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Adara "Addie" Kimbrik

Discussion in 'Character Descriptions' started by Mockingjay, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Mockingjay

    Mockingjay New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Adara (Addie) May Kimbrik


    Adara is a young woman, 24 years of age at present star date. She's 5'5", and in the ballpark of 140 lbs. She's got a toned, but not overly muscular build, and sports short black hair, pale blue eyes, and soft, almost too-light skin tone. Perhaps not all too special upon first glance.

    Adara's features suggest a mixed background, with high cheekbones and sharp, angular facial structure and nose. Her eyes are of average size, the only perhaps unusual thing being their color, which isn't so frequented by those with dark hair like hers. There's a scar cut along her right side chin, just along the jaw bone, (and hence isn't visible in the image above). Her hair is styled with bangs, some of it framing her face, and otherwise cut so that it doesn't reach her chin. It seems to flare outwards in the back. More often than not, she seems visually sleep deprived, marked by dark, heavy rings under her eyes, and a sometimes pale complexion.

    She's a woman, that's for sure. But there's nothing to out of the ordinary about her body structure: She's pretty evenly proportioned from head, torso, and legs, though perhaps favoring her legs just slightly more in length than the torso itself proportionally. Her build is well-kept and toned, signs of obvious self-care evident in the way of working out in some way, shape, or fashion. Muscles are able to be faintly visible in her arms and legs at a glance; not particularly 'beefy' in any way. Just well managed, it would appear.

    Her hands are average sized as well, but with long, spindly fingers, and close-cut fingernails to keep them from catching on things. Her feet are also proportioned with her height: so no ridiculously small or large proportions there either. All in all, she seems very well managed physically.

    Adara, when her back is exposed, sports a black inked tattoo that spans from arm-to-arm: Wings, well-designed to move with her arm movements, almost like she might just flutter away. They are very bird-like in nature, and its ambiguous whether or not they are meant to be bird's or angels. There's a small quote etched into the base of her neck above them, stating, "Carry me home."

    Being a 'retired' marine, Adara still sports some of her personal effects from the service: her fatigues are often worn, but not often the collared top as often as a plain tank top with her camouflage patterned pants and military-grade work boots. When she isn't wearing that, she's wearing a pair of stained, denim overalls and a baby blue tee shirt underneath. She also has a black-grey beanie she wears atop of her mop of hair, that's almost always on. You're also likely to see her in street clothes at times: gray jeans, leather jacket or some sort of vest with a plain shirt underneath.

    She's well armed at most times, with either a holster with her pistol nestled within, tucked into her front overall pocket, or shoved behind her back in her pants, sometimes covered by a shirt, and definitely with the safety on. Her knife is also always somewhere on her person, attached to one hip or the other by a small sheath that clips to most clothing. Her issued rifle is only on her person if there is a threat at hand: else it's stored somewhere out of sight, out of mind, and safe from anyone who may want to take it from her.

    #1 Mockingjay, Jan 21, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2017