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Alyx's little book

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Alyxx, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    ((Hiding between other books in a bookcase in Alyx's little house, one small, grey book with nothing labelled on the sides can be seen. If picked up, it can be read in Avian language -Wich I forgot the name- "Alyx's Diary". Of course, curiosity could with you, and you open it, and start to read... -You little pervert...-))
    ((The words seem to have been written with old-style black Ink, with a certain trace of Glitch writing. It is still good enought to be translated with your Universal Translator.))

    -Day one after I was launched to space.

    Oh, for the love of Kluex, WHY did I pressed the big red button... I was so happy in the farm...

    After a day wondering in space, the ship almost landed in a huge rock, known as a Planet. I went down to gather some resourses, such a Fuel, Food, and that fancy stuff.

    Once I was back in the ship, the Comm. was buzzing like a mad Avian without feathers. Apparently, there was a broadcast of an advertizing of something called Bar. The broadcast also had some Coordinates, so... Why not. What's the worse thing that could happen?

    -Day one and a half after the Launch.

    Well, it did went better than expected.

    After meeting a series of other nice, living people, we played some music and enjoyed a few drinks. I just drank water, actually. I'm not sure if I should stick to other drinks yet.

    Anyways, a nice Floran propossed a temporal home, wich I accepted, so did another Human I met.

    Tomorrow we are going there. Hope that it's pretty. I also hope that this Floran is not carnivore. Wait, if a Floran's a Vegetarian... Isn't that Cannibalism? I'm a bit... Lot confused right now.

    -Day two after the Launch.

    ...It could have gone worse. It ALWAYS can go worse.

    The place where I'll live for a while is basically an old Jail, or something like that. It gets worse if I add that there are recent graffittis (Or at least, that's how they name them) written with blood. Don't they know that Blood is sacred?

    Anyways, at least I have a roof over my head, and no filthy monster should bite my feathers if I fall asleep. For now. And, in the end, the Floran's a cannibal. Yes, he eats plants. I know, I'm writing very weird stuff.. But you are my diary, so shut up!

    -Day three after Launch.

    After a really umcomfortable sleep in the ground, I decided to venture out of the Jail, and explore a bit.

    Not too far away from the Jail, there are a few other structures, apparently from Apex origin. I don't know, they look Human to me. They both look the same for me.

    The other side of the Horizon is white, covered in snow. I wonder how does it feel...

    -Day three and a quarter after Launch.

    Bad idea. Snow gets under my feathers. I'm really cold right now. I can barely hold my beak from twitching. I can see my own breathe right now.

    -Day three and two quarters.

    Hurray. I'm lost. I'm in the middle of nowhere. It's nighttime. I don't even know how I'm writing in the darkness. Hold on, I... *Ink drop*

    -Day Four.

    Damn monsters. Damn tripping. Anyways, I spent a whole night walking. I'm walking right now, while I write. I see a desert in the Horizon. And the Jail! Hurray! Iv'e never been so happy at the sight of a penitenciary!

    I made it back to the Jail. And they did a few things while I was out too. They cleaned the blood from the walls, and they are also making a little house for our thirth member. I should ask his name again, but that's not very polite.

    After a nice recovering nap in the bed of the owner of the Jail -wich name I completely forgot-, I recovered from my wound in the stomach. Damn monsters, they know where to bite.

    -Day Four and a half.

    A Glitch came in, with the name of Gamma. He reminds me of my childhood, overall to my father. He's a cool guy too.

    -Day Five.

    Today, I'm going to make myself a better room. I'm tired of sleeping in the floor.

    -Day five and two quarters.

    Done. Looks beautifull. It only took me a few feathers of my hands, but it's worth it.

    -Day seven.

    Booooring. I'm taking the ship out to the sea of stars once more. Let's see where I land.

    -Day Eight.


    -Day Nine.

    Back home. NEVER. EVER. GOING. BACK. TO. THAT. PLANET. Ever.

    Oh, and I took some samples from the mind-controlling shrooms from the beasts that attacked me. Let's see what can I do with them...

    -Day ten.

    Nothing. The Shrooms died in the test tubes. They need a living Host to survive properly.

    I'm taking the ship for a second ride. I'll make sure to land in a nice planet this time.

    -Day twelve.

    Well, this one is way much better. No mind-contolled monsters... No giant shrooms...

    ...How wrong I was with the second one. Gigantic mushrooms raise in the horizon. Lovely.

    I decided to explore a bit, and see what they had to offer...

    -Day Twelve and a quarter.


    At least, they are not aggressive. Phew.

    In fact, they even try to communicate with me. They are interested in my feathers.

    ...And I'm sure I heard one of them say something like "Me want feathers for hat". No, you are not going to keep my lovely brown feathers for a hat.

    I decided to communicate the discoverment of the planet. Maybe we can bring them to Space too!

    -Day thirteen.

    What a bad idea.

    After I broadcasted my discoverment (Yes, I found that my ship has a Broadcast system, after smashing a few buttons here and there), I recieved a call from a Glitch. The name was Prince Franz, a fancy name. I told him the coordinates because he was interested in seeing them, and since my fathers were Glitches too, well... I had some respect for him. For them all.

    Anyways, after prudly giving the coordinates, I landed in the planet once more, and went East this time. The Village of the shroom-people was at the West, so I guess that I could come back later if I needed anything.

    Then, the bad news arrived.

    The Prince announced his arrival through the Comm., then he thanked me for telling him where they were. Next, he said something about "Clearing this planet".

    Then, I heard slashes and gunfire in the distance. Guess what? The Village's no more.

    When I got to the village, hoping to find any survivors... Well... Rotting fungical corpses all around. Some were being eaten by those creepy birds that threw blood, others were slashed by their halfs...

    After a really needed recover from returning my dinner, I met Prince Franz, at the other side of the village.

    Lucky for me, he was polite enough to don't slash me. In fact, we had a nice ideological conversation.

    Apparently, he worked for The Taranis Knight's Order, Or something like that. He seemed to have arrived to the planet to train one of his recruits.

    I guess that their target was also to clear the planet of unintelligent life. Well, they did it pretty well... They also cleared my stomach from my last food too.

    When they departed, Franz threw in the classic "If you need assistance, we would politely help a beautifull miss like you" thing. Somehow, that made me blush. I'm not attracted to machines -Overall if they're killing machines-, but I have my respect for the Glitch society and members.

    ...I think that I'll need to go to a psichologist someday.

    And, I never met the Recruit he was talking about. Maybe he was another Glitch? I don't know.

    Anyways, I'll stick around for a bit longer. Maybe I can scavenge something from what they left behind, and I still need some wood to turn into Coal, to power my ship for the next jump...
    #1 Alyxx, Apr 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2014
  2. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day fourteen.

    Another day, another pair of wings.

    Got enought fuel and reserves to get out of this planet. Moving on to the next!

    Day fifteen.

    Lovely. Pounds of toxic water, a dense fog, and low gravity.

    But, I found something quite interesting. At the other side of the forest, there's an USMC Bunker, with human guards and everything.

    I decided to venture in. That was a bad idea. They shoot on sight. I guess that they were target-practicing with me.

    After a safe escape from them, I communicated the coordinates of the planet. Let me scribble them here, so I can remember them...

    23, 40, "Alpha Zibal Majoris III". ((This isn't OOC knowledge, its location has been broadcasted for free public use.))

    Next, a voice I remembered from the Bar showed interest. We would meet in the Bunker.

    It was a Hylotl. Pulsar, was her name. She was a nice person, and one of the first living means I saw in the Bar.

