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Apex Lab Raid

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Jetniss, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    This post has been updated as of 2:00 EST, 12/28/2015
    Please keep up with the latest posts for the most up to date info.


    On a remote jungle planet, three travelers from the HOPE Colony have encountered an Apex Laboratory. Upon approaching the lab, they were turned away by threats. The three humans are in desperate need to get home, and believe that the lab is the only thing that stands between them and getting back.

    The lab is filled with advanced technology which would offer a true boon to the settlement if most of the equipment could be returned without damage-- but more importantly the lab has power generators and a fuel source vital to the Human's journey back home. Will they be able to muster up the courage and the power to assault the lab and return home?

    OOC Info--

    I've found an Apex Lab on a planet at coordinate -1251 -879. It is a jungle planet and there is a pre-generated Apex Laboratory. There are 3 settlers from HOPE a long way from home that want to break in(either stealthily or loudly) and get some small supplies. The main purpose of the event is fun, the IC cause is need. And I dont want this to be a self-righteous and justifiable raid. This is something where one group needs something, and they're pushed to the edge due to near-desperation. The Apex aren't the bad guys, and the scientists inside aren't insane to the point where they threatened these humans first.

    Loot from the lab is up to the administrative team. If there is weapons or armor, that's up to them, all I request is IC fuel that can be used for the settler's ship, and some fuel for their settlement. Maybe some food. And some technology they can bring back (granted it doesn't get blown up by a self-destruct sequence or reckless fighting or stray gunshots). I also don't want the entire galaxy answering the call of a random lab assault on a random remote planet. Keep it realistic, if you're drifting by and notice something on your scanners, feel free, but please don't warp in from some bar several sectors away.

    Currently on the planet at the time of this post. (Confirmed): Korax Eclipse, Leonardo, Corey, Jetniss

    As for anything else, I would prefer if participants were human, but this isn't a human only event. It'd just keep things smooth if majority of the group were human (and would provide racial incentive to help the settlers out).

    If this gets a thumbs up from an admin, or if enough people seem interested, I'll make a more plot-driven post about it in an IC forum.

    Thank you very much Ser Smokestack. With that said the event will be broken into 3 parts so that people can still participate despite widely different schedules. Each phase will be affected by the previous phase and change the outcome of the event, and there will be different ways to participate as well. With each phase I'll update this topic with a new post.

    Phase 1 - Intelligence

    The raiders have come to a decision, and with their newfound conviction they intend to bring down the Apex Laboratory. The mission will require a bit of recon first...

    "In order to go through with this attack, we need information. Luckily that's what I do best. I'll take a team in over night and we'll scan the perimeter of the Apex laboratory. We need to be quiet, if we're detected it can turn into an all out firefight right there, and if we escape from that we'll either be dealing with a warzone for the raid, or they'll hunt us down before we even get the chance to attack. That means whoever comes with me needs to be disciplined, follow orders, and keep a leveled head. Got it? As an insurance policy, we'll keep a couple guys on lookout to fire on the compound if we need support, but that's only in a worse case scenario."

    The Mission
    The raiders will attempt to bypass the security of the lab and recover as much information as possible. The mission will be cosidered a success if the following criteria is met:

    1. An entryway is located.
    2. An exit is located.
    3. At least four soldiers are spotted without being alerted.
    4. The Power Generator is located.
    5. At least four lab defense devices are located.
    The mission will be considered a failure if:
    1. All raiders die.
    2. Raiders are detected and the lab is alerted to their presence.
    3. The Hybrid Apex is released.
    Phase 1 Roster


    Support Gunners(for people who don't want to risk their characters):

    Apex Patrolmen:

    Nikolai (FoRgE)

    How Loot Will Be Handed
    As the Dungeon Master of this event, I will personally be deciding the loot as it goes on. I will strictly adhere to Smokestack's guidelines and will designate what seems reasonable as the event goes on. Player decisions will have a large impact on potential loot.

