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Abbey's Red Binder

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Aiko Ikari, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    These logs are recorded on sheets of paper clipped into a binder located in Abbey's back pack. Somehow acquiring this binder will provide you with access to everything here, unless I decided to post "Page is now ripped out"... or something.

    The appearance is simple. A red nylon binder with a zipper around the edge to secure it shut, with a few utility pockets for rulers, pens, protractors, etc.

    Feel free to post OOC comments here regarding the entries, just try to avoid having OOC conversations within the thread <3

    **This page has been ripped out**

    April 20

    Met some guy named Yung. Holy shit that prosthetic foot. Holy crap. Ouch. Poor guy. Alright, I told him I'd make him a better one so let's get on that Abbey.

    - Carbon Fiber sheets. Gotta stay light. As long as he ain't kickin walls all day it'll be fine... I'll just use some random boot around here as a mold. Whatever. As long as it looks good.

    - Maybe some neoprene, could line the interior with it... course with some sorta comfortable fabric over top.

    - Durasteel oh as if I don't have plenty of that lying around.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaand of course a nice sturdy spring. I guess I can rivet the foot portion itself to the ankle area, then plant the spring in between to give it some shock absorption... should also act similar to a real foot, give him some spring to his step. HA :)

    Trying to keep this simple though....
    Securing.... hmm.. I guess I could put some sturdy clamps inside the slot, with a crank attached to the back to tighten' em up. I gotta try to avoid electronics in this as much as possible. Alright, I think I got a basic idea. Time to get to work!

    #1 Aiko Ikari, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  2. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    **This page has been ripped out**

    April 21

    Well. Apparently he decided to tell me NOW about the desire for some sorta sneaky secret agent blade in the toe. Not that I ya know, already molded the case or anything.... Whatever. I can just redo it. It's just the toe really, I guess. I can simply cut a slot in the heel for the battery compartment.

    Soooo. A retractable blade eh, hidden in the foot... Let's see here...

    **theres a crude scribble taking up most of this page, her artistic talents a little lacking and not because Im lazy I swear**
    Okay. So. I'll have to keep it pretty small to fit inside the foot alone. I guess he'll have to deal with an inch long blade. Big whoop.

    I'll run the blade along a rail, and rivet a little bar to the blade and the far end of the wheel. In both 180 degree positions the blade will either be extended or retracted, simple enough. Now... Locking the thing in place between rotations, I'll have to cut some slots in the disc and position some bracers on each side. Guess I'll need to throw a little circuit in here to hold some turing. Whatever. The code should be easy enough. It's all timing anyway.

    If Anklebutton = true, run "toggle blade".

    It won't need to worry whether its out or in, cause it just has to rotate half way! Woo! :)

    delay blah blah ();
    delay blah blah

    AND DONE. That should be easy enough to write up. Why am I even doing this for this guy? I guess he's nice enough. I'll have to ensure this disc and lock bars are nice and sturdy. Don't want him trying to toe-stab someone and end up having the blade simply pop back inside the foot. I figure it should hold up against skin or leather. Metal might be an issue. I'll have to tell him to watch what he kicks.
    #2 Aiko Ikari, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  3. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 22

    I can't believe I actually got that wasted off one measly little glass of whiskey. Holy christ Abbey get it together. To top it off, it was with Josh, who ended up escorting me back to the shop. Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly crap. I bet he thinks I'm a totally fucking twat now. Fantastic. Amazing. Great job me. Maybe I should just quit drinking all together, switch to cola.

    And to think, everything was going pretty good. He was more or less the only person around here I was talking to. This transfer has been bullshit, I mean.. sure, the funding is nice, but now I know absolutely NOONE.

    **vague random absent minding scribbles with the pen**

    He was kinda good looking too... Look at me, little miss diary-keeping-girly-girl. Screw this, stop wasting perfectly good paper me.

    **some angry, frustrated and aggressive red-pen scratching covers most of the bottom**

    #3 Aiko Ikari, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  4. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 22
    Sometimes I think it could have been fun to just be an artist... though I obviously don't have what that takes. That's fine, I like building stuff way more anyway!
    ... christ these doodles look like something a kindergartner could spit out in a couple seconds...