    We made our way inside, slashing and destroying some little, annoying robots. There wasn't much of interest, but a few Kiwis I found.

    I offered one to Pulsar, but she preffers the Tomatos. I guess that I would get her one, if I find this "Tomatos".

    Day Sixteen.

    I ventured to another planet, after saying "Goodbye" to Pulsar. I hope to see her someday, she's a really nice Hylotl. And the first one I ever meet.

    This time, I landed in a planet filled with... Nothingness. It's just kilometer of rose-like trees, with really pointy needles. I'll take one Sapling, they look so beautifull...

    I found a "Tomato" plant in the planet too, hidden between two trees. I guess that Pulsar will like this!

    Oh, I also found a lot of "Grapes" in the way. They are used to make this thing called "Whine", wich is used in human and Apex high-class social meeting. I'm taking them too!

    Day seventeen.

    Pulsar broadcasted the message of a Party in her home. Coordinates included. Hey, maybe she will enjoy this "Tomato"!

    Holy beak of mine. Her house is HUGE!

    She has like four different pools. Well, she's a Hylotl, it makes sence.

    But the party... Well... It could have gone better. No music, we barely talked to eachother...

    Oh, and Spacechaser was in the party too. Did I mention that he is the owner of the place where I live right now?

    I also met another Avian. Felith, was his name. He looks really tough in first sight, but he's a really nice guy once you know him.

    He told me that he lives in Tetanus Fields, and that the place is filled with other Avians. How intriguing, I must go there!

    ...But, it is located in the Beta sector. I'll have to upgrade my engines before going there.

    Day seventeen and a quarter.

    The party was going OK, since we were talking more. Felith had to leave for some reason, and some other people started to come in. Gamma came in to the party too!

    Pulsar had to take a nap, so she went to her room. Apparently, it's insonorized, so we wouldn't annoy her with loud talking or music.

    ...Then, things went from OK. to bad.

    Someone wearing a strange red suit came in, and pointed at Gamma with a gun. He... Or "She" demanded the prescence of Pulsar. If not, "It" would start shooting at everyone. Guess what? I was in the first line of fire if anything happens.

    Then, Spacechaser sneaked behind... "It", and pointed a gun to it's head. It was a really strange situation.

    "it" menaced with shooting at me, while I was trying to get into cover. Gamma placed himself in the line of gunfire to protect me, at the time he pulled out his gun. Then, I started to hear gunfire.

    While I was covered behind Gamma, one of the bullets got through his chest, that barely reached my arm. Ow.

    But, since Gamma is a Glitch, he held his position, and returned fire to "it". Then, I saw throught the hole in Gamma's chest how "it" felt to the ground, apparently dead. Then, the armour "it" had emmited some kind of light, that vanished. I don't know what does that mean, but it happened.

    Spacechaser sneaked away. Really, he just dissapeared. I guess that he was harmed in the gunfight or something, and then sneaked away. But, I heard that he was the first one to open fire in "it", drawing it's attention away from me. I owe him one.

    Then, Gamma felt to the ground, and dropped everything he had. His automatic repair system failed, and was sending the "Critical damage detected" warning. Then I remember one thing: I grew up among Glitches. I know how to repair them. Kindoff.

    ...But, I need materials for that. No-one in the Party had anything with them, so I runned to Pulsar's room, and knocked several times in her door. Maybe she had something for this situation.

    Then, she showed up... Without clothes. Well, it makes sence. She sleeps underwater, and wearing clothes underwater... Well...

    Anyways, I explained the situation to her the best I could, and she agreeded in lending me the materials to fix Gamma.

    Durasteel is the only thing she had. Perfect!

    A quick fix later, Gamma was operative once more. He thanked me for the help, then warped away.

    This is is a rather interesting day.

    Day seventeen and two quarters.

    Spacechaser showed up next. He was lightly wounded, but he was O.K. Either I was. My left arm was bleeding from the bullet that went through Gamma, but nothing some Bandages can't fix. We helped Pulsar to clean the mess (Meaning, the corpse, bullets and destroyed stuff) and explained her the situation better.

    Well, Spacechaser did it for me. I had no idea on what was going around.

    Then, Spacechaser and I went back home. Too much party for today.

    When we were back home, I thanked him for saving my feathers. Then, he thanked me for moving in with him... Then I thanked him for letting me move in...

    Then, he gifted me one of his bandanas. It looks good on me. I even have a black attire to match it with!

    Then, I lost control on my actions. I remember blushing... Then kissing him in the cheek... Then closing the door, and running back to my bed.

    ...I think that I'm in love with a Floran.
    #2 Alyxx, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2014
  3. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Eighteen?

    I was dead bored today. I'm not exactly a bird of one place, so I decided to ask Spacechaser out. Somewhere pretty, maybe even romantic... Yes, I want to declare myself. Happy, diary?

    He came up with the idea of Aiko's bar. That sounds good... I guess. At least I know where are we going.

    And, of course, the bar was empty. Only the two of us. Great. Wait... Great! I can declare my feelings without anyone intruding!

    ...Then, for some reason, the conversation jumped from a romantic date to a drinking contest.

    After that, everything went blurry. Damn diary, why can't you record what I do while... Drunk?

    Anyways, I woke up in my bed, wearing the same clothes from yesterday, I guess. Spacechaser was asleep in a chair in the end of my bed. That Floran looks cute asleep...

    I silently got up from my bed, and walked towards the chair. I whispered him to the... Ear? I'll call that "Ear", and woke him up. He got deep into my hearth when he yawned like a little kitty...

    Apparently, we did the drinking contest. One shot and a half later, I was already out of business. In the meantime, I told him some... Secrets of mine. Diary, you are not trustfull enough to know them.

    But, Spacechaser was kind enough to make me stop drinking, and got me back home. He even took care of me while I was out of myself...

    We talked about everything that happened in the bar, and in the time I wasn't myself. The conversation went to a path I never experienced before, and I ended hugging him.

    ...A hug that was broken when my stomach decided to return last night's dinner. Why, stomach... You broke a perfect hug...

    And, my stomach also broke my clothes. And, with Spacechaser around, I wasn't sure if he should see me without clothes, so I politely asked for clothes, across the door.

    Next, he tossed me the clothes from under the sliding door. He gave me the spare clothes he had. They double-marked my chest. For the love of Kluex, not even my old Avian robes mark so much... "Female feeding" zone.

    And, if I add that the Base is cold, and that this robes do NOT protect against cold temperatures... Not even my Feathers were enough to keep me warm. And Spacechaser noticed this.

    He offered the fire pit he has in his room to heat my feathers up, and keep a better temperature. Of course, I accepted, or I would have died of cold.

    ...Then, things escalated quickly.

    I ended kissing him, mouth-to-beak. It was an emotion I never felt before... And he tasted like melon too. Strange.

    I just hope that I can experience that once more...

    Day nineteen.

    Today, the Comm. was buzzing with strange, worrying messages. Someone asked for Spacechaser and Gamma in the same phrase. I'm pretty sure that it was due to the Incident in Pulsar's place.

    Kap was in the radio too. He said that he knew Space to the general audiences, and he was the first one being asked for him. Of course, he hasn't seen Spacechaser in a long while, mostly because he was with me the whole time. And I wasn't with Kap during that time.

    I said via Comm. to Kap that we should meet back home, so we did. I warned him about the incident, and that he should be more carefull with the Comm. He took the advise seriously, judging by his face and expression.

    Next, Spacechaser came back home. We talked with Kap about who was looking for him. Apparently, someone named Leon was looking for him, and old friend of his. I got a bit relieved, at least he wasn't in danger.

