(( As stated above, this is Braveheart's POCKET notebook. It's always somewhere in her "majyyk" trenchcoat. )) 11/10/2414: Today I decided to start writing down my thoughts and shit, as organisation is key. It was quite a normal day, making my usual scavenging trips, patrolling Port Last*, other basic stuff. Scavenging results are as follows: One crate of scrap. ---------------------------------------- I know it's a minimal amount, but every bit helps. Nothing else left to write, might as well bring this entry to a close. *The colony's name is Opportunity, you RA fuckwits.
11/10/2414: Scratch the last bit, there is more to write about. I found an old patrol craft floating in orbit of New Chicago, it was abandoned. I beamed aboard and looted the place. Inside the crew quarters, there was a fridge full of what I could only assume to be bananas, although they looked quite rotten. Upon searching the rest of the place, I found a few crates in the miniscule cargo hold. Said crates were full of precious metals, expensive things like golden jugs, fine art, and pound upon pound of gold coins. The only explanation I could come to was that the previous owner of the ship was an Apex with a fat wallet. I wonder how my ship can even run with the amount of shit I'm carrying. I'll have to sell some of it, and possibly buy a new ship. I'm keeping that old crate of paintings, though.
11/11/2414: Went scavenging with Aubrey and a few others. Found an old set of USCM uniforms and combat armour, among other things. I don't know what the hell I'll do with those, but I'm going to keep them. Aubrey's still as much of a cunt as he always is, so there's nothing special to write about him. On another note; I need to sell more chocolate. It's just taking up space on my ship, so I need to unload some of it. Hopefully I'll get a new buyer soon.
11/19/2414: With all of the news about Opportunity, I feel a bit guilty for deserting. I had no great love for the RA, yeah, but Opportunity was a nice enough place. I still have the cabin, so it's not like I'm without a place to live. Stuff to add to the massive pile of useless shite: EVERYTHING THAT I WAS ISSUED BY THE RA.