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Anabelle's Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Bunshuu, Apr 13, 2014.

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  1. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    ((as usual, these logs are private and no one knows about them unless you check anabelle's computer on her ship.))

    Text Log #01:

    lmAOOO so i was like in this place right bc i had to do a delivery to some important guy or smth and i was like


    were tha' guy lol

    and the lil shitstain wasn't there???? fucker put a prank on me i s2g i'll cut him the sec i see him
    anyway he left me stranded on this rainy ass planet full of junk trees or whatever

    so obvs i did the /regular/ thing that was
    calling tha cops (jk it was the radio lmfao)

    so this guy responds to me in tha radio and i offer him fuel bc im not a broke ass bitch obvs i can pay my shit lol
    anyway we were in the middle of the talking stuff and some other guy talks on the radio asking for help and all i could think was 'wtf everyone gettin lost' and BOOM

    the other guy was on my zone 2


    ok ANYWAY the guy was an avian called tommy (not actual name but his name was sooooo long) and he was kind of weird and shaked his head a lot lmao he was funny ilu tommy <3
    so like we talked and he ran out of fuel and idk normal lost ppl talking, it was kinda nice and all. So the guy who offered fuel before came in and he had this funky red hair and talked like a A+ weirdo but hey he had the fuel and i had the cash soooo yolo

    so hey gave us and the ollie outtie tha place
    i talked to tommy and he agreed to give me half the fuel (after all i paid it myself lmao) and yeah he gave me a ride to a bar and yeah

    aiko's bar was really nice i guess but i was literally /dying/ so i asked for tha directions to somewhere to sleep because i didn't have time to drink + my hair was messy as fuck (all greasy ew)
    anyway these two chicks were drunk as fuck tried to give me directions but yeah
    also they were leasbianin' together

    they didn't gave me directions and i had to go back to my ship and sleep there
    i took a long ass shower and sleeped for like
    5 hours

    ok that

    now i am in the popular section of the alphaz system so i hope i get a bf or a gf or something
    also job but that is a serious topic and im not in the mood for that

    lmao my mom also sent me some extra money and im so embarassed mom why
    also cupcakes

    ily mom <3
    ur the greatest bitch on the place

  2. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Text Log #02:


    leon the kid contacts me again

    after like



    hooly shit.

    so the history goes like dis: leon be this latin kid that apparently is (was) lost like bunch of time ago i dont remember well but anyway. i was on this planet doing a delivery for a avian village idk just regular stuff like textiles and pieces of metal and yeah
    OF COURSE the locals didn't warn me that the planet was a clustefuck of giant murdering cats? the moment i step into the forest three big ass furry bullshits come outta this tree and tryna eat me like yo what rude

    SO like i ran out? didnt have much choice idk because duh GIANT cats tryna eat my ass. then suddenly i feel like this ZOOP thing passing right in front of me and one of the cat-tiger-lion-whatever falls bc now it had a fucking /arrow/ on the middle tha head. and then another one and another one and all the cats were fucking dead yo

    i look up and i see this skinny ass kid with a bow looking at me all srs and im like YO THANK
    he saved my life that ain't something u just ignore lmfao.
    i had a lil chat with the kid. he was really shy? or just closed. seemed to be unaware of people in the planet since
    he was all dirty and his clothes (that could have looked hella if they were clean) were like ripped and shit and he was all scrawny and
    dang i felt bad like who leaves a 16 years old kiddo like that.
    SO he was a runaway from earth (all of us are tbh) but his ship took him to a unkown planetary system and he was now looking for his
    parents. i didnt have the heart to tell him that probably all the Solar system was kinda gone and that his family being alive was a low possibility so i just
    kinda gave him hopes and a nice staying at my ship.

    i even offered him to come live with me?? temporaly until we find a colony or a nice place to him to live ya. he seemed to be rly scared of me at first
    but then calmed down and politely said that he doesnt wish to live with a stranger. i was like.
    but u go with some gear bc u look like 13 years old weaboo me and that aint something u wanna look like LMAO
    ANYWAY i gave him a new ship courtesy of my long gone mom company. it was a rather normal model, no fancy stuff and probably wouldn't last agaisnt pirates but hey i was countin on the kiddo to take care of himself. also clothes and food and my number.
    real talk i have a weak spot for children or homeless people like fuck i barely didn't give him my own ship.

    ANYWHO i didn't hear from him after that apart from like, two texts and a call.
    until now omg

    So im chillin at my ship bc this system is BORING and there aint much to do (i wanted to go to this liberty mills place or smth but then i remember that i cannot hold my alcohol so no bye) and suddenly i hear my phone ringing and it is a encrypted signal and i check and

    ZOOP it was leon kid. i was suprised to say the less.

    And DAMN did he change. like his voice and actitude and everything and idk i was really suprised to say anything, like kiddo goes from scrawny ass polite kid to this kind of... thing. his voice seems to be less sweetie-ish now and he got kinda bitter, wich is a shame cuz idk he was cuter before. i guess he grown up a bit


    anywho he asks me the usual stuff like yo how u doing blah blah and then BANG straight to the point. He needed a big ship, and told me that i still owed him a favor for beating the shit outta those cats. AND AT FIRST im kinda suspicious bc why would a 16 (17?) years old kid want a huge ship, and like does he know how much do u have to take care of somethin' like that. anywho i dig a bit on the theme and the only thing i could snatch from him his that a friend (i think the name was Remilio) was in especial struggle and he needed to have something huge to carry some important stuff relating to remilio and yadda yadda yadda.

    at this point im sighing rly hard bc i dont like just going to my ma like 'sup mom im gonna take one of our bigger models and give it to a teenager and his weird name friend' but a favor is a favor sooo.
    in fact-o im writing dis from the hangar bc i have to check if this thing can work anymore lmfao
    anyway so that

    real talk im kinda excited even if im not related to anything
    but hey
    the kid is alive and apparently his handling his stuff well

    also note:
    he gave me this frequency that is from his older sister (!!!!) in case i cannot contact him, so i'll check that out later.

    alright im starting to write well and i dont like that life
    alright alright

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