    Then, Kap, me and Space had a little talk. Spacechaser had the idea of bringing his old work back to float. NEVAC, was the name. He asked if we would join. I said yes, either did Kap. We are official mebers of Nevac after that.

    Then, Spacechaser invited Leon over. Well, Leon warped in. He said that he had some business to attend with Space. Serious business. I decided to leave them be, because I didn't want to place my beak in their business. I ventured to collect the few trees that Iv'e planted recently. They grow really fast.

    ...Monsters also grow really fast. Hordes of jumping thingies were chasing me, after I was done picking wood for fuel.

    I made it back alive, that's the important thing.

    But I'll need a nice rest and a shower after running for my life for the thirth time I've been living in our new home.

    Day twenty.

    Today, Spacechaser wasn't around. I don't know where he goes in the mornings, but I guess it's something important. Kaparzo was messing around his new home, wich was now complete. It looked really cool, with turrets taking down the blood-throwing birds that come from the East everyday. Creepy little buggers.

    Oh, did I mention that I planted a rose tree in the middle of the desert? Well, it grew, and it's the only kind of tree in miles at the East.

    I know a thing or two in Botany, back from my Hatchlinghood. I took the saplings for that tree from a planet nearby, and this desert actually has the sunlight and heat conditions for it to grow. Perfect!

    I started to plant more of them all along the desert. In no-time, this lifeless planet will be a full Forest, thanks to me!

    Talking about trees and saplings. Today, someone with the name of Button Mash requested some Rose saplings via Broadcast. Guess what? I have hundreds of them.

    I offered my help, and he accepted. We would meet somewhere named Marathon.

    ...That's the biggest, and more militarized city Iv'e ever been at. Just to enter, I was scanned, questioned, and tortured with long minutes of waiting. Everything for them to temporally blind me with a flash, and giving me a little card with an image of me in the upper left corner. Visa, is the name of that card. Why do humans complicate that much their own existance?

    Anyways, before I could leave, they asked why I was in Marathon in the first place. I mentioned Button Mash, and they asked for him in the Comm.

    He showed up, and basically bailed me out of that little torture room. Next, we crossed that huge city, and ended in an underground mini-forest he has. It was some kind of laboratory, and he planted there the Saplings I gave him.

    But, they wouldn't grow. The lab has too little light, and it's artificial. These saplings reqire pure sunlight to grow how they are supposed to. I made him notice that, and he added more lights to the dome. Almost instantly, the saplings almost broke the little pod they are on.

    Success. Everything to help everyone, and nature. Two monsters with one arrow!

    I spent almost an hour trying to figure how to get out of that city. Every corner was like the same last thirty to me. Untill, I found the way back. Next, I picked a shuttle to the space station, and I was back in my ship in no-time. Yay!
    #3 Alyxx, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2014
  4. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Twenty-One.

    When I was back home, Leon and Spacechaser were having another drinking contest. In the table of my room. Don't they have anywhere else to get drunk?

    Space was pretty out of himself, while Leon had his face like a tomato. When I got a bit closer to check in the situation, Spacechaser slammed the table with his head. Ouch.

    I got close to him to check if he was still alive, whispering to his ear. He mumbled something, that not even I understood. Then, his head raised from the table in a milisecond, and he was ready to continue the game. I could smell Whiskey all over the place.

    ...Now my room smells like that. And I don't like that smell.

    They were about to continue -Ignoring my warnings-, but Leon retracted, saying that Spacechaser won.

    Next, he left, but Space wasn't in the exact condition to walk the distance from my room to his. I offered my room temporally, and he accepted.

    He needed to recover from this contest, so I offered my bathroom to him. He wasn't even able to walk there, so I had to get him to the door.

    For my surprice, he wasn't even able to open the door. He was REALLY out of himself.

    Not even capable of opening the flow of water, I had to do the job for him. Basically, I had to wash him completely...

    ...Then, he----

    *The rest of the page has ink drops over them, making the text ilegible*


    After having to wash him like a puppy, and with cold water, he returned to a more stable condition. At least he was more contious on what was going around him. After getting him dressed up again, he was OK to return to his room.

    ...I'll have to add that it's the first time I ever see a Floran without clothes. Interesting.

    I took the advantage of being in the bathroom and had a shower myself. I'll have to clean my room from the smell of Whiskey before going to bed.

    Day Twenty-Two.

    Kap showed up today. He comes and goes like Spacechaser does. Well, I do the same, but I collect wood and resources meanwhile. And help others, that's the tradition.

    Today, we had another talk. If we wanted to become better NEVAC members, we needed better gear. Where to get the better gear? Higher sectors. Today, we kill the Bone Dragon!

    We went to sector Gamma, to get some Titanum, to make Durasteel, to make the Decoy Princess. Kap shivered when he head the part of "Princess". He tought that we had to capture a real princess. I explained that it's just a decoy, and he sighted in relief.

    Spacechaser had business to attend to, so Kap and I left. Let's see where we go.

    Day Twenty-Two and a half.

    We landed in a Savanah planet. Well, we actually landed in the artic area of it. I'll have to recalibrate the warp system in a bit.

    We quickly started to explore to the West. Creatures here are stronger, so we had to keep our eyes peeled every second.

    We found a little cave with Titanum in the surface. It seemed to go deeper, so we ventured further inside.

    Then, we found a little opening that led to a bigger system of caves. When I opened it, breaking the top and bottom, a creature jumped over Kap, and bit his leg. We had to bail the cave, and patch Kap up.

    Luckily, he survived that. I bandaged his leg, and applied some medicinal herbs I always carry with me to his leg.

    His armour was a mess tho. I had a spare set, so I gave him it. He would use it while we're in this sector. I also gave him some clothes too. The poor guy was going around only with his armour. He looked cute in the set I gave him too.

    We ventured a second time in the cave. It's inmense.

    We gathered a lot of every resource we would need, and we were ready to leave. But, Kap had the idea of keep gathering.

    We ventured further down, and we found something quite horrible...

    There was some kind of Nest, built with the corpses of many other creatures. There were organs, eyes, bones... Eugh. We had to leave that place.

    ...And that's what we did.

    Day Twenty-Three.

    I decided to venture down once more. Without Kap, this time. I work a bit better if I hunt alone.

    In my way in the surface, I found the border between the Artic and the Savanah. It was a nice, hot place to be.

    ...If I remove the fact that there were mutant abominations that can throw fire from their eyeballs. And they're HUGE.

    Luckily, I managed to beat it. When I scavenged its corpse, I found a hammer on its stomach. Ew. This thing ate someone!

    I decided to bail out of that hellhole for good, and ventured to another planet. This time, a Forest.

    Day twenty-Three an a half.



    ...But I found an Avian temple too. The best of all? -It's controlled by the Stargazers. They shoot on sight.

    I had to fight my way in. Maybe I could get something usefull from the ones that controll my whole species.

    ...And I did. I have a new weapon, that shoots many energy bullets in a row! Fantastic!

    When I went back home, Kap showed up once more. We had enough materials to make the Decoy, and bring in the Dragon.

    We decided to build it right outside the Bunker. It has turrets, so it would make the job easier.

    ...And we were right. The dragon didn't stood a chance.

    We made the upgrade with its bones, and we were ready to go to the next sector!

    ...But that will have to wait. My legs and beak still hurt from the fight with the mutants and the dragon.
    #4 Alyxx, Apr 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2014
  5. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day twenty-four.

    I feel better now. Time to take this to the stars again!

    ...But without Kap this time. I don't really think that he would last long in the Delta sector.

