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An old computer terminal, covered in the flora of a dozen worlds...

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by EyesofMarch, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    //FILE START: hakachi is not sure how computr work but hakachi manag to get words to rite. hakachi will rite down all stuff she know and do so hakachi can see how hakachi progres. hakachi shuld rite down who hakachi is so meatbags and other florans will know who hakachi is. hakachis name is hakachi nija and hakachi is from floran world of floraska. hakachi born on floraska and lived happy life hunting and eating and doing adventures. hakachi named hakachi because fishpeople visited floraska before and hakachis kin named buds after fishpeople to make eating them even funier. floraska was atakced by meaties and hakachis kin was taken frum floraska when hakachi was yung. hakachi eat meaties and steal ship! hakachi hunted meaties on ship and stol their stuff and made ship hakachis. hakachi didnt want to go bak to floraska tho because floraska was gone and meaties hunt all florans. hakachi now travl antarie and do adventurs and meet florans and hunt meaties and animals and eat them. hakachi has mate and hakachi likes new life. hakachi try to lern how to get smartur so hakachi can get bak at meaties who attack floraska. hakachi dos not like some meaties like fish people and hakachi relly hates gas peopl because gas peopl dont taste good. hakachi is don with riting now because hakachi is getting frustatd. rite mor later!

  2. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    //FILE START: hakachi get into mane fights this week. hakachi byt throt of floran and kill it when it attak bar on planet hakachi on. hakachi feels bad about kill hakachi feel like she dident need to or it waz bad. hakachi also fights bad birdman who saey bad things about floran people. this maeks hakachi mad and hakachi fights bad birdman and others. hakachi want to be smarter than ever now. hakachi want to infurm meatmen who haet floran and show them floran is not bad. hakachi talk to maney meatmen who makes frend with hakachi and they are smart and agre. hakachi can hunt and fiught and adventur and do good for floran peopl. hakachi make sur plant and meat live in coexictanse and not fight to much. hakachi needs to be smarter first so hakachi can be best at this. hakachi practic instrument and hakachi practice riting! hakachi be very smart floran and do many good things!

    also hakachi desided hakachi not hate gas peopl and hakachi only dislik fish people. hakachi not bad! hakachi is trustful but carful. hakachi will talk to mate more and try to lern and see wat to do! more riting later!

    - hakachi'nija

  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    hakachis first tri at tring to get birdman to liek floran not go well. meatmen do not like dionaea tribe and are afraid of dionaea tribe. maybe hakachi talk to stab dancer about this. maybe hakachi get tribe to help make floran look beter. hakachi not perfect in eyes of meatmen. hakachi hunt hakachi eat prey hakachi keep trofies. but hakachi trying! what else can hakachi do? hakachi is who hakachi is and hakachi canot change. hakachi lieks who hakachi is. but that doesnt mean meatmen has to hate florans for it.

    is very confusing for hakachi. make head hurt. rite more later.

    - hakachi'nija

  4. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Instead of a typed file this time, a video of the computer's owner, the Floran Hakachi'Nija, appears. The video is shaky and clearly made with an older, damaged camera, seeing as many of the recording signals in the frame are askew or damaged. A small backdrop of her personal craft is visible, with the bones of her prey and other assorted items and furniture sitting unused. The Floran herself is clearly in a sorry state, with bandages covering most of her forearms and both hands. A few burn marks appear on her biceps and upper arms; disclosing the true nature of her injuries. Even more unsettling, however, is the look on her face. She appears enraged, yet defeated. Frustrated, yet fearful. All in all, she looks just... Sad. The video's file begins to play...
    "What did Hakachi doessss to desssserve thiss? Hakachi not do anything! Hakachi try be civil.. Try to be good Floran! But meatiesss are bad! Sssso bad! They to-.. Tor.. Torment Hakachi! Ssssay bad thingssss, insssult Hakachi! Hakachi triesss to be nice, triess to ignore, but it getsss too much! Then Hakachi fightssss, but other meatiesss attack! Gasssbagssss get in way, triesss to sssshoot Hakachi! Hakachi sssstab, but..."

    The Floran gazes down at her arms for a moment, and a flash of something akin to fear passes onto her face. She shudders..

    "Fire issss bad. Fire burn Hakachi... Issss very hot."

