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Approved Android Character Application

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by ScarletSongbird, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Foreword: I want to say this right away, this character would be a transplant from another RP universe, and that universe is one I built on my own. Therefore, any backstory I have written here is in the works and will be refined ASAP. Due to the fact that this is a transplanted character, I totally understand if it's denied, but I'm fairly certain I can get it to fit the setting, it's not a long stretch.

    Valerie [No last name]

    Age: Roughly 100 years.

    Appearance: Human, often triggers uncanny valley responses. Valerie is an android designed to be as human in appearance as possible. The original purpose of it was to serve as a fashion model on Earth, due to this it's not built to be combat ready. Valerie is designed with human imitation in mind, this leads to fake skin, hair, and other things. Muscle movements are simulated through parts similar to human muscle, though they don't actually assist any with lifting or movement and are purely there for visuals. Any movement is governed by motors and small amounts of internal machinery. Wiring is fairly uncommon in the internal workings as the same fluid used for the muscle movements serves as a conductor for electricity. As it was built with being a model in mind, it's very stereo typically beautiful, built to be as pleasing to the eye as possible. Valerie is blue eyed, blond haired, and fairly pale. Currently, Valerie is somewhat worn and damaged in places, an elbow cap is missing on its right arm, which has been wrapped in brown stained bandages to simulate a wound, it has an exposed seam in its skin on its lower lip which has been covered by an adhesive bandage, and another seam is visible on the left side of its forehead, which has been covered similarly.

    Abilities: Mildly increased strength due to mechanics, numbed pain responses due to wear and tear. Otherwise, about human levels of intelligence, motor skills, and response time.

    Weaknesses: Bullets, blades, blunt objects at high velocity, anything that would generally kill or cripple a human. Large magnets can disorient, and eventually damage it. Valerie was not built with sturdiness in mind.

    Origin: This is where it gets muddy. The original story for Valerie's creation was, well, being a fashion android for a Russian fashion studio. Eventually resource wars broke out on Earth and the Russian military called on the populace for cannon fodder soldiers and Valerie was commandeered by the military, given basic self awareness and decision making skills, while still being locked to control from the military, and sent off to fight. Valerie was taken down multiple times and rebuilt in battle, and eventually fell into the hands of the Chinese enemy. Upon discovering the android didn't know anything important about the Russian army, they reprogrammed and sold Valerie to a wealthy man to fund the war a bit more. The man gave Valerie to his son, who fell in 'love' with the android, and eventually Valerie was tinkered with, as the son continued working on the androids self awareness. Valerie eventually gained enough cognition to operate independently, and when it became basically enslaved, rebelled and killed both the man and his son, then attempted to flee the country. Valerie ended up hiding alone in the city living on the streets, attempting to make enough money to purchase parts for repairs to itself. As the war escalated, androids became less and less common, and Valerie realized that in order to keep existing as it did, it would need to hide the fact that it wasn't human. Hence the bandages.

    Purpose: None, Valerie currently runs a hoverbike taxi service and lives under a bridge in a large cyber-city.

    Notes: Valerie is, albeit, basically human, the only reason it's been able to stay 'alive' as long as it has in due to regular self preformed maintenance and replacement of parts (and what a miracle, it actually knows how to repair itself). In the previous RP it was in, it was a fun take on things. Valerie isn't vocal at all about what it actually is, and generally passes as human. It's a simple character point, and I can work on an actual purpose for it soon. And as I said, the origin probably doesn't fit SBRP much, so that can always be tweaked.

    I thought Valerie might fit in well as a local at Shag's city that's being built.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    This looks well written and thought out. On abilities/weaknesses/overall, this seems A-okay to be played on the server. My only issue with this application is the fact that the backstory is 'in the works', as you said. A solid origin, doesn't have to be long, and i'd be sold.
  3. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Do you have any suggestions? Do we have any solid human lore, or is it sort of just "Anything goes, don't make it outrageous." Some guidelines might help, is all.
  4. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Well, I do know humans had resource wars in our lore. Might be able to just change around the deets in your resource war to fit this.

    This period of peace came to an abrupt end in the year 2376 when a wave of socialist revolutions rocked the world, particularly in eastern Europe and Asia. This socialist party revamped the Comintern (Communist International) plan for a communist new world order. Meanwhile pseudo-fascist coups and revolutions swept across Africa and the Middle East as caliphates established themselves, wanting to rule under the law of the desert.

    The western world met at a convention in Toronto, Canada to forge plans to counteract these seemingly never ending threats. During this convention, a majority of the former EU decided to go their own way and found the Democratic Union of Europe, with the Americas, Commonwealth countries, and Pacific island nations forming the Union of Western Nations.

    Both the DUE and the UWN kept close ties and dubbed their alliance the Western Defense Initiative. Terror attacks began to become commonplace in the western world, particularly in the territories of the DUE, sparking retaliatory operations in the African and Middle Eastern nations still sympathetic to the west. The caliphate responded in full force by invading these would-be “traitor” nations. The WDI reluctantly deployed full scale armies to combat the caliphates in skirmishes, but otherwise avoided full scale war.

    The Comintern saw a weakness in this, launching a full scale assault on the DUE. Communist forces were dropped in major cities around Europe, prompting the UWN to deploy forces. For many years there was a deadlock. The ineffectiveness of nuclear warfare made significant attacks on the home front nigh impossible. The war raged until the year 2406.
  5. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Great, I'll swap around some things. So, looking at this I could still keep her as Russian, end up in a war, but the fighting would be against the DUE or the UWN?
  6. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Something similar to that would work, yeah.
  7. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Let's see... Still built as a fashion android, owned by a Russian fashion studio. War breaks out and it ends up being conscripted as cannon fodder, Valerie is dropped in one of the European city invasions, which leads to it being captured. Interrogation and reprogramming happen, and Valerie ends up as a pet project for a tinkerer on a DUE base, which expands the self awareness and independence. When Earth is destroyed, Valerie gets lost in the chaos, its programmer turns on the programs that were being worked on, and Valerie manages to get off world and into the Fringe. While out there, it becomes apparent that she's still an expensive piece of easily programmed machinery and is at a high risk for being captured and sold into slavery. This leads to the concealment of the whole robot deal.

    How's that sound to you?
  8. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Sounds like everything's good here. Have fun playin' yer new-fangled robots. Approved.