    My beak started to vibrate in the planet. I kinda have a sixth-sence in "planetology", because I found another bunker of the USNC... Thingy. But, for some reason, it was abandoned.

    I had no trouble taking all the stuff in there, and leaving for the next one.

    ...And for my luck, the next one is...


    I'm not going down there. NEVER.

    ...I'll actually head back home. Screw that, I only want to see Spacechaser again... *There's a hearth painted with red ink at the side of his name*

    Day Twenty-Five.

    Today... Eh...

    How to write this down...

    I and Spacechaser spent some time together. *Another hearth is painted here, but it occupies the whole page*

    Day Twenty-six.

    Okay, I can do this... If I don't make it out alive, Diary... Tell Kap to keep the armour I left him... And tell Gamma, if he's still alive, to get well soon... And, dear diary, tell Spacechaser to don't worry, I had my fun with him, and that I will always love him in the Otherworld. Goodbye, cruel universe...

    *There's a signature, where a brown feather is attached with duct tape*



    And I found something interesting too. There's an UNSC prison down there. The inmates are all crazy, and there's no guard around.

    Wonder to know what happened here... Maybe they went crazy by the huge tentacles outside? Who knows. Anyways, I'm heading back home. I DO NOT want to spend another second in this... "Planet", to not say "gigantic squid".

    Day Twenty-Seven.

    Gamma showed up. He's fine now, but he had to fix himself better than how I did.

    He and Spacechaser had another talk. I searched for Kaparzo, but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

    I did another round to collect wood. Yes, I have killed a lot of trees, but at least I replant them, and they grow pretty like the sun itself.

    When I was back home, I still had some energy. I asked Spachaser if he could accompany me to the planet I found. More presicely, to the UNSC prison. The inmates there are nuts, and they know how to slash really well. I'm not exactly a fighter, so I would need some extra protection.
    Plus, I already feel safe when he's around...

    When we were done clearing the prison, I started to collect all the furniture avaliable. They won't need it anymore, they're all... Well... In the Afterlife. There was no guards in any room of the prison tho. That had me a bit worried.

    ...Then, we met in the abandoned showers. That reminded me a few things. Then, h-

    *The whole page has more ink drops, making the text ilegible. Again.*

    Day twenty-Eight.

    I went back home, With Spacechaser of course. I wouldn't ever leave him there, overall after what we did.

    Kap wasn't anywhere to be found. Again. Where does he go when we are not looking?

    Today, I ventured in one of the many caves that our little planet has.

    ...I discovered something quite disturbing. I shouldn't tell it to anyone... But I found some kind of gigantic lung down there, made out of living materials... I saw some kind of Altar in the depths, as I aimed down with my flashlight. There was a message written with blood in the wall, saying "Get out". I guess that it was the same person that wrote the same messages in our Base. Huh.

    I will tell Spacechaser this... When I gather enough mind strenght to go down there once more.

    Meanwhile, this is a secret beween you and me, Diary...
    #5 Alyxx, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2014
  6. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Twenty-Eight and a half.

    I hate alcohol.

    Definetly, I HATE alcohol.

    Spacechaser came in with another offer. Another drinking game.

    I accepted for two reasons.

    The first one, being that I like to mess with Space during the "games", taking juicy information from him. And that I love to play this "sport" with him.

    The second one, being that I'm earning more resistance to drinks.

    ...Or that's what I thought. At least I can hold four drinks this time.

    Anyways, the thing went like a Rollercoaster (?), with me winning in the start, then loosing badly, then winning again.

    After the thirth round, Space proposed something.

    My diary, against his journal.

    ...I should have rejected, but no. If I had won that last round, I would have acces to Space's past, wich he barely told me a few things, such as NEVAC, his friends, his recent past... Oh, and the thing about his brother, and that trivial stuff.

    Anyways, I lost. Badly. I had to give him my diary after the competition was done.

    He was kind enough to return it later, tho. And for my luck, he didn't scribbled anything so far.

    ...Yet. Yes, Spacechaser. I know that you are going to read my diary from now on. Just watch out for what I write...

    Day Twenty-Nine.

    Gesh. Today, the Radio was buzzing again. But, instead of the normal stuff from daily, there was an auction.

    ...An Auction for an Avian slave.

    The offers were around the 5K Pixels, and I offered 6K pixels. Maybe I could free him once we were done.

    ...I was outbidded the next second. Guess from who?

    Yes, the guy that is probably going to read my diary right now. I'll end having access to your Journal someday, Spacechaser.

    Anyways, someone won the bid, wich was a friend of Space. I think, I wasn't paying too much attention to black market auctions.

    I decided to explore the Delta sector a bit more. Then, Space told me that he bought the slave indeed, and freed him.

    ...He has both, luck and courage.

    I did well in falling in love with him. *Another red hearth in painted here*
  7. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Thirty.

    Today, the Radio was buzzing again. Apparently, someone found a Flesh planet. Ew.

    Spacechaser said that he wanted to go there. Of course, I don't want him to go alone somewhere filled only with flesh, and kluex-knows what else. Even for how much I don't want to go there.

    We took my ship, and I don't know why we did. It seemed that Space's one ran out of fuel, or something in that line.

    The planet was close to a colony, or something like that. I don't know the area pretty well, as I don't really like populated places too much, overall after my visit to Marathon.

    Anyways, we beamed down, and...

    Eurgh. I will have to clean my claws repeteadly after stepping in that fleshy thing. Red tentacles spread across the land, apparently over a desert.

    We met other two people, wearing protections. The ones I should have wear, instead of beaming down to that planet in my normal robes. I should think twice before beaming down anywhere.

    Spacechaser recognized one of them. He was wearing a mask, and he was the grandson(?) of a in-famous Slavist. "Ghost", is the name of the slavist, but he isn't in that... "Market". I think. His name is Skyrax-Otto-Something. A really, REALLY long name.

    The other one had a complete-body cover, with a helmet that barely left me see the interior. And there was an Avian face inside. I would know later on that his name is Corvus.

    Anyways, we went to explore the planet. Strange things pop from the survace. Cocoon-like things, that when poked, growl back. Eurgh.

    There were some Apex in the area too, trapped inside those cocoons. Dead, all of them. They smell.

    We found a small town, covered in flesh. It smells worse. Eurgh.

    At the other side of the town, there's some kind of mine, from where Skyrax said, "The Mine led to the Core, from where this thing came from".
    ...I am talking about a creature of the size of a planet. Eurgh, again.

    We decided to bail out of that hellhole, and to one of the moons close to the planet. Junk, the moon was called. Lovely.

    For our luck, the moon also had that thing, growing from the depths. It's expanding to other planets, and we have no idea how.

    This moon was safer, tho. We made a little camp, as Skyrax ventured to find a way to keep the flesh away from growing more.

    And then, I saw Corvus' real face, as he took off his armour.

    He had the factions of a penguin. Small beak, black feathers. But he wears a funny cowboy-like hat, along with a scarf.

    I think he has seen too much old Human movies.

    But he's a nice guy at all. Bad jokes aside, it's okay to have him around.

    ...Too bad that I get way too much... Territorial when I see another Avian close to Spacechaser.

    I might have went too defensive, but we still got a bit along. Not as friends, but at least we didn't killed eachother.

    Anyways, we talked, we messed around a bit, and I discovered that I have a scientifical side.

    Let's say, Everytime I wear a Labocat and glasses, I turn into another Avian. I lose control on myself, as I don't even remembered what I did. I just remember having a labcoat on me, and a feather in one of the pockets -Wich was a brown one, taken from my head-, and a really confused expression from Corvus and Space.