    I don't know what the hell happened today with the Sarge. He's talkin to me more though, that' nice. Maybe he can help me make friends with the others around her. I almost feel like Im getting the cold shoulder from everyone else... or maybe Im just being a tool.


    I WANTED TO PUNCH HER SO BAD HOLY CRAP. .... but then I would have been in sooooooooooooooooooo much shit. I don't know how to feel bout her. She's pretty invasive. Wanted access codes AND all my security cameras linked directly to her! What the hell! Can't I have some privacy? I'm not DOING anything like.. illegal or wrong down here, I just want to be alone!
    I'm only fucking wasting this page because that whole ordeal got my bloody blood pumping and now I can't sleep. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Enough of this, hopefully this little venting session helped me out.
    Look at you Abbey, talking to your binder as if it was listening.... Not pathetic at all
    #4 Aiko Ikari, Apr 23, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  5. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 23

    why am I even drawing these pictures. If someone saw my crappy toddler-esque artistic abilities I'd have to go into hiding for the next 20 years.

    I wonder if I should grow out my hair. I think the short hair thing makes me look like a little boy.

    Too bad long hair would just get in the way... but I'm sure it'd make me look prettier...


    Not looking forward to being transferred back to Caph. I liked not having to worry about stray spears and arrows ripping through my face. But that's what I signed up for, and I doubt the other engineers keeping the place together have been doing that great a job. I wouldn't be surprised to see a big pile of smoldering rubble when I touch down. It's gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong next few days.
  6. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 23

    Yung. Yung. What's up with this guy. Everything he was talking about, all of this... stuff.. I don't know how to help, what do I do? I feel useless, like a terrible friend or something. Poor damn guy.. I can't imagine what he's going through. I never imagined he'd have this side to him. He was so.. lively, and weird, and just... energetic. I thought he was crazy at first.
    But I think he's just a regular dude trying to throw on a smile for the good of his friends. Trying to make this craphole of a universe a better place... or maybe I'm just full of it.

    .. I just wish there was more I could do for him right now...
    Useless.... useless...
  7. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 23

    Yay. Back at Keaton. Woo. Can you sense my enthusiasm Mr. Binder?
    First thing I'm greeted with when I show up? Well of course the eastern tower being nearly blown to bits. Fantastic, Those other guys did a GREAT job maintaining the fort in my place. At least this gives my the opportunity to REALLY show everyone what my baby can do.

    Guess it's time to get to work. Shouldn't be wasting so much time writing on the job. I can hear the others outside at the mess hall having a good time. I should probably join them instead of sitting inside like a loser. .... First, repairs. THEN I'll definitely go talk to everyone.
  8. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 23



    I swear to god these god damn plant guys. I'm gonna deck each and everyone of them across the face! ... MUR is gonna be out of commission for awhile after that. I can't just "patch up" those cables, that shit has to be fully replaced. Ugh.

    .... I just want to go back to Marathon, atleast...

  9. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    **This page has been ripped out**

    April 23

    It's hot. It's humid. This lantern is luring all the god damn gnats and bugs from the forest over to the tower. Fuck all of this. Why isn't someone else on guard duty, this is dumb. I'm supposed to be dragging all those crates into the bunker but "no, your suit is broken so you can't do anything useful. Go watch the east."

    ... and we're out of regular cola. We only have diet left.
    It's like a dream co

    **the pen suddenly jerks and trails off, most of the page muddy and bloody**
    #9 Aiko Ikari, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  10. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 24
    I screwed up, I wasn't paying attention like I should have been and got everyone killed. Its all my fault Its all my fault Its all my fault
    I'm so
    Why am I the only one that was left alive? I should have died too Its not right it isnt fair

    I can't get the image of those two piece of shit hairy bastards

    out of my head

    their fucking hands and grip and voices and fuck I
    I can't write like this this is pointless.

    I don't know if I'd be able to keep on going if they didn't show up then


  11. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 24

    I just looked in the mirror.

  12. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 24

    I'm feeling a bit better, I guess... I mean it's not like I was actually ... all the way... well. Yeah.

    but... I still got everyone killed, that's my fault. I hope there's something I can do to make it up to them.


