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A Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Optimism, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Why isn't the Blackleaf tribe a faction?
  2. Eleven

    Eleven Mädchen in Uniform

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Probably the same reason why Port Last/Opportunity didn't have a colony page.
  3. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    I mean, what would they really post there?
    'iss kill'
    like yeah bro we know ya kill lotsa stuff.
  4. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    I don't know what that reason was.
  5. Eleven

    Eleven Mädchen in Uniform

    Dec 20, 2013
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    then we have something in common.

    Well john could post events and list of blackfangs who would be available.
    Like date XY blackfang attack on blub whos gonna participate?
  6. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    While I was in charge of it, I didn't want Port Last to receive a faction page until it was ready for it. I wanted at least a factory and a store opened up by non-RA people on the colony before I asked for a faction page. Post my abandonment, though, I don't know.
  7. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Makes sense, but it's ultimately up to them what they want to do. Jim made a good point, though. What would they have under their faction page? It's odd that Floran tribes have them to start, seeing as lore-based Floran tribes run like this: The Floran who lives in the tallest tree is leader. All other Florans do as he says until one of them shoves him out of the tree.
  8. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    That's a good point. Since they have reached a size as large or larger than any current faction, it would only be fair that they be required to act as one and record their resources/players in a public place to ensure all assets were legitimate.
  9. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    I thought the point of a subforum was to help factions organize themselves? Like, isn't that the purpose of having to apply for one?
    Turning it to a checking system seems.. Not wrong, but alien. Goes against the nature of what it is.
  10. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I honestly couldn't tell you for sure. Regardless, if they function like a faction, my personal opinion is that somehow they should be treated like one, regardless of whether they have a faction page.

    On that note, they probably just don't want a faction page.
  11. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    I did apply "Blackfang's Horde" as a faction, and it was okay'd by Twitch, Aiko and Mugwump.
    I have also been waiting on getting a faction page, which wasn't required at the time, but the recent recruitment conducted without my knowledge necessitates one, so I can post the lengthy list of OOC rules each Sprout, Barkwall and Captain must follow to the letter to avoid OOC cluster-f**kery. (also the ability to post schedules for raids would be the swellest) *pokes @Kazyyk *
  12. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    *round of applause for Glory-Stab*

    But yeah, Sprouts being anywhere else than the Hiveship or Port Last is downright impossible due to lack of transport.
  13. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    (If tl;dr jump the the end, under the line)

    *coughs softly* I think there's a slight over-reaction here, especially since some of the things you said were just simply untrue.
    Sorry, literally EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SAY brushes a lie.
    I don't wish to make you angry or contradict you - to be fairly honest, the question is moot since no screenshots were taken and some of the people present during that event are known for being retcon-happy whenever roleplay doesn't suit them.

    Nevertheless, for the record -
    Untrue - Neither floran had black leaves, nor did they ever said anything about being Blackleaf - One had a [Bonesmith's Helmet] on and the other had the hair model that naturally resets to a greyish-brow because it's a stiff bush or something. You are accusing people of impersonating members of a faction and you really, really shouldn't throw that kind of blame around without proof to back it up. (especially since it's just simply isn't true)

    I understand you have a hard time using the word "grenade" because that would make the attackers look more legitimate -and you don't want that, do you? Nevertheless, it 'was' a grenade, an easy-to-acquire IC object.

    It wasn't. It was me. And that floran was an actual character I made a while back - a semi-feral one with a barely functioning, over-run ship. (He used to be called Redroot - I'm pretty sure some people remember)
    By the way, "Sea-something" isn't even close to my dead characters name. In fact, it contains none of the letters S and E and has an A in the back.
    I'm pretty sure you're just projecting your OOC hatred for Sea-saver or Sea-capitain (two completely different players with nothing to do with the incident - both a touch abrasive to people that play with them)

    That's untrue. They responded to verbal interaction in character, tried to actually 'buy' the meat they wanted and then were attacked and shot. One of them was even knocked over and spewed useless bullets towards the ceiling without ever managing to hit anyone. The other emoted bullets hitting him and tearing his torso up with fatal wounds. I know because the situation being sensitive, I tried by outmost to play the game "with" you, not against you.
    I wish you would have done the same instead of saying "Don't like! That didn't happen!".