    The Floran gazes back up to the camera and, gnashing her teeth together, she continues.

    "...Hakachi not even ssssure Hakachi wantssss to continue try and make meatiesss like Floran. Hakachi did goodssss with birdman, though. Birdman likesss Floran after Hakachi invite birdmanssss to housssse. But meatiesss like birdman are... Few and far between. Hakachi'ssss armssss ssssign of thisssss."

    The Floran pauses from speaking for a few moments, as if thinking. She finally begins to raise her bandaged claw upwards, reaching for the camera of her personal computer, and speaks while doing so.

    "Hakachi will think of thisss. For now, Hakachi... Hakachi needssss to calm. Fire issss bad, makesss Hakachi... Feel bad. Maybe talk later..."

    She reaches her hand over the camera frame, and winces visibly. A second later, the feed cuts into black.
  5. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    HAKACHI IS VERY HAPPY! HakaCHI is LEarning to type better and get better wOrds! HaKaCHI is also lerning guitar and has even open SHop on BONeYard to sell all the extra stuff Hakachi haS on ship! HAKACHI ALSO HAS VERY GOOD HUNT! Hakachi go on HunT at boNEYARD and takes many skullSS for trophies! HAKACHI ALSO MEET MAX-GLITCH AND HAS GOOD TIME! IS VERY NICE TO HAKAchi AnD SHOW SHIP! pEtaldancer lie to HakACHI and not make hakCHi very happy so Hakachi leave mate. Make hakachI cry, very sad. HakaChi very sad for many days. But is now bETTr! HAkCHI also meet new meatieS and sHow way of Flora to them! Not hate FlOran way!


    #5 EyesofMarch, Apr 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2015
  6. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hakachi was wrong. Hakachi was not happy. Hakachi is sad very deep in her gut. it is like a deep hunger but not for meat or for hunt. it is for something else but hakachi cannot name it yet. it burns. it is a fire hakachi has never felt before. a deep loss. a deep desire. a darkness hakachi cannot name. cannot tame. hakachi tries to hold it back to hide this fire from tribe and hakachi. Hakachi doesnt want to face it but it hurts Hakachi and makes hakachi feel lost and confused.

    There must be something more. something to fill this loss with. Hakachi must find it or hakachi will never be hole. Hakachi will be easily broken. Hakachi cannot have this. Hakachi must be a strong Floran must fill this emptiness but emptiness cannot be filled by tribe. cannot be filled by meat or death. It must be filled with something else.

    Hakachi decided to leave Katune for a few weeks. Decided it is best. Hakachi must be alone with Hakachi. Self. Improve. search. Hakachi will find somethign to fill this hole with. a purpose perhaps. something greater than hunt. is there anything greater than hunt? is there something else out there? hakachi must know. hakachi must know.

  7. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hakachi spends the night on far away world. stalks of eyes tower into the sky watching like flora does of every floran. the creatures in every corner beckon for hakachis flesh. Hakachi thinks it is unsettling. scary. but Hakachi fights this fear. Hakachi makes camp in little cave and hunts for food. finds creature that spews fire from lung and kill for meat. sears it over fire. Yet the eyes continue to watch hakachis every move. watching. waiting. Like flora does. Like Florans do. we are all alike yet are different. the eyes have purpose. the eyes have a mission for this world to watch and protect like hunters in the night. hakachi understands yet seeks something else. not here and not now. hakachi wishes for greater.

    The eyes make hakachi think, but Hakachi does not find purpose on this dark decrepit world. Hakachi leaves world next day and begins search for populated world. maybe human or avian or glitch or floran. Hakachi will learn more about self from others hakachi thinks. maybe what is purpose? most important question. does hakachi even know the answer?

  8. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hakachi has traveled very far and seen many places now and has used half of fuel reserves. Hakachi has learned much but still must find something worth travel. Hakachi thinks hakachi has found it here on world that is half green half brown. It almost makes Hakachi sad to see it, yet hakachi finds radio signals here. Sign of life. When hakachi set down on the planet Hakachi takes photo of landing site. Hakachi attaches photo of place hakachi finds.