    How Combat & Luck Will Be Handled
    I'm going to shy away from rolls. I'm not that fond of them personally, and I'll leave the outcome of actions up to my personal judgement so things don't get out of hand. I've DM'd for several roleplays in the past and have run a few servers for RP myself, I promise I'll be fair. (I just don't want things like hacking an entire Apex database because you rolled a 20 happeing, and stuff like that, and I find it more fun when we're just reasonable)

    Phase 1 is the least dangerous phase, but there is still a chance of injury an death. If you wish to participate whilst remaining safe, "Support Gunner" is a position thatk eeps you as far from the action as possible. These are trained Apex soldiers we're up against. Don't take this lightly.

    Phase 1 will begin tonight, no later than 8:20 (27 minutes from the time of this post). Please respond as soon as possible!

    Phase 1 - Intelligence

    The raiders have been detected during their attempt to spy on the facility. Security proved too tight for the likes of Korax and Jetniss, and after a long-winded chase and the execution of a single Apex soldier, the facility has been put on high alert. Reinforcements are being called in [Elite soldiers], and all external base turrets have been activated.

    Minor Victory

    The raiders have managed to discern the location of several cameras and turrets. They've discovered the location of the power generator, an entryway, an exit, and have located the control room and the accompanying security monitors.

    Phase 2 - Assault
    When shit hits the fan, it hits the fan.

    The Apex Lab is now on alert and looking for two intruders. Jetniss and Korax have brought back intel on the lab and is briefing the raiders on the situation. As the raiders prepare, the laboratory is getting its own reinforcements, and preparations are being made on both sides for the inescapable firefight.


    Raiders Siege-Party: 6 Event Points (More by request with valid reason such as past combat experience)
    All raiders must be on the planet a day before the event's beginning..
    Romanus 14 EP
    Korax Eclipse 6 EP
    Jetniss 8 EP
    Marcus 6 EP
    Darnah 6 EP
    Chit 6 EP
    Cloyd 6 EP
    Corey 6 EP
    Leonardo 5 EP

    Apex Commanders (2/2): 15 Event Points

    Apex Elites (1/3): -- 12 Event Points
    Equipped with unique weaponry and Titanium armor(?). Equipped with unique melee weapons and rifles.

    Apex Defenders: -- 6 Event Points
    Equipped with iron armor, and basic weaponry.

    Phase 2 is currently scheduled for Monday** [Subject to change]
    Phase 2 will be a base assault-- Expect full on fire fights and a load of danger. Player action will need to be taken in the RP before hand to increase the odds of winning.

    Phase 2 and 3 will make use of dice rolls.
    Dice Room: Roleplaying Dice Roller · Rolz
    Dice Rules
    D20s will be used for all attacks/other atactions
    D8's will be used for all damage
    Winning rolls are decided by the highest number.
    Rolling 20 counts as a critical or luck roll. In term of attack, a 20 can ignore the enemy's armor.
    Rolling 1 counts as a weak or failure roll.
    A check is a roll attributed to one of your 3 main stats, Health, Strength, and Agility.

    Event Statistics
    Please update your registration posts with these stats based on the amount of points allocated to your character.

    Health -- This decides the amount of health your character has. All characters have a base heath of 20.
    Strength -- This contributes directly to the damage roll of melee weapons, or strength checks.
    Agility -- This contributes directly to defensive D20 rolls and miscellaneous agility checks.
    Defense -- This stat shaves damage off of attacking D12 rolls, you can not put points into defense but your equipment will factor into it.

    Armor Statistics
    There are not actual armor statistics, but statistics for the purpose of this event solely, drawn from the progression tree of Starbound. The tier of your armor directly defines your defense value. Tier 5 armor = 5 Defense = -5 from enemy damage rolls.

