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An Introduction to the Avian

Discussion in 'Avian' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 6, 2016.

  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Set upon the galactic scene long ago, the Avians stand out as one of the oldest known races in the universe. They began as simple tribal beings, but their progress was rapidly accelerated by a benevolent progenitor race of unknown origin. Within thousands of years, Avians exploded into a sprawling theocracy, spreading their colonies and ideals with them as they traveled.

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    In the traditional Avian, a strong devotion to their beliefs and faith is typical. Sunborn are the worshipped gods in Avian culture, with Kluex being the most prominent figure in the group. Although he was once a mortal avian, his passing was forgotten long ago, replaced with a deification of his image. Those who follow Kluex and the Sunborn in general are often referred to as Flightless. To the Flightless, Kluex came to be known as the Arbiter, the Sunborn who judges the souls of those who wish to pass into the afterlife, the Aether. This is based on how closely Avians followed Kluex’ teachings through life, mainly his commandments. Those who served Kluex diligently are said to soar for eternity in the Aether; those who fail to measure up are forced to hop around on the ground as a form of eternal punishment.

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    Politics and government are also deeply rooted into the Avian’s beliefs and culture. Stargazers are one of the highest positions for Avians, as they hold a majority of power in nearly all governmental issues and can overrule lower positions decisions. It is said Kluex communes directly with the Stargazers, giving them the divine wisdom to guide their race. However, the main governmental body of Avian society is the Clipped Council. Originally formed in Avos to bridge the societal gap between Stargazers and regular avians, the Council now serves as a law-making, governing body that influences nearly all Avian colonies. On smaller and more distant colonies, a High Priest -- or multiple -- will often serve as the local government, ensuring the will of the Clipped Council is enacted properly.

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    The Grounded

    Despite faith being a cornerstone of Avian culture, there are those who reject and defy the ways of their Flightless brothers. Dubbed ‘Grounded’ as a reference to what awaits them in the afterlife, those who deny Kluex are ridiculed and banished from Avian society as a whole, possibly even sacrificed in the honor of the god they deny. Those who flee or are banished often seek refuge with other races, away from their kin. Because of this, it’s common to find Grounded who have taken to another races culture and mannerisms.

    Avolite Crystals

    Originating from Avos, the red power crystals that Avians are famed to use are quite a mystery. Stargazers are said to be the only individuals that understand their full potential, and they also tightly control the supply of the rare crystal. For these reasons, it’s extremely difficult to obtain these crystals and nigh impossible to ever hope to understand them.

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    Similar to the common aves of earth, Avians come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, making them possibly the most physically diverse race. Avians can vary wildly depending on their ancestry and genetics, but all share a few factors in common.

    • The average lifespan of an Avian clocks in at around 125 years.
    • No Avians are mammals, meaning they do not possess mammaries and lay eggs to reproduce.
    • Avian legs are digitigrade, with much longer tarsal bones than most other races and “ankles” set much higher up on the leg, resulting in faster, quieter movements.
    • Avians’ digestive system is also much more sensitive when compared to other races, meaning alcohol and caffeine's effects will be amplified greatly on them.
    • Most other traits, including feather colors, beak structure, podotheca, and foot forms are extremely varied between Avians.
    • Generally, Avians are smaller and more lean than the other races, but without extensive training, it’s difficult to achieve the same muscle mass that other races can. Their agility usually makes up for a loss in strength, however.
    #1 L.O.R.I.E., Oct 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2016