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An Explorer's Notes

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Caws, May 9, 2016.

  1. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
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    These notes could be easily found on the StarNet, however, it requires a password. It starts abruptly, audio recordings with some pictures.

    Traveled to -107, 40 II on random chance by a random FTL drop. To say the least, I wasn't welcome. As soon as I beamed in, I stumbled off of a roof, rolled to a stop on frosty dirt. When I looked up, I wasn't looking at the sky. I was looking down the barrel of a rifle. The guard, which, by the way was the prettiest Avian lady I've ever seen, shouted at me, "What are you doing here? Get out of here, or we'll shoot!" Someone didn't like a nice explorer. The crazy thing was, this woman had a General's Wings, and skimpy-ish clothing. Tried to explain, "Miss, I'm just an explor--", until she raised the rifle and fired into the air. It didn't sound or feel like a normal rifle, because I felt the heat from the round. Damn near felt like an incendiary round. So, without much of a choice, I got up and dashed away into a cave. When I looked back with binoculars, they were still aiming at me, ready to fire. The second I put those binocs down, they unleashed the torrent of bullets that I thought would be my demise. Nope. Ice doesn't make rocks fragile; makes them harder. Thank you, Kluex. Shame, though, the rock wall wasn't high enough. Tried to get deeper into the cave, but, as I retreated, I swear I felt a bullet pierce my body armor, which was just lightweight anti-freeze gear. When I regained my breath, felt my chest. I wasn't surprised at what I felt. Wet with a small stream of blood. I did treat it properly. Not getting gangrene today, luckily it passed through my body without doing much to me. I emerged an hour or two later. Bright daylight, still. I found something.. really odd. Other than the somehow hostile alpacas living here, there was an icehouse? Nobody was home, so I snapped a picture.

    That's enough exploring for one day.