    Anyways, we undid the camp, as Skyrax came back. We had to leave the planet, as he applied something toxic to it, and Space and I didn't had the propper protetions.

    After that, we went back home. No more flesh-planets for me in a while.

    ...Aside from the lung in one of the caves. Eurgh.

    Day Thirty-one.

    Dear diary.

    Today, I'm going to go explore Delta in more depth.

    I will not be able to take you with me, tho. But, I want you to stay here, so you can tell Spacechaser that I'm going to go.

    Yes, I know that you are going to take my diary again, Space.

    Anyways, I might not come in a few days, and I will keep record with some free pages I'm going to take.

    With all my love, Space...

    Don't get yourself killed.

    Yours, Alyx'R.

    *There is a signature at the end of the page, with blue ink*
  8. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day thirty-Seven?.

    I'm back! Home, sweet home.

    ...But Spacechaser wasn't anywhere to be found. Either Kap. His home is starting to accumulate Dust too. Where did he went to?

    ...Talking about Dust. The whole Base was starting to take a layer of dust. I'm not going to clean a 700-Metres and who-knows how many floors base, that's for sure. But, that means that no-one is actually coming around. That is worrying.

    I decided to venture into Spacechaser's quarters...

    Yes, I am a bit sorry for doing that, Space... But it was to find out where you went to. It's justified.

    Anyways, I found a ticket to Taranis. Yes, the same place from where Prince Franz said he worked for. No, I don't really want to go there, but if I find out where Space is, I'll go. I just miss him...

    I made a quick-stop in Taranis, a little moon orbiting a planet. Well, Taranis is divided in two: The Tallest Tree, and Taranis itself. I think.

    The Tallest three, as far as I know, is the Floran district, and Taranis itself, is the Glitch area. Or, at least I tink it works that way. I don't know.

    There was an Inn nearby, and people in it. Maybe someone there knew where Space is. I got close, and asked a Glitch that was sitting in the entrance.

    He knew him, and guided me to where he was. Inside, going downstairs.

    I had to make a promise, tho. I am not allowed to say where everything is, but I can mention what was inside.

    Some kind of dueling place, and guess what. Space was in the middle of a fight.

    ...And he wasn't winning prescicely. He got slashed in the leg, back, and who knows where else. His opponent wasn't in good shape too.

    Untill his opponent, wich name I never got, got behind Space, and made on Space a final cut in the back. Space kneeled, looking at me with some kind of smile. Anyways, his opponent was kind enough to don't execute him. I would have jumped in and shoot veryone if he did.

    Space came to the terraces, and hugged me. I freed myself from the hug, slapped him in the face for risking his life, than I hugged him again, because I missed him.

    He was quite surpriced by my actions. Either I was, I wasn't controlling myself after watching how he got slashed multiple times.

    We went back to the Inn, and took seats around a table.

    Then, my emotions took control again. I wasn't controlling my words... Either my eyes... And... And... Remembering everything just... *There are some dry dots of water over the page*

    ...Anyways, he promised me that he would always come back home for me, at least. I'm not going to stop him from spilling his blood in there, but at least I want his word for coming back at my side.

    I just missed him so much, and I fear the moment when he leaves this world. I don't want that to happen, I don't really know what I would do without him.

    Oh, and Space... I do care for you. Don't die, please.
    #8 Alyxx, Apr 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2014
  9. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Thirty-Eight.

    I felt better today. Crying all night long helps a bit.

    Space showed up again, as we crossed paths during my part of the "clanup operation". Then, we started talking... About how much we missed eachother...

    ...Then things escalated again, with him taking the lead.

    Day Thirty-nine.

    After a comfortable night in Space's bed, we decided to head back to Taranis. Not to the arena, for Kluex's sake. I wanted to know more about that place. If a Floran tribe can live peacefully with another species, it is worth a look at.

    After another visit to the Inn, we talked... And talked... Untill I decided to let Space train me in combat. I am pretty sure that I will need it someday...

    Oh, not combat like that. I can fend off normal monsters.

    I mean combat, as in a duel. As I wrote before, I would need to fight someone at some point in my life. Better to be ready.

    Space agreeded, but we couldn't use the Arena, as it was being used in that moment. We returned home, and went to the rearby desert. It looked really good, with all those blue rose trees all around.

    Anyways, we got into our gear, and Space started the "class". He taught me how to counter lances, swords, and other sharp equipment with my shield. I already know how to move around in my light gear, wich is a really helpfull part. However, this also makes me weak against direct hits. I must move quick to don't suffer any wounds.

    After a quick session, we decided to test out everything I learned.

    I did the first move, bashing at Space. I know that he's going to hold the impact, because he's tough, and he was wearing a heavy armour.

    ...Too bad that the shield cover my vision, and I ended running at his side. Then, he readied a direct hit with his spear, that I managed to block with my shield. The impact was hard enough to push me away, and I tripped with a stone. I didn't suffered any damage, so did Space. And I learned how to defend myself at least.

    I'm waiting for the next session with Spacechaser.
  10. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Forty, day Forty-One.

    Our next session was... Well...

    To don't say a mess, I will only mention that I will need a new shield, and a new breastpiece. And Space will need a few new ribs.

    However, he is a really comfortable bed to lay on. He even has a pillow in his head -Referring to the huge mass of leaves in his head, acting as hair-.

    Then, we spent a whole night, cuddling. Overall with me over him... In the middle of the desert. It seems that Space likes to lie in the warm sand. Well, it makes sence... He is a plant, after all. He likes warm stuff... I think.

    The next day, I talked with him about my recent decision of leaving the adventuring for a while, mostly for him.

    He liked the idea, and he suggested that if I was going to settle somewhere, I should try in a Colony.

    He suggested Taranis and Liberty Mills. I declined Taranis for two reasons. Too many bad memories, and the Florans of the area menaced me with eating me alive if I did something bad.

    ...So, I decided to head to this place called "Liberty Mills".

    The best comparation I have for it, is that it looks like a gigantic factory-town. Steam raises from pipes 24/7, creating a dense cloud in the sky. However, at night, the cloud dissipates as rain, and leaves a clear atmosphere, perfect to see the stars.

    One point for Liberty Mills!

    Space suggested me to make some friends... The ones I really lack of. Kaparzo, Space... I kinda know Leon, and Gamma... And barely anyone else. I know this Prince Franz... And Corvus, wich I have not seen ever again. The same with Pulsar.

    ...I might be even forgetting someone, but I have a really little memory for names.

    Back at Liberty Mills. The Pub was closed, and there was this girl in front, playing lovely music. She was a Bard, and Space suggested me to talk to her.

    I decided to lay low, and just listen. Then, the Pub... Or Restaurant... I don't know, it's pretty big. Anyways, it opened, and we all went inside.

    There were two Florans occupying the bar, playing with... Blood. Eurgh, don't they know that Blood is sacred? Anyways, they were making "art" with it, painting their own masks with it. They were also drinking it.

    Well... That does not compute in my brain. Then, the same Bard from before occupyied the Piano, and started playing music.

    ...Did I mention that I found a journal of my biologocial Family during one of my adventures? Since I had no-one to talk to, I decided to give it a read.

    ...Space, for how much I love you, I should keep everything I found in it as a secret. You won't even find that book among the ones I have in my bookshelf. Sorry, but it's something... Familiar. And personal too.

    Then, someone with the name of Mars took a seat at the other side of the table. He looks like a nice person, and it resulted that he talked to Space recently. He sent him to me.

    They met in the Arena, but not in it. Space challenged him, but he rejected.