    Hakachis technology is blinking very rapidly when Hakachi teleports down and it says there are a lot of radiation here. Big explosion marks visible close by from landing site. Big boom happened here. hakachi also sees human military penal colone sign here and hakachi thinks this is human world. Makes it even more dangerous hakachi thinks. hakachi thinks much bad has happened here.

    Hakachi is wearing armor given by Stab-Dancer to stay safe from dust and radiation and to keep self hidden. Hakachi doesn't think humans like florans very much, especially on a world like this. But even with all this bad and destruction Hakachi sees small towns and builings in distance. A few people, humans and a Glitch or two, moving around with robots and big carts of food. trade perhaps.

    hakachi waits till night to move about. Hakachi hears gunfire at night. screams very, very far off. Hakachi thinks it is best to observe for now. watch and wait. Hakachi has set up camp outside of small gated town near landing site. Hakachi will go to town tomorrow and try to go inside and learn more.

    Hakachi thinks hakachi will find much to learn here. perhaps a purpose. Yes a purpose. Hakachi already sees purpose here. survival. victory. yet hakachi also hears bad. violence. robbery. stealing. many bad things that make even hakachi shudder. Makes Hakachi think about Floran way. Of hunt. Do humans see hunt as... this sort of bad? mindless badness? Hakachi must take rest as head hurts with all this thought.

    Thought is good though. means Hakachi is thinking. Hakachi is sure what she is looking for is here. Write more tomorrow.

  9. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hakachi had interesting day. rough day. much violence. Hakachi met human who helped hakachi. Today, Hakachi decided to make way down to the town hakachi found yesterday. entered town and didnt speak so the humans didnt know Hakachi was a floran. The humans seemed suprised by hakachis armor but didnt say anything. intimidated maybe. The town was old and broken. The town sat on a small hill and had big shacks and old building to live in. water dripped from pipes hanging out of the protection walls. Humans slouched in corners trying to drink the water or find food. some even eating dirt. many were getting sick. radiation poisoning. Made Hakachi feel weird. not very good.

    Hakachi didnt want to stay for very long but Hakachi decided to be a good Floran. Hakachi came to a group of the humans and took out some of the cooked fish Ziggy made for Hakachi before hakachi left on trip. smell traveled fast. other humans smell and come quickly. Hakachi takes out boom pistol and aims at the humans and tells them hakachi will shoot if they keep coming. they keep coming. Hakachi shoots few times! Blows up three humans BOOM. blood splattered on ground and they are dead in seconds but others rush Hakachi. Hakachi fights hard and hits them. claws face. tears out eyes. but hakachi is outnumbered. Hakachi was attacked by fifteen ish humans! Too many for Hakachi to handle! They tear off Hakachis helmet and start beating Hakachi! Hakachi thought hakachi was done for.

    THEN BAM! Three humans wearing big coats that are around ankles come forward and shoot into the air. The leader has gasbag hat on and carries a big assault rifle. Some humans scatter but others turn and start yelling at the three humans. They are pointing at hakachi and her food. hakachi not hear much because hakachis face hurt very bad and she saw many flashing lights in eyes. Then hakachi sees one human grab hakachis gun and aims it at humans. The three humans shoot SUPER fast faster than hakachi has ever seen a human shoot. the humans are DEAD and fall to ground. the lead human comes to hakachi and tries to help hakachi up. Hakachi takes hand and grabs hakachis stuff and rises to hakachis feet. the human starts asking questions but hakachi cannot answer. hakachis head hurted too much. human offers to let hakachi stay at humans 'Ranger Post Charlie' and hakachi agrees.

    Hakachi is here now. Hakachi is lying in a bed and is typing this on personal computer device. hakachi has a bandage around forehead and has something called 'bandaid' on cheek. humans say they want to talk t oh here they come now they just walked in. hakachi writes more later.

  10. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Has been while since Hakachi has updated journal and thinks it is time to do so. has been strange past weeks. painful. hurtful. but good in the end. Starts when Hakachi gets back from human world out of sector with new ideas of purpose and thought. First thing happens is Hakachi ends up getting shot with human bullets in side after Hakachi tries to help find stolen things. Hurts very much. Hakachi never shot by bullets before. burns greatly like a fire inside Hakachis body. made Hakachi very angry and hakachi couldn't control self. hakachi ends up rushing human and tearing throat out with teeth. Hakachi felt very good, like a true hunter... until Hakachi finds Hakachi waking up in clinic from sap loss. maybe Hakachi not rush gun-totting humans anymore, hehe.