    Tier 1 (+1 Def, -2 Agi)
    Copper, Silver

    Tier 2 (+2 Def, -3 Agi)

    Tier 3 (+3 Def, -4 Agi)
    Steel, Platinum

    Tier 4 (+4 Def, -5 Agi)

    Tier 5 (+5 Def, -5 Agi)

    Tier 6 (Dependent on Armor)
    Aegisalt (+5 Def, -3 Agi)
    Rubium ( +6 Def, -4 Agi)
    Violium ( +7 Def, -5 Agi)

    Tier 7 (Dependent on Armor)
    Ferozium ( + 7 Def, -3 Agi)
    Cerulium ( +9 Def, -6 Agi)
    Impervium ( +12 Def, -7 Agi)

    There are of course more armor types, but I don't think those apply to this event, or that many even have that equipment, so I will ignore it for now.

    If these are not submitted before a character begins RPing in the raid, they will be set to optimal balanced stat values.
    Strength: 1
    Health: 24
    Agility: 3
    No armor


    Strength: 2
    Health: 20
    Agility: 4

    Strength: 11
    Health: 20
    Agility: 3
    Iron Helmet +2 def/-3 agi

    Strength: 2
    Health: 20
    Agility: 4
    No armor

    Strength: 2
    Health: 20
    Agility: 4
    No Armor

    Strength: 0
    Health: 23
    Agility: 3
    Steel Armor (Tier 3)

    Strength: 1
    Health: 21
    Agility: 4
    No armor

    Strength: 0
    Health: 20
    Agility: 5

    Strength: 0
    Health: 26
    Agility: 0
    All Commanders have a casual attire and a Durasteel armor attire
    Strength: ?
    Health: ?
    Agility: ?

    Grishov Marx
    Strength: 3
    Health: 29
    Agility: 3
    All Elites are equipped with Titanium Armor
    Strength: 6
    Health: 23
    Agility: 3
    All Guardsmen are equipped with Steel Armor
    Strength: ?
    Health: ?
    Agility: ?
    #1 Jetniss, Dec 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2015
  2. War_Weazel

    War_Weazel New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I'll do it. I've got a couple of characters that'd be happy to help.
  3. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I'm on it.
  4. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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  5. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    I will do it! Do I need a new character or do I use one of the ones I already have?
  6. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    You could use one you already have if they're around, or hey you can make a new one I'm for it!
  7. War_Weazel

    War_Weazel New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    What about extras? Could I make a character to act as one of the Apex?
  8. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    I think extras acting as Apex would be great, that might require more chats with the administrator who decides to help us out.
  9. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I agree it could be nice, but we'd have to agree on a combat system though.
  10. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    I have an Apex commander sorta character set up if we want a leader/general sorta guy.
  11. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    How do we justify our already made characters getting there?
  12. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    That's up to you, but I'll address that in the next topic(or post) I make, keep a lookout for it tonight.
  13. Karo

    Karo New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    I would've been there but I had something come up. Keep me updated
  14. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Story Post

    The Super Ape

    Baomra Crescent

    In the Baomra Crescent sector, a large frosted planet hides a rather peculiar moon. Covered in a wild jungle, the moon is home to several particularly dangerous species. However, once you get past the indigenous wildlife, you might find the highly advanced Apex lying in wait. One Apex Construct in particular has been uncovered, the lab of Grishov Marx, a crazed ape scientist in search of the next evolutionary leap for the Apex. Grishov believes that the only way to improve the Apex is to push the genes of lesser species to the extreme, and fuse their DNA into a concoction that will make the Apex into an even greater force than they are now. Though secret, his research is sanctioned, as an armed force of Apex watch over and protect his lab.


    The lab is home to several experiment rooms, where shock therapy, gene splicing, radiation testing, and other inhumane methods are put to the test. Over the years, Grishov has managed to secure Avian, Agaran, and Floran DNA, and has done several experiments to further his research.The DNA of the Novakid, and Hyotl are highly sought after, but the experiments are becoming exponentially dangerous to the Apex themselves. He needs human test subjects to more effectively bind the DNA of these different species. He has since been seeking to abduct an increasing number of unfortunate wanderers in the Baomra Crescent, laying down traps to capture any foolish enough to pass through the sector.

