Big Ape reaches across our domain, embracing the Apex worlds in like a lamb to his bosom, swaddling us in warmth, love, and security. That said, the threat to our borders is ever growing, outlaws, pirates, terrorist and miscreants of all shapes and sizes gather beyond our borders, hiding safely in the depths of wild space. They turn their envious eyes towards our wondrous worlds and think of what they can take from us.

    So who will stand up to these traitors, turncoats, and criminals? While our navy stands ready to defend us from attack, and the MiniKnog arrests and rehabilitates those who operate within our own borders, every moment we leave these forces of evil to their own devices outside our space, they bring terror and misery to the citizens of the galaxy. Every minute we let them escape justice is another minute they use to plot attacks on the glorious Apex Ascendency.

    So, I ask you, my brother, my sister, my child, are we men or are we Apes? We must go where these deviants gather and extend the grasp of Big Ape’s mighty hand to crush the life out of these terrorist organizations. We must protect those who cannot protect themselves; we must embrace our manifest destiny as the peacekeepers of the galaxy.

    Even now, detachments of our Navy are shipping out, under the newly formed Apex Navy Expeditionary Force, to support local governments, to spread peace and order, to bring light to the darkness of our troubled galaxy. Sign up now, and help bring our galaxy into a new age of peace and prosperity.


    Evil players who do not wish to be smashed have a particular problem on this server: The USCM. Now, I know the roleplayers involved and they are quite amiable, that said, in the end, any character who wants to lets their id out a little has to ask themselves: when am I going to do something bad enough to catch the ire of the USCM? While the USCM have restrained themselves from being system police, and I very much appreciate that, there is very little IC reason for them to do so. They are the predominate power on the server. There's no reason they shouldn't grind Tallest Tree into dust or whatever. OOC consideration for other players have prevented this, more than anything. This is good roleplaying, but I’d like a more solid IC reason for this action. Darkstar has tried to step into fill this gap, but even so, if it ever came to an actual fight I would bet on the USCM.

    On top of that, while we have plenty of Apex freedom fighters, there is little for them to freedom fight against. There's a lot of story that can be mined here, if only we allow ourselves to mine it.

    So I propose we put up a Russia to the US's united states. While the Miknog may run everything from the shadows, I believe we should put a more professional, military face to this evil. I've started putting out the first hints of the Apex coming to this sector via an expeditionary force. So far, my probing of this idea with Captain Myth Render of the Interceptor Class Scout Ship A3 Goodall has proven to be interesting and compelling.

    What setting up this faction would allow us to do is create a cold war atmosphere. Where the two titans are not in direct conflict, but get in each others way and supplying arms/armor/cash to the smaller players who cause trouble for each other.

    Things done already for this faction:

    Build Flagship: Done


    Establish Ranks and Uniform: Done.


    Answers to anyone and everyone

    Rank: Enlisted man / Private


    Petty Officers carry out day to day duties. Ensigns command petty officers. Ensigns must take orders from officers of other departments, but ultimately report to the command staff.

    Petty Officer Engineering


    Ensign Engineering


    Petty Officer Medical


    Ensign Medical


    Petty officers carry out day to day operations. In times of need LJG’s can command petty officers outside of their division, but for the most part these divisions command their own staff and report directly to the command staff.

    Petty Officer Security


    Lieutenant Junior Grade Security


    Petty Officer Pilot / Bridge Operator


    Lieutenant Junior Grade Squadron Commander / Bridge Overseer


    Petty Officer Marine



    Lieutenant Junior Grade Marine



    Command Staff
    Intelligence officers are agents of the Miknog, and have command authority over the rest of the staff. They are also often the primary diplomats that the expeditionary force uses. While ostensibly the chief Lieutenant of the intelligence answers to the Captain in charge of the particular expeditionary force, the reality is that the Lieutenant’s authority likely equals and in some cases may surpasses that of the captains, as it is he who reports to the Miknog.

    The standard staff Lieutenants answers to the Captain and communicates his orders down the chain of command to the various other divisions, as well as taking the bridge in his absence, and commanding various detachments.

    Lieutenant Junior Grade Intelligence Officer


    Lieutenant Intelligence Officer






    Things that need to be done:

    Recruitment Drive

    Duping of uniforms

    Building of a primary embassy

    Construction of standard ship types: Fighter, Transport, Cargo, perhaps a smaller class of flagship

    Establishment of secondary, colony embassies
    #1 FireDrinker, Feb 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
  2. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    *all flattered n shit* I wish you luck, hopefully this doesn't go the way of Apex factions of the past.
  3. Vae

    Vae Self-aware Spambot..

