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Aim's Notebook

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by OminousMushroom, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Log 1: 3/26/iforgotwhatyearitwas

    My current status: Tired as all hell


    This's my first log I'm ever writing. I gotta say it feels weird to write this, since I never really was much of a writer. I figured writing stuff like this might help me get my mind off of things, though. After all, my crew's pretty freakin' rowdy. Im writing this now after my arm's been shot, so it feels pretty fuckin' uncomfortable, but it's nothing that wont heal over time. I gotta thank myself for over-bandaging my face - I think I woulda bled out on that dern barn floor.

    Lemme get to my mates. First ones first, there's Gant. Really shy fellow. Found him on a pilgrimage, an' I offered t'take him in. The guy seemed like he didn' have a home so I felt kinda bad for him. I also feel kinda bad for bringin' him into the life of thievery. I never was much've a good thief myself, but I never was good at anythin' else. I'll try to limit the 'mount of muggin' I do around him. I don't want th'kid to have a heart 'ttack. Gant's reasonable -- somewhat -- but he's also kinda childish. I had to break up a little mishap 'tween him an' Moose after I got back with food.

    Then there's Moose. Gawdamned Moose. He's a weird 'un he is, talks about stuff that I can't even wrap my head around. Swear he's got somethin' goin' on in that head've his, but I ain't sure what. I can't afford a therapist! Anyways, he's nice an' all but he's real spontaneous. An' loud. Real loud. Maybe overly loud. Might wanna' work on tha' later. Least he has a good heart.

    There's also Seed. Seed's a toughguy. Also kinda reserved too. Found him sometime a lil' after Gant - he feels like the only one who really talks back to me. Gotta' say I respect that, but I hope his head's in the right place. I know mine sure ain't. Bird, just like Gant -- and I forgot to mention that Moose is a Human, too.

    Finally, there's Ban. Or, 'B4ND1T' as he's literally called. He's jus' plain weird. His mind's a bunch of grindin' gears with no real purpose. He's a real good fighter though, beat up an Avian guy who tried to take my Dad's revolver. Ban might have a loose head sometimes, but he means well. He's a robit, so maybe I should get 'im an engie sometime.

    All in all m'crews all nice and stuff. Gawd I'm gettin' bored writing this. Lemme get to the exciting stuff.

    Me and Gant robbed someone earlier. A guy named 'Reed.' Kinda a weird name. He wus a real nice guy, I kinda felt bad for robbin' him. Guess that's what makes me such a softie. But I managed to grab 50 pixels. Not much, but definitely enough for some food and stuff.

    After robbin' him me and Gant went incognito, an' eventually he offered us drinks. I ended up payin' for most've us, Gant, me an' Seed, since he had barely any money for himself.

    This whole situation came 'round and stabbed us in the back.

    A lil' while later, Gant, Ban and I went to the bar 'gain. We wus gonna' get a drink and stuff but it turned out that the bartender wus gone. Some robit fellow, didn't catch his name. This purple-wearin' birb ended up bumpin' into me, but I didn't mind it much at first. Didn' know he slipped my revolver outta' my holster. He tried to steal Ban's gun too, but Ban caught onto him an' I caught him red-handed. I ended up yellin' at him to gimme my gun back, but he started to say stuff like 'I'll give ya' this fer 50 pixels'.

    *multiple lines of scribbles*

    Oh suns I'm getting bored writing this. This is hard.

    Ban ended up fighting the bird, and it ended in a draw. I think this random feller tackled Reed down the stairs, an' he accidentally shot me in the arm.

    Things settled down though. I bandaged m'arm and took Ban and Gant back to the ship. Thankfully I got my revolver back. The Bird ended up givin' it back after I asked 'im nicely.

    Gant wanted to partner up with him.

    I ain't about to trust nobody here yet.

    ... im gonna continue this later.

    ~~~End of Log1~~~
  2. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Log 3/30/iforgot
    My current status: feeling confident, a little lazy tho


    I've been putting off continuing this cause I just kept getting distracted by stuff. I tried writing yesterday but I got distracted by pictures of cats, darnit Starnet.

    A lotta' stuff happened in the past couple've days.

    It started out when I came to the bar with Ban and Gant and Moose. Moose was being his usual self and I didn't think much've it at first, so I sorta just let him do his thing. Next thing I know, we're splittin' up, doing our things. And suddenly, TONS of stuff started to happened. My memory's a little fuzzy so it might be a little different than how I said it happened. To start off, I heard something going on at the bridge on Katune, so I went to look and I found Gant running away squawking like mad. Turns out it was a Floran that spooked him, and he ended up havin' to hide on the top floor of the bar. Ban and I followed him while Moose was downstairs. I began trying to console Gant but Ban wasn't really working. Wait, no, Moose was with us too -- and I think Moose was making it worse. Eventually they both went downstairs and I kept trying to calm down Gant, but then I heard some commotion downstairs and I came down to see that same Floran lookin' mad at Moose. Fuckin' Moose was taunting the Floran. I can't even call it taunting, cause he had no idea he was in danger. I stepped in front of him when the Floran began to approach and I tried to hold her back, but she ended up pushin' me back. I drew my revolver on her but she swiped it out of my hand just as I fired, and I think it caught 'er shoulder or somethin'. I was just trying to hold it back but it looked like it was either ready to kill me or to kill moose. I wasn't gonna' let that happen. I put myself in front of her and she ended up tacklin' me down to the ground and began to dig her claws into me. I wasn't really feelin' pained but good suns tha' felt really fuckin' uncomfortable. The Floran had it worse tho, I think she forgot we were made've plasma. Her hands got burnt up real bad and she was taken away by an Apex who came to help.

    Ban came after that was all done, he was helping to hold her back, I think he knocked her out with a hook in the face. But he started to act all sarcastic and shit, and I guess I sorta began to grow a little heated 'cause of everything going on, and I yelled at him and Moose. Ban was still nice enough to tie up my wounds with some bandages, but I was still yellin' at him, I was so furious.

    Gant helped me back to the ship, and Ban and I had a little argument.. but then I started to realize how mean I was being to him and I tried apologizing, but I think his feelings were already hurt. I oughta get him something to apologize for what I said, I really didnt mean to say it.

    Moose ain't gonna get nothin' but a time out for what he did.

    Skipping forward a little bit, I think things between Ban and I cooled down, but he might still be a little hurt. Maybe a gift would do 'im well. Eventually it was just me and Gant in the bar, and I started to apologize for what happened between me and the Floran 'cause I could tell he was worried. Gant's very subjective towards Florans, and I tried to get 'im to see them in another way. I explained that not all've them are the same and some of 'em are just trying to make friends. I tried to explain that the one that attacked me was just really mad because Moose an' other people were pointing fingers and gun at 'er.

    Honestly, I don't blame tha' Floran.

    It was in th'moment, I want to apologize to her.

    Eventually Gant saw it another way and we both headed up to the ship to have hot-chocolate.

    Now I'm here writing this and oh gods im getting bored again.

    ... also maybe I should get Ban a coffee maker.

    Somethin' about him being his brother or somethin'.
