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Akiras little grey notebook.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Switchback, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    (( These are OOC backstory knowledge and to keep up with current events!, only those access to her notebook can read these. ))
    Entry one. March 19th. 2408

    We're being sent out today, James is a nervous little twat like usual but I suppose I should be nervous too.
    This contract was suppose to be a easy one. C.O said it was nothing we can't handle. Hopefully he's right.

    Entry two. March 20th. 2408

    Mission was a success. James threw up three times... like usual. That kid needs to stop being nervous, seriously. He's a nice guy but waaaay too unstable, he jumped and fired at a rat... a freaking rat!
    At least Alan can calm the kid down, they're like brothers..except not really.

    Entry Three. April 2nd. 2408

    The C.O called me in today, we talked about some things and idle chit chat mainly.
    He.. said we were getting a new team member. A floran by the name of Knives. what kind of that is that? is it his real name? I wouldn't be surprised since he's floran. Hopefully he won't try to eat me at first sight.

    Turns out he is civil, thats a first. All of the floran i have met so far were hostile towards me.
    Either way, I'll keep a eye on him.

    * Several pages were ripped out from here *

    Entry 16. August 4th. 2408.

    Desert mission, worst one to do yet. I can barely breath and I need to constantly keep my self hydrated. Knives doesn't mind one bit though, he said he's used to it where he comes from.
    I can tell if thats scary or not, either way this mission sucks.

    Knives got hurt on the desert mission, he.. had a arm severed and his legs shot to pieces. Alan said he'll make it... but it still worries me. I hope he'll be alright.

    * more pages are ripped out*

    Entry 22. September 22nd. 2408.

    I made a terrible mistake...

    I got drunk.. one night while we were off duty.

    I... Slept with James..

    * more pages are ripped out *

    Entry 42. February 3rd. 2409

    We're going on a snow mission this time. Bloody freezing in this place. I hate it.
    Knives hates it more, being a plant and all, I'm with him on this one its fucking terrible here.
    The C.O talked to me some more as well, he seemed distracted most of the talk. wonder what he's thinking about.

    Entry 43. February 7th. 2409

    I talked to the C.O again. This mission is... this is not a normal mission. He told me his plan, everything about it. I told him I wouldn't do it... but he... pulled a gun on me! My C.O! He told me I'd go along with the rest if i didn't help. I.. I had to.. comply...

    Entry 44. February 18th. 2409

    This is.. it. I can't believe.. I'm going to do this...

    Entry 45. February 19th. 2409

    * most of the page is torn away, only a small part at the bottom remains, it looks like it was wet at some point*

    Knives...Alan....James.... I'm so sorry...
    #1 Switchback, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
  2. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 46. April 14th. 2414

    I never thought I'd pick this up again...
    But apparently its needed for where i'm stationed at.
    A place called Taranis, I Joined a knights order there, Ser John, the leader, inducted me. Hopefully everything works out.
    I met Ser Astora a little while later, he seems nice.

    Entry 47. April 15th. 2414

    So some guy in yellow came to taranis while i was talking with Cain, the other Kane there informed me that he was to be shot on sight so we took action. both Kanes/Cains got hurt.

    * a little blood is on this page, minor fingerprints and what not*

    I.. met that fuck in yellow at aikos bar. He cut my arm off as revenge!! it fucking hurts.... i'm going to shoot him in the chest when i see him next.
    he also shot my kneecap. which is now bleeding again.. * bloody finger print here*

    I was helped by two florans. that didn't want to eat me. thank the stars.. Spacechaser and Bu'Da. I thanked them after i felt well enough to move and took my leave. I informed John and Astora what happened.. he is now even more wanted then before. Apparently he killed one of their knights too.

    Entry 48. April 16th. 2414.

    Kane... made me a offer, he asked if i'd help him look over the area from his perch, seeing as he's a sniper too. I said yes, the knight thing wasn't working out anyway. I let John know and he said it was fine, thankfull they are kind enough to let people resign, though technically i'm still in their employ. Either way... once my arm is fixed i'll be back to normal. Hoopefully.

    * very small hand writing*

    That Kane is pretty cute too. but i digress, gotta remain professional.
  3. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 49. April 17th. 2414.
    I finally met up with Agillies. he fixed my arm, though i had to undress for the tank.. I seriously hope he didn't do anything weird. like spank it to my unconscious body... eugh.. why did i even think of that now?! I can't get the image out of my head.

    Anyway, Kane doesn't get enough sleep. He's always watching the cameras. I even had to argue with him about going back to sleep. He's such a child sometimes. Though.. at least he appreciates my concern..

    I thought about.. James and the others again.. I still... * theres a large dried wet spot here, presumed to be drool*

  4. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Entry 50. May 13th. 2414

    Its been a bit since i picked this up again, a lot happened though i can't write all of it down.
    I've mainly just been keeping watch.
    Kane comes and goes, rarely talks to me anymore, barely seeing him, if at all.

    other snipers came and joined, i don't like it... but i have to accept it...

    Just another lonely night for me...