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I would love a cold war atmosphere going on to challenge the USCM! (nothing against you guys Tacc, but you do stand rather unopposed)

    Must it be in tandem with the Miniknog though? Most of my fur-clad friends and I have left the Ministry, often quite violently, and would be left without any realistic RP interaction that wouldn't involve a brutal retreat from the area. Granted, it would be nice to have a faction to run from which isn't imaginary. Hope this pans out though, seriously.
  4. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I also have a concern with the motivation to create this faction. It seems to entirely dependant on the United Systems faction to exist. Come on man.

    I think people fail to understand that the USCM faction didn't just sprout up one day. When the server first started, it grew organically, with the purpose of survival in mind. It took a solid month of that before we even made ourselves public, and it took much more time to get to where we are now. I think that's what makes our faction so large and imposing, and for good reason.

    I really do hope you get some people onboard. I really do. But with the way the OP is worded, it sounds like this faction only exists because we do. That won't make for good RP at all. Especially when it's time to cause conflict and you have to come up with a reason. That's forcing conflict. If there's one thing I hate more than godmodding, it's forcing a story for the hell of it.

    Make the faction because it's interesting, and you want to. Don't make it so a week from now you come to me saying "let's start getting cold war fights going" and when I ask why you say "because". Just do your thing man. Grow around yourselves and if conflict happens it happens.
  5. Narial

    Narial Tyrant of Bananas

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Sorry to go offtopic but how did you get your whole ship in one perfect picture?
  6. LeD

    LeD New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    I never asked myself what would I do with USCM. My character is running free, doing his job, getting infamous and wanted in some colonies. I don't give a damn about USCM because it become non-canon on this server and I do not respect the theorhetical power they claim to own.

    After something as bad as apocalypse where pretty much most humanity gets wiped and only militants manage to escape, USCM wouldn't have any reason to care for more than security of their own race and struggle to survive. And I highly doubt why would floran tribe have anything to do with their freedom. Nor darkstar. I mean USCM cannot expect to control every coner of the universe, there must be some places out of their reach, and USCM should respect that. USA doesn't cover full North America, and American soldiers do not freerly roam around canada with full equipment and tanks. Same goes for, for example, USCM trying to enter Tallest Tree not for civil reasons.

    (And Darkstar keeps to its business and doesn't exist to piss USCM off as opposed to Firedrinker's faction. Both Darkstar and USCM can cooperate in peace for as long as none intrude each other.)
  7. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    How did it become non-canon exactly? There is a lacking of lore and from what we have extrapolated, the only planet lost was Earth. Sol System in it's entirety was abandoned, but all those citizens and military assets didn't just die. While it was a huge population center, it wasn't the end of humanity as we know it. Codexes refer to other colonies being closed off to aliens for 7 years after the loss of earth (which is where we get the current date of 2414 from). Another codex refers to a human fleet being stationed at mars. The only way we went off canon was the creation of USSEC and characters.

    OOCly, I don't expect to control everything. And I have often had to tell people in my faction that we aren't picking a fight. Remember when Hawke got "executed"? We really had no reason to intervene, yet everyone wanted us to. But IC you're damn right I'm gonna try to unite the galaxy. Everything you just listed is what we already do and respect. There was actually a point where Tallest Tree got wiped and they asked us to do an IC bombing. I declined.

    But before we clutter up FD's interest check with off topic nonsense we should stop talking about the role of the USCM on the server.
  8. Paeonia

    Paeonia New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    He probably took multiple pics and pieced them together.
  9. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    ExtraZoomLevels. a godsend to builders out to share their work.

    I'm going to agree with what Tacc says here about the presentation of the faction; it needs to premise itself and load up on intrinsic value before mentioning the possible purpose of existing as a foil to the USCM, otherwise you're just going to end up with folks who want to loggerheads with the USCM and not work on emphasising the finer details of being Apex. As you yourself say, "there is a lot of story to be mined here," which the concept should reflect first. Start with the organisation's goals, values, and purpose. Its public and righteous ones. The stuff it does right. Outline what makes playing an Apex in the service of Big Ape so inspiring (it very much can be if you allow yourself to believe). Move from there.