    Some guy in a big thick suit of weird armor tried comforting me for some reason. Why? Who the hell knows. Not like I was crying or anything, I was just trying to get a drink.
    It was nice though, and he.. gave me something, I have no idea what the hell it is or what its for. But its a something, so that's... something.

    I don't know if there's anyone I feel comfortable talking to about any of this. I want to get it off my chest. I want to hug someone right now. ... Maybe that yung guy. But I don't know where he is, and I don't want to text him. He could be in a dangerous situation right now, I don't wanna fuck him over....
    Then theres Josh I guess... But I don't know. He's nice to me, he seems to care. But.. that could just be some optimism on my part. I bet he's like that with everyone. I don't know, I don't wanna make things weird. I'm probably nothing important to em anyway.

  13. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 24


    Would it be weird if I just kinda hugged him, or anyone? Would they think I was some fucked-in-the-brain weirdo? I don't know if it's worth the risk.
    I don't know if I was cute out for this "line of work" . I don't have the macho or bravado for it, but... You gotta stick with it Abbey, maybe someday I'll be cold, ruthless durasteel just like MUR.

    It might be cool to just build a spaceship with some sorta infinite self-fueling whatevers and just fly fly fly away.
    Too bad I'm not an aerospace engineer.... and that infinite, self-sustaining energy is an impossible concept.

    ... I think I'm going to do it
  14. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 24 ... or I guess its the 25th now
    What kind of dumbass just says something like that holy crap fuck god wow I completely panicked and locked up
    asshole ugh how am I supposed to show my face now

    Alright alright breath abbey breath
    stop acting like a stupid immature highschool girl you're supposed to be an adult
    Wow I forgot to date the page

    It's 1 AM, I can't get to sleep. Fantastic, because I need to wake up early and fix MUR tomorrow.... today.

    It's weird knowing Yung is asleep right downstairs, I never expected to have a guy sleeping in my living room, I feel bad that I don't have a couch or something. I offered him the bed instead so I could take the chair but I guess chivalry isn't dead, or whatever.
    ... lucky for me he doesn't snore

    I hope I didn't make things too weird
    #14 Aiko Ikari, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  15. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest


    April 25

    No there's no way it's the same Yung... he was just here.. it couldn't be, no, there's no way.
    Where would he have gone though? Did ~I~ snore in my sleep? I don't think I do... where is he?

    no, no, no. No it's impossible. I'm sure he's fine

    I'm sure
    #15 Aiko Ikari, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  16. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 25

    Is it? Well I guess as long as no one sees, who cares! But hey Abbey, at least your scribbling is getting better! ... kinda...
  17. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    (( Love the artstyle. I gotta learn to make those. (Sadly I use a mouse so that makes it harder.) I'm overall liking this diary very much. ))
  18. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    (( Thank you thank you <3 I actually only use my tablet for the writing and the "coloring in" part, cause Im so bad at using the tablet :c Its fun because my inability to use it properly is what makes that art style!

    Also Im going to say this now cause I didn't in the OP, I won't respond to comments in this thread anymore to prevent OOC conversations and clutter, BUT I really like and appreciate kind words and comments <3 I'll simply be liking comments from now on to show my appreciation, woo :) ))
  19. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    **This page appears to have been printed out, then hole punched for entry into the binder. No pen scribbles accompany the page**

  20. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    April 26th

    Ugh. My head hurts. How did I wind up on this cot? and why am I still wearing all my gear.

    Moving on, that doesn't matter, screw it. Back at Caph. Woo. How exciting. I missed the spears, arrows, blood thirsty insects and constant rain/humidity. Tons of fun. It makes my hair look AMAZING, too. I don't know if paper understands sarcasm, but that was sarcasm Mr.Paper.

    I guess it's a bit better here than it was before. It's not as lonely, and everyone from back home is occupying the place now....



    I tried to actually get involved with something for once. I thought it'd make me look brave and tough and good at this but every thing sorta went to shit. I probably fucked up, but at least no one got hurt... too bad, that is


    And that more or less brings me here. In the crumby little make-shifty post we're using to keep those arrow-shooting bastards at bay. Still, when did I decided to sleep? I don't remember that... Last thing I remember

    #20 Aiko Ikari, Apr 26, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014