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Alaric's Bloody Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by OminousMushroom, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    I can hear everything.

    They don't even know.

    Sometimes I listen, sometimes I speak.

    But they don't suspect a thing.

    My transceiver is still functional, so that's good.

    The birds took me in for questioning.

    Nothing big, just a 'missing' ID.

    I should forge myself a new driver's liscense.
  2. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    I've learned quite a lot of things from these people.

    Who they are. What they're affiliated with. What connections they have amongst others within the community.

    It's quite astonishing to see just how much 'order' a large fleet of birds is able to keep.

    Still. I'd have to give them some credit.

    Looking back on recent events, they responded fast to the aftermath of the shootout.

    I should emphasize that. The aftermath.

    I'm left wondering what drives these Avians to protect this city. Might it be for publicity, for the good of their 'god', or for something else?

    I'll just have to keep listening.

    I'm sure the lost are listening as well.