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An Encrypted Webpage titled "Sialfwbizr.sial"

Discussion in 'Black Market' started by Anonymous, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    (Included on this web page is a picture of eight consecutive pictures of meat, still fresh off the animal, oozing blood onto the table they are on. Also included is a picture of a man in a toga and laurel wreath, long forgotten by time. Everything else on the page seems to be gibberish.)

    Fiiu azbnuk jvz d elnqi av kia alnr rvqh. Sdbfi N'qq ldmi du idrniz ansi hvnuk na nu alnr rbrais. Qvvp, N dnu'a drpnuk jvz d siiawx, fwa N'qq uiih bvwz dhhzirr (xzijizdfqb iugzbxaih nu alnr gnxliz) av riuh bvw ali xzvhwga. Xwznab mdznir, rv hvu'a gvsxqdnu nj bvwz jnzra vzhiz nr fiaaiz aldu ali rigvuh.

    Vui aiiual: 40 xntiqr
    Aev aiiualr: 50 Xntiqr
    Alzii aiiualr: 60 xntiqr
    Jvwz aiiualr: 80 xntiqr
    Jnmi aiiualr: 100 xntiqr

    Dub svzi elvqirdqi dsvwuar swra fi hnrgwrrih enal si nu ali rdsi gnxliz.

    ~~~ Gdxadnu Gvvp
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    (the anonymous user posts yet again)

    Xzngir ldmi gldukih

    Vui aiiual: 80 xntiqr
    Aev aiiualr: 100 xntiqr
    Alzii aiiualr: 120 xntiqr
    Jvwz aiiualr: 160 xntiqr
    Jnmi aiiualr: 200 xntiqr
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Bvw uimiz zidqqb rdnh elizi alnr viia nr jzvs. Snkla n fi fzdmi iuvwkl av drp?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Na'r sial, rvzzb av rdb. Eduaih av rii nj xivxqi gdu gzdgp alnr hdsu alnuk jnzra.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Eiqq bcw rwzi xwaa si alzvwkl liqq hvnuk na
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Qvvpr qnpi na. Ali iugzbxaiz gdu'a imiu zidh rvsi vj bvwz evzhr.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    rvzzb, na'r ldzh av rxiqq gligp eliu N gdu'a rii elda N's abxnuk
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Xqidri ravx xvranuk lizi nj bvw dziu'a lizi av fwb.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    (OOCly, could a character decrypt this? Because the person behind the keyboard has no idea where to start with this, but one of my characters might.)
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    (I would say yes. Although, you'd need to ask over the discord for the instructions on how to decode afterwards.)
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    (I have a character who's good at this kinda stuff, I mean decrypting and all that jazz. Wondering how and where to receive information on how to decrypt it and if i'd be able too)
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Cwx awqsjkxwa mzi!

  13. Tesla

    Tesla ore wa ochinchin ga daisuke nandayo

    Aug 21, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Ezvuk gnxliz, kiunwr.