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A question about the galaxy Radio

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Djill, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Djill

    Djill New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Good evening everyone, I just had a question based on some radio rp event I whitnessed which left me questioning how far we can go with radio (ergo galaxy) wide rp.

    Now there was a bit of drama brewing about this, so I'll say this before I begin: This isn't criticism to any of the "sides", it is just an observation that left me with some questions I couldn't ask there because of the no OOC rules.

    The situation: someone was telling a story via the radio in the galaxy chat that lasted for quite a while, I didn't keep the time, but it must have been somewhere between 30-60 minutes. I say story, because there didn't seem to be anything I could do to really interact, so for me, that doesn't really count as rp.

    I will admit, it started bugging me after a while. For me, rp is about interaction and should never be forced down my throat. There is no way to escape galaxy chat as far as I know, aside from logging off that is. I wasn't rping at the time, but I can imagine it being rather disruptive to have walls of text coming up every other minute. If you play unmodded like me, those are hardly readable at the best of times.

    Now, I could just be the starbound noob that I am, and just not get it yet. But I would just like to know, is extended story telling via galaxy chat something that happens a lot, and is it encouraged?

    And what do you guys think, is RP all about telling a story, alone or in a group, or should there be some sort of interaction between people for it to classify as such?
  2. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I don't see that sort of thing very often, myself. In fact, this is the first I've heard of such a thing. There was something similar happening a while back, but that was actually an open event that people got involved in, so it doesn't really count.

    I suppose that sort of thing is harmless unless people get irked by it, which it sounds like you were. (Along with others, probably.) Don't take my word for this, since I'm not on staff or anything, but I believe you could ask a mod' to get them to cut it out if it goes on for a long time. At some point, that can legitimately be considered spam rather than RP, especially if no one else is allowed to get involved.

    Really, that sort of thing can be done in a forum post, too. And usually is. So, I'm surprised it happened in-game.
  3. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I think I saw this while it was just ending, with people going OOC to talk about it. Story telling is fine in galaxy so long as you're breaking it up and not spamming. (( giving time for people to reply, etc)). Otherwise it is as you said, shoving it down your throat and making it impossible to keep up with anything planet side.