    Then, they became friends after that. I will never understand Male relationships...

    I asked if he wanted to drink anything, and he offered to get the drinks. I asked for a Green Tea, and he got himself a glass of Whiskey. Ugh.

    He started to ask for some secrets about Space... But I only said his public trouble with Carrots, nothing too shabby.

    Don't worry, Space. Your little, unexistant secret is safe with me.

    After a large chit-chat, we knew eachother a bit better. At least, I wasn't uncomfortable with him in the same table.

    Then, he had to leave for something. I just waved at him, as he left.

    I stayed a bit longer in the Pub, reading the book... Untill I had enough. I had to close it for a while. I took the time to return the cup to the waiter, and then I left.

    ...And I forgot to present myself to the Bard. I just hope to see her again, she looked like a nice person. And she plays the piano really well.

    At this rate, I hope to be able to live in populated places a bit longer. Right now, I can't hold more than a day in a city. I need my space... Both of them, but I need my loneliness in the Wilds, from time-to-time.
    #10 Alyxx, Apr 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2014
  11. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Forty-Three.

    I went back to Ichora for a bit -Cleanup operation is still going on-.

    And, Ichora feels...


    Space, Kaparzo... Nobody goes around recently.

    When I walk around the hallway that leads to my -lovely- rose trees... I only hear the echoes of my (Claw?)steps.

    ...And the Dust and the sand of the desert are piling up in the exit. I think I'm the only one taking care of the Base.


    ...Anyways. My progress in being able to stay in Colonies for a longer period of time... Well...

    At least it's not going to worse.

    Today, I'll try to stay a whole day in the ground.

    I'm not liking this idea already. Kluex, give me all the energy I need for this...

    Oh, almost forgot. I bought a Violin recently. I don't really know how to play it well, but the sound really attracts me. I'll learn how to make music out of this. Propper music.

    For the feathers in my head, I will!
  12. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Forty-Four.

    Space is back! *There's another red hearth drawn at the side of the phrase*

    We managed to make contact again via Radio, and we met back at Liberty Mills.

    And there, we decided to head back to Ichora.

    And at Ichora, well...

    We spent some quality time.

    Day Fourty-Five.

    I woke up today, with my face digged in Space's head. More specific, in his fluffly leaves. They still irradiate the heat of the sunlight he collects.

    How cute.

    I had to whisper him to get him on his feet again. He was kinda exhausted after tonight's "Game" -And either I was-. He's still pretty cute when he yawns. Those fangs of him contrasts with his new monocle.

    And his fangs come with a sharp tongue. He got a little bit exited, and decided to taste my neck.

    I just hope that he doesn't decide to turn carnivore on me...

    Anyways, we decided to lay low, and get the Cleanup operation underway.

    I can't clean a Kluex-damn military base all alone.

    Did I also mentioned that I kept working on the dojo? Well, if that can be called a Dojo. It's just a piece of stone with warm sand ontop, the one that Space likes, with a rose-tree forest spruting around it.

    I should be a Gardener instead of a Botanist.
  13. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fourty-Seven.

    Space and I met up again, and we decided to head to Liberty Mills. Again.

    It was buzzing, and alive as it has never been.

    All the nearby Cafeterias were full, and crowded of people wich faces I did not recognize.

    And the bar was closed. It was still very crowded, tho.

    I decided to get away from the crowd (Do I need to explain why?), and Space followed.

    We met in a set of abandoned warehouses, and after a talk, we decided ot head back to Ichora.

    ...However, in the meantime... Well... How to put this...

    I was during my... "Time of life", and I blacked out... While I took control... of Space.


    Day Fourty-Eight.

    Today, after slowly remembering what I did yesterday, Space reminded me that he doesn't like to loose.

    ...So, he decided to take control of me, this time.

    I decided to play along for a bit, but things went off-feather, and well...

    ...Things. Many, many things.

    I do love Spacechaser, but I think that we're getting stuff a bit out of line recently...

    It's definite.

    I'm going to propose something to him...

    I just hope that he agreeds as I do.

    Kluex, wish me luck...

    Ah, right... You died a century ago...

    Now that I remember something... I still don't know where Kaparzo went to. I'm starting to think that he died... Or maybe he got enslaved...

    I hope that he's allright... After all, he's my friend...
  14. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fourty-Nine and a Half.

    Surprice surprice, Space's nowhere to be found. Again.

    Meanwhile, I got my hands of a Durasteel Tech upgrade. Yay!

    Too bad that it's "Temporal". Thanks to this, I had to make a quick come-and-go from planets in the Sector X.

    I heard that this sector in particular is extra-dangerous, due to pirates, and that people doesn't obbey the inter-galactic law of "Not killing on sight" here.


    Anyways, I'm heading off to explore the sector X for a bit.

    I hope that Space doesn't miss me meanwhile. I'll make sure to bring something pretty for him.

    ...And of course, I hope that I don't get eaten meanwhile. Or slashed on my half... Ew.
  15. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fifty.

    Well, today, I did something quite stupid.

    I heard that jumping into a planet with a Threat level of 10 was dangerous.

    Guess what I did first?

    And, to get everything more interesting, I met one of those infamous mutated critters, four times my size.

    Not even the machine pistol I carry was enough to barely damage it. So, I went for the safe way.

    I ran.

    Day Fifty-One.

    I went back to the planet. This time, at night.

    For some reason, going around in the sector X at night is actually safer than the day. Or, maybe I'm ignoring the danger because I can't see it.

    Anyways, I got my hands on a huge amount of Rubium. After making some research, I could turn it into Impervm, a super-duper-strong Alloy.

    ...Just the one that Space wears. Hurray!

    Sadly, I almost got aten alive during my extraction. Critters and Monsters smell my feathers from the distance. Creepy.

    Day Fifty-Two.

    Today, I went back to a safe sector.

    I have what I need, and now I only need to meet Space again, to tell him the two things I have in mind.

    Too bad that he was nowhere to be found. Again.

    Asking in the Radio got me news that Taranis was crowded today.

    I decided to go there. I must try to adapt to more populated areas if I wish to settle down somewhere. Hopefuly, with Spacechaser.

    I met interesting people in the Inn today.

    I first met a Floran. Her name was "Black Rosssse". We didn't talked much, but we shared a drink. She drank a "Blood-Something", and I drank some Ice Tea (And obviously, something else).

    Meanwhile, a Glitch -Wich name I forgot- came in. He was starting to cause troubles, and John -One of the Order's members- had to duel him to protect one of the Florans that was in the area. He seemed to have personal tidbits with him. I think.

    They went to the Arena, while Black Rossse had to leave.

    Next, another Floran showed up. Orchid, was her name. She presented with the classic "Do you taste like Chicken?". Luckily for her, I understand these kind of jokes, as I'm exposed ot them 24/7 around Floran colonies. At least they don't usually really say that as they're going to eat me alive.

    However, I knew later on that this joke got her into trouble in the past.

    There's this organization, named "The Holy Fleet", wich are Avian supremasist -At least on her opinion-, that got her into jail for launching that joke in another Colony.

    Luckily for her, she was freed a while later.

    She had to go, and a Glitch came in.

    She was wearing a Bunny hat, wich catched my attention. Her name was Elizabeth -A strange name for a Glitch-, and she is quite special.

    She is quite energetic for being a Glitch. I offered her a drink, and she asked for a mix of Whiskey and Mead.

    I felt exceptionally generous, so I bought the mix. For 20 Pixels both bottles, it was worth it.

    She drank it like if nothing, wich was quite interesting to see.

    We chatted, and she said that she has a Human lover.