    All this time Hakachi starts talking to Max-Glitch more. Max was, is, very nice to Hakachi. Hakachi doesn't care that Max is metal and not meat. Max is kind to Hakachi and looks past Hakachi's anger. Even goes on hunt with Hakachi! Then Max says Max has feelings for Hakachi. And Hakachi has strong feeling in chest for Max too! Makes Hakachi feel fell uhm overwhelm! Very many feeling in Hakachi when Max says this, many more than Petaldancer had ever made Hakachi feel before. Now Max is Hakachis uhmmmmmmm not mate Max not like this word. Max is boyfriend of Hakachi although boy and friend is not meaning mates but whatever meaties and glitch want to call it is okay with Hakachi. As long as Max is with Hakachi and is kind and keeps nibbling on Hakachis petals hakachi is happy! Hakachi finds that very adorable. Makes Hakachi forget about hunt.

    Hakachi also gets job as security officer at Katune! Katune is new home for Hakachi and it makes Hakachi very happy! Hakachi has apartment now on Katune and makes good relations between Flora and Katune, although there are a lot of Avians on Katune now and they do not like Hakachi because Hakachi stands up for Flora. Avians are bad to Hakachi. Mean. Nasty. Evil. make hakachi want to rip their beaks off and shove it down their throats so they can taste their own words. HA AHAH hakachi makes a good joke! Hakachi will tell this one to Stabdancer.

    Hakachi especially hates this Alo avian. Stuck up arrogant bastard avian. Hakachi thinks maybe Hakachi will eat this Avian but is not civilized way. would make alo right about Florans. Yet still is something to think about. maybe pluck feathers BEFORE eating? Hakachi never likes taste of Avian bird feathers. Stuck in teeth and not meat.

    Okay hakachis claws starting to hurt a bit from so much typing so Hakachi will stop writing now and will write more later! Hakachi is very happy!


  11. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hakachi had nightmare. Bad dream of fight with Floran at tribe execution. Dream of were florans eats Hakachi and hakachi can do nothing to stop. Scaresn hakachi. Hakachi does not scare easy. Hakachi has been trying to ignore scare feeling since fight and helps when hakachi is with max but last night hakachi slept in room alone and was very bad. Woke up sweating. Is not good. Not good at all. no no. Hakachi is try to take mind off the fight by fixing ship because engine panels start making sparks and lightining. Also spend time with max helps. Max always makes Hakachi feel like best floran. Best girl in the galaxy.

    Stab tries to make hakachi feel better by telling hakachi is still alive. doesnt help. makes it worse a bit. Sharpgore could have eaten Hakachi. killed hakachi. but DIDNT. WHY. Now Hakachi will never know and this makes hakachi angry. maybe hakachi just needs time to let this pass through mind. hakachi needs to relax. less fighting maybe.

    Write more later.

  12. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Too much is happening, too much too keep up. Flightless attack warren and Hakachi and Katune and United Systems fight them off. We kill many of their number but many are wounded. Hakachi is badly burned. Very scary. Glauen and Max are fighting and are no longer friends. Not allowed to be at Dexters Gardens anymore. Now we live on Katune again. Fighting is getting worse and bad things are being said of Hakachi on Starnet now. Like Hakachi is a murderer. Bad person. But Hakachi isnt! Hakachi has only done good for Katune except for the bad people that are bad to Hakachi! Hakachi was made chief of security so it only means more people are looking at Hakachi much harder now.

    Hakachi thinks taking break is a good idea. Maybe get an easy job. No more fighting for awhile. Not sure how though. All Hakachi has done in life is fight and have friends. And speak of friends, Violeta tries to take Max away. Take Max away. Take Max away. Said he was dangerous. Bad. Violent. Murderer. Hakachi and Max escape but Hakachi just wants it to stop. For everything to go back to normal again like it was when Hakachi first got here. When Hakachi didnt care about what meaties thought. About what happened.

    Max makes Hakachi happy. Hakachi lives with Max now and spends much time with him. Even mated which was interesting experience to say least. Hakachi hopes Max is with Hakachi for much much longer time..

    Too much to write. too many details. more later.