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A series of video files.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Pyro_Sanders, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Pyro_Sanders

    Pyro_Sanders Warcrime Sprite Creator

    Nov 18, 2015
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    In a folder on Amis's PDA, the beginning of a video log lies. This one starts with Amis sitting in a chair, in a dimly lit hut. Looks Floran. He lacks his hat, and his clothes are a little torn. He looks tired, bags under his eyes.

    Khsss....Howsss to startsss?....Don'tsss knowsss whysss madesss thisss.... Guessss will ssstart with how I got heresss. He motions around the hut. Why did Clancy bring me with himsss? Why didsss I tell him to fuck off? Why did I letsss myssself get ssshot? Hsss....Don'tsss....Knowsss...Clancy left me. I've got no ssship, and for the first five daysss I ssslept in a flower planter...Butsss isss notsss all badsss. Metsss wonderful Kinsss named Hammiki...Isss nice...Talkedsss with her for a few daysss, no cluesss where ssshe went...Joined another mobsss...Whysss? Why am I jussst dragged backsss? Khsss....Billiesss isss nice, Maybessss....Maybessss hasss feelingsss for her...Don'tsss think ssshe would eversss datesss messs...The Floran puts his face in his hands, and then looks back up at the PDA..But hasss date with Chief sssoon...Hopesss doesssn't fuck up. Oh, rightsss. Joined tribesss. Isss how got tattered clothesss....Hsss...Isss tiredsss nowsss... The Floran reaches forward, and then the screen goes black. Log one down.
    #1 Pyro_Sanders, Apr 15, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2016
  2. Pyro_Sanders

    Pyro_Sanders Warcrime Sprite Creator

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Log two

    Amis sits in the same chair, he looks better now. He's wearing a loincloth, and some kind of Floran jacket.

    Khsss...How to ssstart thisss one...Ahsss...Yesss...

    There hasss been lotsss of fisssh in sssector, from whatsss hasss ssseen...Notsss sssure what to think about that. Hmsss.

    Gotsss job asss bouncer for ssstrip club, wondersss whosss ssstrippersss are..Hopesss one isss not Billiesss....Would lossse all ressspect.

    Don'tsss knowsss why have Esssa Hammiki'sss PDA number...Maybe isss Becaussse wanted to expand tribesss, maybe isss Becaussse wasss intimidated by Esssa....Who knowsss. Isss all for nowsss.

    He reaches forward, and the screen goes black. Log two down