    Well, I can't complain, being Spacechaser a Floran, and I an avian.

    I think that inter-Racial relationships are slowly not being a Taboo in this galaxy.

    Anyways, she was dead-drunk (Wich is strange for a Glitch), so I decided to let her go.

    There was a little couple chatting in the background. I would later know that the Floran Male's name is Angel, and the Hylothl Female... Er... I forgot. Again.

    I decided to go downstairs, and check on the Duel. John was getting beated into bits. Literally.

    The other guy slashed his arm off, and took it as some kind of prize. The same with his sword.

    Luckily, I know how to repair a Glitch, and John isn't exactly the most modern model. "MMM", to abreviate.

    But, he has a BackUp memory, and he was contious when I went down to fix him up.

    In fact, he was OK, but only missed his arm.

    A bit later, he asked me if I could attach an arm he has for replacement, so I did.

    In the Radio, the guy that beated him was saying to the whole Galaxy that he won. Eurgh.

    Oh, and in the background, I discovered that Prince Franz is catching the feelings of another Robot -Wich name I forgot, yet again-. The interesting thing is that they both share "gender". As I wrote before, Interesting.

    After a while, I decided to play a little prank on Angel, as his companion had to leave.

    He's a Floran, and there's only one thing that they dislike more than not finding meat.

    From my experience with Space, dropping water on them makes them nervous for some reason.

    ...So, I had to try that. Maybe I had some alcohol in my blood in that moment, but I thought that it would be funny.

    But, for my luck, a Hylothl guy was sitting in the staircase, and he tripped.

    Guess who was at the end of the stairs? Me.

    And the guy wears a heavy, HEAVY set of armour.

    He almost broke my spine.

    Luckily, the hospital was nearby, and after a quick operation and a massage, I was OK.

    Of course, I returned to claim my revenge. A "Friendly" Duel, if you will.

    Sadly, he declined. However, we agreeded to Duel someday.

    His name was Aishiteru, one of the recently named "Knights of the Order". We added eachother to our Contacts list.

    I really want to beat him. I owe that to him. But well, Honour comes before.

    I decided to leave Taranis for a bit. Maybe I'll head to Marathon, or Liberty Mills soon. Or maybe even Tetanus Fields. After all, I owe them a visit.

    ...Unless Spacechaser shows up.

    Where in the name of Kluex is he?
    #15 Alyxx, Jun 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2014
  16. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fifty-Two and a Half.

    Guess who showed up at Taranis again!

    After this long, Space finally decided to show up, while I was talking to Black Rossse again.

    I couldn't resist, and I literally jumped out of the chair, crossed the gap between us, and I was on his arms before I even knew that I was there.

    After the obvious kisses and hugs, I decided to claim for last my feelings for him.

    After a quick come-and-go to my ship for the required resources (Being that 300 Diamonds, 3x Rubium bars, an Avian Crystal Lamp [Wich varies from race-to-race], and 30 Crystals from the depths of a planet), I declared my love for Spacechaser. In public. I'm still trying to imagine the surprice of the people present in the Inn of Taranis in that moment.

    The process was to kneel, one leg in front of the other, open a small Sphere with all the Diamonds inside (With the lamp under it), to later throw the Crystals to the air if the other person accepts. I don't want to write what happens if the other declines, but it includes Rubium and crushing a skull.

    However, since Space agreeded, I was able to launch the Crystals to the air. Yay!

    *There's a huge diamond painted here, with a red hearth inside of it*

    After that, we went back to Ichora, and enjoyed eachother's company.

    We agreeded to celebrate our wedding in one week as from now (Preparations and those tidbits).

    ...I can't wait!

    Oh, I'll have to invite my friends and known ones too...

    I wonder to know how many people will show up at the wedding!
  17. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fifty-Three.

    I went back to Taranis. Mostly, to check on the reaction of the precents there.

    But nooope. It was quite empty, actually.

    Aside from a few people here and there.

    Then, a rather interesting Human showed up. Klaus, was his name.

    He was wearing a strange suit, that was running low on energy. The interesting thing is that that suit requires energy for almost everything.

    He ran out of energy, to the point of loosing his voice. I have to say that it creeped me out, because I thought that he was drowning there.

    I went to my Ship, and retrieved an old Crystal Lamp. It had enough energy to power up his suit, and he was back up and running again.

    He never got out of his suit, tho.

    Day Fifty-Three and a Half?

    How stupid of me. Again.

    There was a Glitch in the Inn... Yesterday?

    I don't remember...

    Anyways, there was a Glitch, a member of the Knight's Order, asking for a Duel.

    Of course, I accepted. It would be a Friendly Duel, where no-one of us should get harmed.


    During the Duel, I manged to bash him a few times, and he barely pierced my shield. I'll have to get a new one later.

    ...Then, everything escalated.

    I made a jump in the wall -wich still has me impressed-, and headed to him mid-air. However, he placed his sword in the way, so I could only place my shield in the way, as I landed behind him.

    I made another bash towards him, but he noticed me behind, and he moved his sword in my way.

    Sadly, I wasn't able to evade his slash, and I felt the cold Durasteel of his sword get into my left leg.

    If that wasn't enough, I made a spin in the air, and knocked my head in the ground.

    Of course, I was stupid enough to don't wear a helmet, and the feathers on my head aren't exactly a good protection.

    Anyways, I lost my contiousness there.

    However, when I woke up, I was laying in an hospital bed. My leg was fine, but my head hurts like if Kluex decided to punish me for something I never did. I think.

    I went back ot the Inn, wich was quite empty. I guess that I woke up in the early morning. I took a seat, and enjoyed a cup of Tea of my own, trying to migitate the strong pain on my head. Then, a Hylothl asked if she could sit in the table.

    I agreeded. I wanted company too, but the pain on my head was pretty much annoying. Mae, is her name. She's a Herbalist, and she has a Circlet, pretty much like the one I wear.

    She noticed the pain in my head, and offered her help. I agreeded, everything to get rid of this.

    We went to the Hospital, and from there, to the installation under it, a bigger hospital inside an hospital. ((Hospitalception!))

    Mae made a strange mix of some purple leaves -Named "Purpleys"-, mixed with water. She said that it would make me feel better, so why not.

    Down the throat, the after-taste was quite interesting.

    Extemely sweet. But when I say extremely, it mean to the point of almost being a bigger pain than the headache.

    However, it does the job. I was more concentrated in the sweetyness than in the pain, and I felt sleepishly after that. It's one of the side-effects.

    Then, Mae suggested to check on the damage. The Hospital(Ception) has some Scanning pods, where you have to get undressed to get scanned.

    Mae did the scanning, and after a bit, she told me that I only had a little fracture in my cranium, but no brain damage or anything outside of the norm.


    Later, she gave me a jar with the mix of "Plurpleys". I only need to drink it with 50% water, and not more than twice each day. Apparently, it's toxic if used too much.

    As a gratification, I offered my services on X-Sector exploration. I'll get her something pretty from there too. She's nice, she deserves a nice gift.

    Anyways, before I departed, she mentioned that Taranis was a bit empty today. I would come back, after I recover from the side effects of the "Purpleys" mix.

    ...Since I know that you, Spacechaser, will read my diary, I guess that I don't have to tell you that I got sliced and almost died by a fracture on my head, right? ...Right?

    ...I still feel terrible that I get wounded one week before our wedding...
  18. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fifty-Five.

    ...Well. I feel weird today.

    When I returned to Taranis, to get some rest before swooping back to the Sector X for more fancy stuff for the Wedding, I got shouted by a Floran, claiming that I was a "Rassscissst Birdmen".

