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A short guide to primitive weaponry

Discussion in 'Roleplay Guides' started by Malachar, May 22, 2016.

  1. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    So, since we have some primitive floran running around. I thought i'd provide a little details.

    "These may include bows and arrows, atlatls, caltrops, punji pits, and even potentially bolas! "

    Bows and Arrows should be fairly obvious. But one must never underestimate the piercing ability and how much they will hurt an unarmored or even simply plate armored target.

    Atlatl are spear throwers, it's easier to explain with these here gifs.

    http://www.ancientcraft.co.uk/Projects/atlatl/atlatl thrower.gif

    As you could imagine, getting hit by one of these hurts. A LOT.

    If you're getting hit by one of these unarmored, or lightly armored, it's likely going to pierce straight through their body.

    Caltrops are often best described as militarized legos placed around the floor. Anything from wrecking feet to causing tripping.

    Punji Pits are usually pitfalls disguised on the ground, with wooden, metal, or generally sharp objects at the bottom.

    If you fall into one of these unarmored, you can count yourself dead, or close to it.

    Finally, Bolas are those balls on strings you've seen before, primarily used to trip up and incapacitate targets.

    Anyone can feel free to add or expand, this is just a quick write up for weaponry not often rped, particularly those mentioned by our new Floran faction, and how to properly react.
  2. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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    slings and staff slings might not be a bad addition, honestly.

    doesn't need too much explanation, but slings function in the same vein as spear-throwers - basically acting as an extension of the arm to allow for hurling things farther and faster. such a primitive device can even be useful to those with conventional weapons, as you could, with some effort, lob a grenade over a fortification in place of a sling stone (given you've a big enough sling).

    here's a bit from the great 'De Re Militari' about the sling, if you'd fancy a read:
    Recruits are to be taught the art of throwing stones both with the hand and sling. The inhabitants of the Balearic Islands are said to have been the inventors of slings, and to have managed them with surprising dexterity, owing to the manner of bringing up their children. The children were not allowed to have their food by their mothers till they had first struck it with their sling. Soldiers, notwithstanding their defensive armour, are often more annoyed by the round stones from the sling than by all the arrows of the enemy. Stones kill without mangling the body, and the contusion is mortal without loss of blood. It is universally known the ancients employed slingers in all their engagements. There is the greater reason for instructing all troops, without exception, in this exercise, as the sling cannot be reckoned any encumbrance, and often is of the greatest service, especially when they are obliged to engage in stony places, to defend a mountain or an eminence, or to repulse an enemy at the attack of a castle or city.

    as for the sling staff, it's the same principle with a different application. you've got one end of your sling affixed to the end of a staff (obviously), and one end with a loop that slides off to UNCAGE THE BEAST that is your sling stone. a sling staff in general has greater range than a sling, and in skilled hands can be just as accurate. in contrast to the sling, sling staves makes for good (better) grenade launchers and siege weapons, as they're innately better suited to larger projectiles and steeper trajectories.

    not entirely sure how relevant it'd be to floran tribes, but it's stuff to keep in mind, I'd think.
  3. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Very good! I am very happy you made this. Thank you. <3
  4. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Time to teach some natives the real meaning of warfare :3
  5. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Gore: Maximum