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An Actual Colony.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Diehardpatriot, Feb 7, 2015.


Do you want me to finish and open up this place IC?

  1. Yes, I'd love to RP here and contribute to this places growth.

    21 vote(s)
  2. No, I politely (or impolitely) denounce this idea and would much rather RP elsewhere.

    2 vote(s)
  1. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Yep, that's right. This is gonna be so long it's gonna be in sections, apologies in advance.

    Now that that's out of the way... A few of you might have been on when I built my first bar a week or two ago, after Upbeat Giraffe, you might have even gone inside. I hadn't really planned the bar out, just sort of cobbled together a bar, put an ad on StarNet, and blared one of those annoying Galaxy Chat adverts. There was a little success, about ten people at one point, and it went on like that for two more days. On that fateful day, there was a glitch, and poof, bar wiped forever.

    I'm essentially aiming to replicate and expand the original bar idea, complete with planning, and agonizing scrutiny over the details. I don't want this place to be a one-off bar for people to chill for a day, I want it to be an Actual Colony. One that lasts as long, if not longer, than some of our pre-update colonies, like Port Last, or Tetanus Fields.

    With that said, lets get into what I have planned.

    The location, and the Theme.

    The colony itself would be located on an Ocean world orbiting a class K star. It would have a temperate shallow tropical ocean, a rainy but otherwise calm climate, no abundance of wildlife on land, but oceans filled with mostly benign creatures (the obvious exceptions would be the planets Apex predator: Some kind of shark, living de-e-e-e-ep under water.)

    The theme would be a mixture between advanced space age structures mixed with primitive but sturdy bamboo/wooden structures, with kelp & dried seaweed for roofing.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    My 'Vision'

    I plan on building the majority of the structures, and furnishing almost all of them (though I'd be more liberal in letting other people furnish stuff). The majority of the colony will be done IF it opens, and I'd only add structures if the colony had a strong enough IC economy to handle it. The only real utility buildings I've made are the bar, and the FTL transmitter tower, I still need to add residences, a Colony Government building, harbor, and some kind of energy plant.

    Where -YOU- Come In.

    It's hard enough to have to lay the physical groundwork for this place, and I'm not going to keep this up (probably) if I know the place isn't going to take off. So what I'm asking is: Is this place someplace you'd like to come and RP? Is it realistic? If not, what would you suggest?

    If my idea for this place is the foundation, you guys have to help with the ground work...

    On another note, this place will absolutely crash and burn if I'm the only one working and maintaining it. So I'd appreciate anyone jumping on-board to help run the place IC.

    I essentially need people capable of running a few of the businesses here (like the bar), working the utility buildings (like the harbor, and the power plant.) Security personnel too, but It's not like you'll be well funded, so you might want to donate a character who'd have a slightly higher moral upstanding.

    What it Comes Down to...

    I'll dumb it down to two choices...
    Choice one: Yes, I'd love to RP here and contribute to this places growth.
    Choice two: No, I politely (or impolitely) denounce this idea and would much rather RP somewhere else.

    Feedback appreciated!
  2. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I like the idea of having a seaside town or city.although it's the 25th century in SB there's bound to be at least one or two resorts made out of wood n shiz that give it that eternal-summer, salty and fresh style.

    Realism isn't much of a problem here anyways. If I were to be picky about things I'd just ask you questions like: "Where'd you get the funding to build that? Where'd you get the workforce and who would invest in such a thing? Because xyz would prevent it." Since those are questions and statements no player can respond to entirely. So just keep it to a reasonable level I guess.

    As for the rest, maybe if you do want to have a semi-realistic economy maybe you could do trade contracts with people or existing factions. I know the faction I'm part of could provide services for resource prospecting and such. But those are just my ideas and opinion.

    Overall I give it a 8.7/8 - IGN

    Good luck bro!

    PS: Maybe make it into a resort more than an actual colony? Seaside settlements aren't known for high agricultural yield. Salt kills most of the stuff growing on land.