    After using my incredible speech abilities -Meaning that I started to pray for my life (Internally), question the why of his angryness, and ask useless questions-, the situation got a bit calm, and the Floran could answer my questions under better circumstances.

    It seems that Liberty Mills has now a ban on Florans for some reason that I don't get to understand, either did the Floran, wich got him pretty angry.

    He decided to leave me be, so I returned to my reading, using a little space in a nearby tree, close to the Inn... While another Floran was talking about "How tasty the Birdmnesss Meatsss", right at the entrance of the Inn.

    After ten seconds, I decided to Bail. I know that Taranis banned public Murder, but having 5-10 Florans (And more coming as the time passes) around with cannibalistic intentions isn't exactly safe, even for the Order. And being the only object of "Do you taste like Chicken?" jokes in the whole extension of Taranis would made it worse.

    Anywho', while I made my jump to X, I checked StarNet. Indeed, a few days ago (Probably while I was in an hospital bed), the Ban of Florans was made public.

    ...That basically means that I can't bring Spacechaser to Liberty Mills anymore...

    Too bad. I liked Liberty Mills, overall during the night. That thick atmosphere that allowed me to see the Stars with my bare eyes gave it a really nice point, but if I can't bring Space there... Welp...

    Oh, mentioning him reminds me... I have to get more Crystals for the celebration.

    ...And better decorations.

    ...And more fireworks.

    ...And more Guests. I still have my doubts about Ricardo and Prince Franz coming, but Franz's a... Robot of word.

    I'm thinking to invite Black Rossse too. She saw me declare to Space, and she's one of those Florans that doesn't want to eat me. Yet.

    ...And of course, I still need to find Kaparzo and Gamma. I'm starting to get nervous about this, I haven't heard of them since... A month ago? Two?

    I don't know... I'll have to post something on StarNet about him, and ask a bit more on the Radio. Maybe he's a Slave, caged like a bird? Maybe he's in the stomach of a creature? Did he got shot? ...Or did he shot himself?

    Damnit brain, stop torturing me like this!
    #18 Alyxx, Jun 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  19. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    ((Holy, 400+ Watches. Seems that Alyx's Diary isn't a secret anymore...))

    Day Fifty-Six.

    ...I keep feeling weird.

    The Radio's been saying stuff in the line of the Holy Fleet's actions, overall the Liberty Mills thing.

    ...I just don't wish that, in a counter, the Florans don't let Avians enter in Taranis... Because, well... Feathers... I won't be able to enter Taranis then...

    ...The hell is happening...?

    Anways... I'm going down to Taranis. Got tired of mining the Soul out of that moon... Where I also discovered one of those "Flesh Biomes". Eek.

    ...I just hope that I don't get eaten down there...

    Day Fifty-Six and one quarter

    Well, they accepted me.

    Being nice to Florans comes with its good parts.

    ...Well, mostly. I think that they still want to eat me alive.

    While I was checking on my reading, a Glitch, whose name I never got, got seat on the other side of the table. He seemed to be unable to speak, but I could understand his body language.

    He showed interest on the book I was reading. "Avian Culture and History, Tome One of Eleven". He seemed to want to buy it. I accepted, mostly because I have another copy, and I can make more anytime.

    I believe that the Glitch was a Merchant, judging by the backpack he was carrying. He gave me a bag with 200 Pixels for the book. It costs 10 to make a new one, so...


    Meanwhile, a fellow Avian showed up. Dirtpecker, was her name. I gladly accepted her to sit in the table with us. Taranis might be "safe", but I still felt unsecure there, overall after a few more Florans showed up, each one of them with a more aggressive look than the last one.

    ...Then, Black Rose showed up. I couldn't be more internally happy to see a friendly face among a sea of hostile ones. I also invited her to the Wedding, of course, after I sent the coordinates of Ichora to Franz.

    ...However, I think I forgot to send her the coordinates.

    -Side note: Send to Black Rose the coordinates, and a formal invitation.

    After the classical chit-chat, I saw Amson slip in the Inn. Yes, I remembered the name of the Glitch that almost sliced my leg and cracked my skull.

    We had our talk... In the Arena. No, not with us fighting, but expectating a fight. An Apex, wearing a full-set Armour, and another Floran from a different tribe were fighting. I didn't cathed their names, but the Apex-In-Armour surpriced everyone when he reveled that he was an Apex. Everyone thought that he was a Glitch in a Sci-Fi suit.

    I knew that he was a Biological form, since the moment I saw his suit. And his voice modulator isn't exactly good too. I'm starting to learn the difference between Apex and Humans now.

    Anyways, we had our talk, and the problem was solved. "Friendly" Duels between us should be a bit less lethal, I would wear heavier armour, AND a helmet, and I would take care of my Hollow Bones a bit more.

    -Side note: Drink the Purpleys Mix tonight, 7:00 PM. Pain's returning.

    I decided to leave, after the Floran pierced the Apex's helmet, reaching his Skull with its "Speard", some kind of mix between Spear/Sword. Fancy name.

    The Apex's "Overly Manlyness" got him to fight only with his fists. This costed him a full cranial regeneration, that I had to administer.

    After a quick operation with my Matter Manipulator... Yes, it seems that the matter manipulator wors on Organical means, he was patched up...

    ...But his skull was still cracked open. He would need better medical equipment if he wanted to live another day.

    One of his companions -Angel- brought him somewhere else. I don't know where, but I don't want to see another Soul depart to the Otherworld under one of my attempts to help. I hope that he's okay.

    The same Floran that Dueled him challenged another Glitch in the area.

    I decided to leave there. I still have a lot of stuff to do, and that Glitch could fix himself after that.

    Oh, and I drank a whole glass of Whyskey today. I'm still contious, writing on you, Diary...

    I guess that my body is slowly getting ready for whatever Space has ready for me.
    #19 Alyxx, Jun 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  20. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Day Fifty-Seven

    Not much happened.

    Aside from me getting some tips from a Doctor. A friend from Angel.

    Okay, I don't want to mess with him anymore, in the bad way, at least. Those were my intentions, but thanks to him -More prescicely, to his friend-, I can now heal wounds a bit better.


    Mae showed up too. She's fine, and I still promised myself to get her something pretty.

    Oh, and Leon showed up at Taranis. For some reason.

    And he didn't recognized me. Meh.

    I had the intention to invite him, but instead, he gave a message to tell Spacechaser that he hasn't paid him yet for his "Very important Business". Lovely.

    Oh, and Orchid stole my Circlet, as a little game.

    After recovering it at gunpoint, I told Orchid that I could make her one, so I did.

    However, when I returned to the location I left her... Welp... She vanished.

    But, when I was returning to the Inn, I saw Felith with another guy exploring the town. I actually didn't recognized him, he changed quite a lot since we saw eachother.

    However, we surpriced eachother at the Inn. He got me on track with stuff happening at Tetanus. It's a ghost town, as he says. And he works at the USIC, or something like that. Yes, it's pretty like the USCM, but with all races, instead of just Humans.

    I was happy enough to see that he was still alive, that I invited him to the Wedding. He accepted.

    I'm pretty sure that whoever was with him giggled. But anyways, I didn't saw Black Rose anywhere... I'll have to check again, maybe she appears sometime.

    Meanwhile, I'll return to the Beta sector. Iv'e been running low on Iron, and the Circlet took what I had left.

    ...I have a load of everything else, but IRON. Gesh...

    Oh, and Ichora's looking pretty now. However, I'll still have to paint it a bit... Only grey and black isn't exactly nice.