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Approved Android Application/Request

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by QwibQwib, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. QwibQwib

    QwibQwib New Member

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Initial Identification Code: 22-B43-9

    Given name: Mufii

    Apparent "Race": Modeled to look like a Hylotl, with synthetic flesh to help cement the look.

    Apparent Sex: Male

    Years Active: 23

    Reliance on Nutrition
    : None

    Reliance on hydration: None

    Appearance: The artificial skin covering the Android's inner mechanical body is mostly a light blue color. With the only exception being his belly, which is a clear white. He has Iquana like fins on the top of his head. He has small segmentation lines along his limbs.

    Personality: Mufii is a construct that has not fully grasped or explored the depths of his own personality. On the surface he can appear mellow, often speaking with a toneless, boring voice with an expression that reflects this. Though he is not blind to the intricacies of Organics, at least not completely. His vocabulary and word choices are simple to comprehend and he can even make and understand jokes. However, the intent behind using humor, when applied to Mufii is almost never personal, instead he uses it for other organics. There isn't a whole lot of amusement in Mufii's existence and usually this makes attempts to radiate humor rather flat.

    He still has a mindset that puts organics above himself.

    Biography: The time of his creation and the time of his activation are not linked. There is a month of separation between them. His activation came when he was bought by his first owner, somebody of the same species as Mufii's manufactures. Hylotl, Female. Her name was Youki, and she immediately sprung unto him her purpose of creating him. To take care of the few children she had in her possession, while she did other things.

    His existence in the master's house was spent somewhat similarly to the children there. Only in the fact that neither him, nor them saw said master. The children were twins, though not identical, Brother and Sister. It was with them that the Android was allowed one of his first emotions, caring. It was shared in those children as, with the lack of Youki's presence, they began to see him as a sort of father figure. Though, the word 'dad' was only brought up to Mufii around the children's teenaged years, and it was a term he denied at the time.

    He was there when the two had reached adulthood, the female twin, Noa, pursued a higher education. One she found rather quickly, leading to a farewell with Mufii. After that, it was just him and the other twin, Yuuta. And the Android felt that he was going to leave too, weeks before that day he had been talking about going off planet for a job. And that had not changed, except, the boy did not just quickly leave. Youki was abscent as she usually was, and Mufii was asked if he would come with the male.

    There was not much hesitation in the Android's answer, he accepted it.

    As of the posting of this, Mufii had left with Yuuta a month ago.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Sounds good, go for it.