    False, again - The rifle was dropped due to close range, grenade was raised (is it really so hard for you to use the word 'grenade?'), a pin was pulled, and the floran took a swing - but he was interrupted when someone knocked it out of his hand, causing it to fall to the floor beside him. (Again, notice how the floran actually plays with you instead of against you? His original intention was to throw it to suppress fire from the other side of the room.)
    As a side-note, the bar was entirely unharmed - the floran was positioned with the OOC consideration of doing as little structural damage as possible, tearing up a piece of the floor and a table.

    I honestly don't know Glory-Stabs player that well and I wasn't there for the OOC part but I do know that expressions like "pathetic attempt at RP" aren't something you should use in a roleplay forum.


    Please don't say things that aren't true just because you're angry. Lying and subjective interpretation are ugly weapons that you should never have to touch in a "community" that deserves the name. The attack started off as two florans going shopping - it was not premeditated.
    Neither floran gave the slightest indication of being Blackleaf, not by coloring or speech or ooc information.
    The event was roleplayed out to the fullest with both florans doing their outmost not to bruise your sensibilities by daring to cause IC harm to ANYONE in the bar. (Despite the bullets everywhere and a frikkin' grenade going off)

    I guess the standard Asani reaction to a feral floran is "Let's all pretend that didn't happen. - Because stuff like that don't happen here."

    I'm honestly disappointed Atom - I quite like your roleplay. this is beneath you, however.

    EDIT: I wasn't even going to mention how you went to the moderators first, and then came to this thread to "innocently" try to turn the 'already voided' event against the roleplayers who had the misfortune of playing something you don't like. I wish you would have tried to be constructive about this instead of engaging in OOC tactics.
    #13 Anyad, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2014
  14. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    *Gently nudges thread back on topic*

    Aaanyways. The Blackfang sub forum would just be for OOC stuff I imagine. Not IC. Maybe something to keep track of IG resources.
  15. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    You are stating lies and spreading misinformation.
    I deny nothing.
    The only mistake I made was to think you would handle this with a cool head and keep it IC.
    I can't honestly blame the mod involved for enabling your behaviour - the other way would have been altogether too much fuss.

    By the way, condescension is really not the way to go.
  16. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Likely something along the lines of:
    - Hiveship, it's maintenance resources and capabilities. (and potential future projects if people are cool with it)
    - Food stores until a new raid/slave-sale must be conducted.
    - Planets under our control with an assigned Captain and fixed amount of Sprouts/Barkwalls for outside forces to destroy/liberate.
  17. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Hey! So, while there were no screenshots of the actions, I can check logs, so I did so, and he's not really spreading too much misinformation.

    So, firstly; you're actually correct on that first point, they never claimed to be Blackleaf, nor did they have anything that seemed to indicate that they were part of that faction. For the second point, however, Glorystab called it a 'pineapple' in his action, so I don't think his words were meant to demean that roleplay. I don't want to go into the third point, since it's not really terribly relevant, but Seasaver later came back and said, explicitly, that he plays Glorystab. As for the fourth, what I'm seeing here is that they came into Asani and tried to buy Hylotl meat. They also drew their guns first, threatened to attempt to eat several players before those players drew weapons, and ultimately shot first. Glorystab never emoted dropping the shotgun, he simply pulled out the grenade a short time after firing at someone else. He also did not emote it falling to the ground, he simply stated it exploded after he was attacked.

    Please do not try to lie about events. Thank you.
  18. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Glorystab really didn't rp out any of that grenade stuff in detail, and the Sea-something hylotl did claim to play as glorystab and then bitched at us a lot, despite everyone else there thinking the RP was dumb.

    That said most of the bad RP there was on Glory-Stab's end, If you were playing the other floran then I don't remember you doing anything worth much criticism.

    But everything Atom said about glorystab, except for them being blackfang is accurate as I remember it. A decent sized chunk of the floor was blown up.

    Also a pineapple is a type of grenade...
  19. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Poor opportunity is probably swarming with Blackfangs.
  20. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    It's pretty much our gathering point at the moment.
    Thinking that after the sub-forum is given, I'll have Blackfang leave a Captain and saaaay... 20-something Sprouts, 3-5 Barkwalls to guard/scavenge it, so said Captain can be attacked, captured and interrogated by whatever opposing force wants to combat the Horde for information about their operations.