    PPS: if it's energy you want you could make a sea(tidal) powered generators. They exist. Look them up. Or the faction I belong to could maybe at some point export energy cells to your colony.
    #2 Shag, Feb 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2015
  3. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    A few questions to help other people looking at this gauge interest and possibly help you get some ideas.

    What is the in game story behind this colony?
    What sort of people would live in this place?
    Does the colony produce anything?
    Will it be self sustained?
    What type of roleplay would you like to see here?


    In most cases this sort of thing isn't a real issue. The problem comes with people trying to poof stuff into existantce for, lack of a better term, military force. I am not overly concerned with where colonies come from, because the most interesting and varied places we have to rp the better.
  4. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I'll go at these one at a time...

    One of the reasons I made this post in the first place was in order to help invent a backstory for the place, the foundation built off of the loss of almost every other major colony in the series of disaster events manufactured to explain the update wipe.

    The people living here would vary... I planned on this place being a mix between tropical resort, and pre-industrial port (with a few obvious exceptions in the setting of a spaceflight capable galaxy.)

    The colony would largely be an import/export hub, my plan was for it to buy and sell things that were more or less legal. The few things it would likely produce would be tropical drinks and hula skirts, though that really depends on whether this place takes off and develops enough to START producing anything.

    The exceptions would extend into the next question, the colony would be for the most part self sustained: It would have it's own power source (either windmills, solar panels, a large generator, etcetera...) The colony would be able to get food from the islands in the form of implanted Flora (Coconuts, Pineapple, Banana) but more so from the vast amount of sea life.

    The kind of RP I'd like to see would be people from all walks of life setting down and relaxing, or simply beaming down and getting right to business. The planet would act like a hybrid between a resort, and a port, hooking people in with both comfort and reliance. That being said, how people roleplay is entirely up to them, I just want to provide a lasting setting for them to do that in.

    And on the funding issue, the character funding this place isn't exactly rich, but he can afford the necessary structures: Power supply, FTLC tower, furniture, etc... But he can't afford the raw materials to just plop a pristine colony down, as a compromise, the colony would be made mostly by hand out of wood and other local building materials. Manpower would come from IC volunteers/Paid workers, though there'd be relatively few of them.

    If you have a suggestion on something I could change to make this place more interesting or realistic, it'd help.
  5. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Well your colony/resort is on an ocean world. There's seafood, algae and seawater all around. There's a ton of different applications for each thing. Lots of cosmetics use extracts from seaweed for example. Pet foods are made from fish flour, as strange as that sounds. Salt is a widely used seasoning, and can be extracted from seawater during its purification. There's tons of ways you can use the elements around your colony to increase realism.

    Maybe build a warehouse where you store dry seaweed so as to show that you export it maybe?
  6. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    With the ratio what it is right now, I'm going to go ahead and keep working on the physical colony.

    I still need people to jump in as IC residents and workers when it's done though, and I'd appreciate help building a better backstory for it.
  7. BenWx

    BenWx New Member

    Jan 4, 2015
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    As I am looking for a place to drop my main (Ankaa) I would love to extend a helping hand with him! He's a law enforcer, and fancies himself to be quite a peacekeeper. Could there be something for him to do?
  8. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    After days of work, I've actually managed to finish the preliminary colony... I'm going to post an IC 'help wanted' ad up on StarNet at some point, and do IC recruiting. Once those two things are done, I'll open up the colony.

    So yeah, any plot related ideas post them here. If you want to help IC I'll put up a link to the ad when I post it.
  9. BenWx

    BenWx New Member

    Jan 4, 2015
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    What exactly would you want to do for the "story?" The town's direction in general? The citizens' political agenda?
  10. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    What I meant was the colonial direction, but considering how things are progressing now that construction is done for now, and IC events are moving along... I figure that and the backstory will take care of itself, the colony will probably go public soon-ish too.

    EDIT: Help wanted page for anyone who was interested in joining IC

    #10 Diehardpatriot, Feb 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2015