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Angel's Devils lookin' fer new recruits

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Biske, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Biske

    Biske New Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    As ya may or may not know, Scrapheap is undergoin' some improvements. The cash from haulin' trash an' scrap allowed me to hire some new workers and with it some new muscle. But I need ta expand my little group's influence, y'know?

    Angel's Devils is a little group dedicated ta movin' things around certain circles, causin' a little mayhem where we get paid to point our guns, and generally havin' a good time. Or how the USCM likes to call us, a "criminal organization". Ya get certain benefits fer bein' a member. First and most important, yer under the protection of our mercs. Ya always got a home over at Scrapheap. Ya get PAID (provided ya do yer job). Ya don't actually have to be in or even live at Scrapheap, though. The whole point o' hirin' out is to expand, and off-worlders would expand our circle o' influence. Now, I know this is all soundin' too good ta be true, but lemme tell ya, it's as legitimate as illegitimate business goes.

    However, there's a few ground rules ya gotta follow. These rules apply for both Scrapheap and if yer just an Angel's Devils member.

    1. We don't hurt kids. Yeh, I know there's a ton of sick bastards lookin' for a good time out there, but no. If that be yer interest, all yer gonna be paid with is a bullet 'tween the eyes or a grenade round on yer crotch.

    2. Never break a contract. We ain't nothin' if we ain't keepin' our word. We're not a bunch of street punks. This rule doesn't apply if the contract violates rule #1.

    3. I'm queen o' this dump. My word is law. Ya wanna challenge me fer leadership, ya best have some serious balls and they best be made o' steel.

    Now, regardin' joinin' other factions, ya can be a member of anythin' ya want. Ain't no conflict o' interest, even if yer USCM. Now... of course, if yer a member, I expect loyalty to ME over any order ya received from yer superiors in any of them factions. On top o' that, I doubt yer superiors will take kindly to ya bein' a member o' my group, ESPECIALLY if yer PDF of USCM, so ya gotta keep it on the down low. Neither organization knows waddafaq my face looks like, and there's prolly a thousand Angels out there (I even know some Spanish-speakin' dude named Angel) so if yer the type that would be interested in joinin', you'll either be able to find me easy peasy, or I'll find you. Just know that if ya join, and yer a member o' the law enforcement, an ya rat us out, we'll find ya, and it won't be pretty.

  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    name dumb
  3. Biske

    Biske New Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Ain't askin' fer yer opinion.
  4. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Not again. Aw; I should have added dates to my notebook.
    Time to get on it.