    Because no matter what, antagonists, evil, immoral, the ranks will always be mostly comprised by those who believe they are doing what is best and right for their people. There'd be no need for propaganda if this wasn't the case. It is this dichotomy that makes conflict interesting.
  10. Jay

    Jay New Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Having done some rp with the Captain already, and seeing where that has taken us, I'm in full support of this faction. While the primary directive here is listed as being a foil to the USCM, I can say that it was subtly and elegantly presented in character, to a point that while I RECOGNIZED that there was some sort of conflict there, it didn't seem to be the focus point.

    Having a well done "evil" (see: against the interests of many of our PCs) faction is in everybody's interest, I think. Our brief interaction with the faction so far has spurred a great deal of conflict on Alioth Prime, and also some very good ideas that tie several of our storylines together! I imagine, if handled well, it could do the same for many other places as well. So, I'd like to see where you can take this. Stamp of approval.
  11. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    I chose two reasons for the Miniknog, one being that it is a canon organization, even if this is a small splinter force it means it works with the might and motivations of that organization behind it. The Apex are outwardly polite and present a facade of perfect, orderly living, but are in reality power hungry and oppressive and seek to dominate.

    More importantly, it lets me tell a story from the perspective of those who buy into the bullshit, so to speak. Or at least join the system at the expense of their fellow Apex for their own comfort. As fishdish says, the majority of the characters involved with this faction will believe they are here to impose law and order on a sector overrun with terrorists and criminals.

    If you'd like to join in but your character is a rebel, well, there's always Thought Reassignment :)

    Right, I opened with the wrong bit. I do want the faction to exist for its own purpose: The Apex are largely unexplored from their native factions perspective, and as I said, there's a lot of rebels but no one to rebel against. I expect relations to be entirely amiable with the USCM on the face of things. My character experimentation started out with him going to the USCM base to begin the diplomatic process of signing mutual protection pacts, mineral rights agreements, opening official diplomatic ties, and possibly officer exchange programs.

    Just signing these things however practical and peaceable they are should create conflict naturally. Does the USCM want to even have relations with the MiniKnog? They are not good people.

    This faction will not be openly picking fights with the USCM. There is simply a natural competition between empires that I perceive will help fill a gap in our servers spheres of influence.

    I agree, and that was what I was hoping to explore. I will update the OP to reflect this.
  12. Vae

    Vae Self-aware Spambot..

    Jan 5, 2014
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    You tempt me good sir, but I don't know if I can let that happen to Vae... but I wont godmode it, lore-wise if you can track down, capture, and impose some good old Big Ape 'hospitality' on her, you may have a recruit.
  13. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Now this is the inspiring information I love seeing, particularly the portion about the Apex' outward facade vs internal motivations. I was in support of this initiative before (having seen Myth Render in action already), but now I am moreso.

    Everything else from that post was excellent, Firedrinker. Now that I'm not about to go to bed (as I was in my last post), I'd like to talk to you about entanglement and enlistment, good sir!

    It would definitely make for an interesting arc, particularly if Vae took away science they want control of again.
  14. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    I have updated the OP to better reflect my intent.
  15. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    never forget.

    Anyways this is a great idea. There really aren't any solid bad guy factions out there right now. CARRY ON YOU HAIRY APE.
  16. Crimeariver

    Crimeariver New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    This whole thing sounds like it could make for some absolutely fantastic roleplay, especially if things actually end up having real political motivation such as diplomatic ties to other factions and maybe even arms proliferation. I see some real potential in having a cold-war type RP. This legitimately has me tempted to make a second character so I could experience both sides of the conflict (even though I just joined and haven't actually started my first character arc yet).
  17. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Scorpius approves.

    (I'd only change "go where these people are" to something more propagandist: "go where these deviants gather." Deviancy is NOT permitted by the Apex.)
  18. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I can vouch for the fact that, even with only one or two people in this faction so far, it's been really fun for RP. Brought a lot of intrigue to Alioth Prime the other day, and activity's been buzzing about it ever since. I quite love this idea, for a number of reasons. Hope it remains successful!
  19. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    I hope the RA gets to meet them :(
  20. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    We've gotten an embassy/base some of the ships done, we've just been sitting on our hands while the wipes are still ongoing. Any sort of galactic politicing really isn't feasible when the galaxy disappears every two days.