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Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Redwilt, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    So, as you all have probably started to see I made a character named "Angel." Kind of a douche, isn't he? I wanted him like that. Superiority complex over the 'troglodytes'. Am I accomplishing that?

    As for his wealth, if you have any concerns about that I can draft up some real numbers. I've left it vague, why?

    To set up a corporation (slowly). I've been trying to ICly hire folks, but nobody seems keen on the menial tasks (of course not, because Bar RP is /so/ much more compelling then joining a team of a pilot, cargo worker, two guards and actually doing stuff). I get that. I had a construction worker character and it was a lot of OOC work (most 'cause nobody else wanted to do it)

    My goal with Angel is to force RP outside of the bar setting, because a vast majority of role-play here is LITERALLY people sitting at a bar and talking.
    Or shooting each other over something equally dumb.

    So yeah. Am I doin' good? Any and all criticism is appreciated, but uh, if you aren't going to toss atleast one helpful thing my way, shoo.
  2. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    I like the concept. Too bad we have to be business rivals :p. Good luck though.
  3. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The extent I have seen your character is posting the bounty board and shitposting on starnet. Maybe you should work more on the public image thing if you want people to work for you. At the moment the character is like one of those crazy people that just posts over opinionated things all over social media.
  4. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Well, due to circumstances I had to void the bounty board.

    So, what would you recommend for the next course of action?

    Ill be stepping away for a moment here (driving home, eta 30 - 40 mins)
  5. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Being more diplomatic in public settings. Your character can be the most hateful person is the world, just don't show it to the people you want to hire or do business with.

    In terms of getting people out of bar roleplay, giving them something interesting to roleplay as an alternative works. It is however reliant on a few things mainly having to do with the experience you can provide them if they walk down said path. Since you apparently need people in these labor roles, making a workspace for them and having group events based around the work they would be doing is a decent start.
  6. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I have interacted with Angel a bit.

    Your lack of employees does not stem from Angel's actual personality, or really anything I've noticed you do in roleplay. I think it really is more of a matter of content. I have absolutely no reason to believe that being employed by you, or any of the other enterprising characters I have seen thus far, will lead to an enjoyable roleplaying experience.

    So I keep sitting in a crappy outpost listening to hissing doors. You're going to need better bait if you want to catch fish, man.

    On a side note, you probably could have easily hired Sunshine beyond contractual work in your initial conversation with him. Probably because he is a dirty glowing man that will do anything for stims.
  7. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Hurrgh. Thats why I hired a prospector and looking for a builder, but nobody's an IC construction person. I did get someone to find me a nice planet though, so I can start setting up said workplace. Ofc I'll have to do it OOC (sigh) and use NPC builders (oh boy.)
    Mr. Sunshine scared me. I got a creepy vibe from him.
    Twas good. Still gonna do the hand thing. I also didn't have a 'work slot' for him; As Angel currently doesn't have need for a roboticist. In the future he definitely will, but he's looking for current employment to get a foundation to climb the ranks.