    Electro Magnetic pulses are released periodically, Navigational computers receive interference throughout one fourth of the sector, and are completely jammed in the orbit of Baomra I, II, and III. Occasionally, when bold enough, he will even use tractor beams to pull ships out of orbit and send them on a crash course with the moon he operates on.


    The lab is protected by a powerful shield generator, and an even stronger power source. Erchius crystals are used to power the more dangerous testing facilities within the lab, and some high-grade weapons are manufactured and offered to soldiers in defense of the lab to ensure that nothing may interfere with Grishov's experiments.

    Pictured Above: A mutant ape from radiation testing oversees the development of first hybrid 'Super Apex.'

    The first living test subject is nearly ready to be set free, and Grishov will stop at nothing to ensure that it goes off without a hitch. Several humans and an Avian reside on the planet nearby, and he knows of their presence. The humans were all lead to the planet by him to be used as test subjects and contributions to the hybrid the scientist is creating, and the Avian was lead by the humans and trapped by Grishov's efforts. However, they have proven elusive and formidable, and Grishov has found himself so focused on the prize that he does not mind using the Humans as a test run instead. Whether the humans are captured to become a part of the experiment, or are the first targets he sicks his new toy on, will be determined soon enough.

    The Raiders

    Five individuals stand in the way of Grishov's plan. Three settlers from HOPE, an unfortunate hacker stranded on the moon, and a resourceful Avian with a few tricks up her sleeve. Each are driven to put a wedge in Grishov's plan by matter of circumstance, and they won't be alone. With their plans to assault the lab developing with each moment, who will come out on top?

    The rag-tag bunch of thieves, or the oppressive grip of the advanced scientist?

    Thief Roster (5/10) --
    Jason Ferrara

    Apex Roster (0/10) --

    Grishov Marx -- Head Scientist/NPC
    Apex Commander: Volkov
    Apex Researcher 0/2: Open
    Apex Soldiers: Open

    Apply below with a character name and race!
    Character Name:
    Character Race:
    Character Intro:
    (How did they end up on the moon, if not an Apex)

    If you're interested, please come down to our location and get in contact with us before 3PM tomorrow! (Hopefully an admin OK's this event by then).

    Message to Admins: Please message me about potential loot if this event gets the green light.
    #14 Jetniss, Dec 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  15. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Name: Volkov
    Race: Apex
    Intro: Apex Commander
  16. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Character Name: Romanus
    Character Race: Glitch
    Character Intro: Searching for hiveminded Glitch settlements.
  17. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Could we possibly move the event. I don't think many could even make it at 3pm with the impending holiday.
  18. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    It isn't scheduled for 3PM, I'd just like to get people situated on the planet before 3pm.
  19. War_Weazel

    War_Weazel New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Character Name: Marcus
    Character Race: Apex (Not lab staff)
    Character Intro: Searching for scrap
  20. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Smokeseal of approval.png

    Here's the possible loot I will allow.
    • Any weapon off of dead NPCs. These will include medium-power laser rifles, SMGs, plasma rifles, etc. If the power of the weapons are in question, assume that they are the equivalent of their kinetic weapon counterparts except the damage type is now Heat and piercing instead of impact and piercing.
    • Armor off of dead NPCs. These will be treated as durasteel plate armor and any of lower quality. Please be sparingly. Only high rank officers would have durasteel.
    • Technology will include computers if not damaged (though they need to be bypassed), PDAs if not damaged, and a hoverbike which is in critical condition/repair. Other techs can include components of power generators if not damaged.
    • Other loot that can be found is medicinal supplies.
    I ask that those involved be fair and keep things realistic. The event shouldn't be treated as an asspull of things wanted. Remember to apply what happens IC to what can be acquired. Remember to apply what your character will do to what you will take.