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Ammon Fenuku's Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Doctor Frohman, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Written in Qustulian Dialected Avian

    Experiment: Log 1: Experiments with Notchli's commands seem to be pretty light. She's got a brain in her skull... or whatever these tarantula creatures have, haven't cut the poor girls head open yet. However, she's quite limited with what she's been using.

    I've trained her for three commands, climb, bite, and feeding time.

    Long Singular Whistle; climb. She climbs up and onto my shoulder, knowing my beak and plumage are plenty warm or wet for whichever better climate she prefers. She also knows that I'll be more likely to take her to food when she's up on my shoulder or whatever.

    Two Short Whistles; bite. She bites into my arm, or wherever the skin is. Preferably my right arm, though, no nerves left there thanks to the chems.

    Three Long, Drawn-Out Whistles; feeding time. She comes to me, ready to eat the rats I've set out for her. Pretty easy way to get her out of her hiding place, though if used repeatedly without feeding, she ignores me later on till I gain her trust again.

    I'll have to study how she reacts to food, and promises of it, as well as the chemicals released in her prey when she bites. Only way I'll be able to possible tame one of the larger ones from her Oxygen-Rich Homeworld, or survive in capturing one.
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  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Religious: Log 1: I'm fine with Grounded being outside of our community, but them nesting with aliens, like Hylotl, Humans, and Floran? They're disgusting, especially the Floran part.

    I've heard of Flightless nesting with Humans before, and by nesting, I mean the permanent bond of love, not the temporary kind in the bedroom. However, these mammals getting down with these misguided Avians... it's locking them out of any redemption, keeping their eyes blinded.

    I can't see how to stop this, though, how to keep our faith and our kindred guided, and keep the aliens from drudging our kindred away. Perhaps a more forceful tone would be needed... however, I cannot spill the blood of my own kin, no matter their allegiance.

    We must learn from history, after all.

    Experiment: Log 2: I've successfully extracted the phermones injected during feeding. Poor girl won't come out of her plant, yet, but she'll come around. Maybe I'll feed her two rats to get her back to trusting me.

    As for the results, it seems to be that once their prey is injected with it, they tend to become not much of a priority. If she injects the rat, then I call her to come and eat, she will come and eat. However, if the rat isn't injected, she will ignore me and focus on the food infront of her. Perhaps this is how I could lure some of the spiders out of the den without them biting me and eating me. I'll have to do some more analysis on Notchli's little ones, see how they interact with eachother when there's food ahead. Perhaps... I can record the sounds they emit, somewhat 'speaking' to eachother.
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  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Social: Log 1: Chitlipotonqui's hatchling has left the egg. His name is Neztlinpotondje- blah blah blah, I'll just call him Lil' Nez. He's bright pink, no feathers yet, but his talons and beak are his father's, dark black. Today is definitely great, glad to see the Fenuku family living on where I 'failed'.

    Experiment: Log 3: As for my results, Notchli's spawn react to certain tones they speak to eachother. Some can be heard, some can't. The one for 'food ahead' or 'follow me to food' is quite distinct though. You'd never expect such a loud noise from such a teeny tarantula! Today seems to be the day of offspring, kehe.

    Anyway, I've been keeping track of these tones, but most of them are useless... besides the 'follow me to food' and 'danger'. I'll get them jotted down into my datapad, and if I want to really be fancy with it... I could get myself a harp or something like that to play the notes!

    It'd be safer to just have the noise come from the emitter itself, though, I don't want a loose string to cause the spiders to flee or worse... go into a mating dance or something. I'll keep doing tests over the next week, as well as trying out the theory on the phermones. I have to be sure this works. Perhaps I can get Silk-Spinner or some other wuss to be my little test subject for the while. Just an injection, then see if Notchli will bite them, or come to me when called. Here's to hoping it works on... larger creatures with lesser doses.

    Occupation: Log 1: Still no job yet. Been dipping for pixels, stealing things from colonies for my research and food, that kind of thing. I need to stop doing these illegal acts soon enough, I have no more gang to back me up anymore. However, little .410's kept me mostly safe so far, and with the Notchli wild-card, I should be alright if someone catches or comes down on me.
    #3 Doctor Frohman, Jun 10, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
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  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Social: Log 2: Worm's keeps calling me, trying to get me to talk with him. The fag can't tell that it was just a spin-off I was doing with him. First I wanted his body, then his money, then his power to get my own Inn there. I ain't got the heart to call him back, though. Better for him to think me dead instead of knowing I'm a real douchebag.

    Experiment: Log 4: Been tinkering with my Translator Jammer. The frequency every translator uses, just fill it with white noise, easy way to tear apart a USAF beacon. Grounded seem to love living with them, soaking up their resources. You can't have Avians in complete combat like that... our bones aren't made to plucking take direct hits and build muscle mass.

    Big boss man didn't like the idea of the translator jammer. He figured why not just attack them with guns and shit? Guy doesn't know how amazing tearing apart their teamwork is. Glad I left those guys, didn't back me up worth a damn now that I think about it. When I was imprisoned, guy didn't even plucking bother breaking me out, nonono, it was some random shmuck who did it instead.

    Back on topic, I'm still working along with the injection, poor gal hates it when I take some of her venom. Can't do the experiments on myself, since she knows me and all. I'll have to make some calls. Silk-Spinner, Djedptahaufankh, that one reddish mammal, excetera, got plenty of old pals that'll be able to lend me a hand with this. Can't tell them why I wanna do it, though, but... who wouldn't want an army of 18 legged massive man-eating tarantulas?