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A "Purple Mutant's" Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Arcullis, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Arcullis

    Arcullis New Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    -Can be found within Eria's private terminal in her med lab-

    >>Power: ON
    >>Accessing Reports.
    >>Access Granted.
    >>Welcome, Eria.

    Ah, Father! Today was a fantastic day. After investigating those Triton boys that I read about, I knew I had found the perfect accomplices for the mining facility job I had scouted out! It didn't go... exactly as planned, and I ended up using them as tools rather than partners. You see, I kind of got myself... stuck.

    When I went in originally I accessed it through the ceiling hatch, which led me to a small observation tower that ran a tunnel through the rig. All was well and good and I was about to contact Triton for support, but since the computer detected unauthorized movement from the emergency hatch, the main generator cut off- locking me in. Wouldn't have been a big deal if I had means of accessing the generator from my position, but I didn't.

    So I changed things up a bit and spent a couple days setting up a one-man heist. The plan went as follows:

    1. Reroute entrance power to observation tower to give an opening for help.
    2. Guide said help to main generator to resupply power to facility.
    3. Continue onto the mine from the tunnel while Triton reach a dead end made for observing the mining operations.
    4. Jam my escape hatch to prop it open.
    5. Collect Erchius.
    6. Manually override the emergency breaker to shut main power off again, trapping Triton.
    7. Shut off mining lights to temporarily blind them as I continue to my escape route.
    8. Un-jam the hatch and hightail it out of there.

    I may have also rigged the place to explode, but that was only because I figured they would put a bounty on my head. They looked much more capable than I anticipated though, and feared they may have survived. Later I confirmed this over the radio with cheap provocation. Looks like I'll be laying low for awhile. May try to contact a few people through Starnet and see what I can do.

    I love you Father, I'll see you soon.

    >>Power: OFF
    #1 Arcullis, Sep 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2015
  2. Arcullis

    Arcullis New Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    >>Power: ON
    >>Accessing Reports.
    >>Access Granted.
    >>Welcome, Eria.

    Alright, well, this couldn't be anymore perfect. So it's been two weeks since I dropped off the grid and I can't leave this blasted hellhole. Some asshat is up there consistently trying to hack into my satellite- been there since day four. At first I thought Triton had found me, but their work is too shoddy to even be called effort. I'm running out of patience, and meds.

    I can't make too rash of a decision, Father forbid. For all I know it could be a bounty hunter or slaver, and I'm no good with the "Shoot first, make profit" types. If I had more to work with I could easily break out of the atmosphere without anyone leaving a trace, but I can't risk getting tagged. They must be cautious as well to not have already tried forcing a landing and hunting me down. Hopefully I can keep up the bluff, my defenses are naked.

    I have supplies for another three days tops. If they haven't buggered off by then, I'll have to take a risk and make a break for it. That would mean ditching my ship along the way, but that's much better than any alternative.

    That brings me to another topic; I'm sick of hiding. I won't be able to get anywhere if I continue this pace. So, I'm taking my problems to the frontline. When and if I do get out of here, I already have my destination set. I don't think they'll be too happy to see me, but I'll be damned if I end up a starved freak drifting through the filthy home of this "Council." So it's time to swing a hammer at the beehive. A very heavy, and persuasive hammer.

    >>Power: OFF
    #2 Arcullis, Sep 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2015
  3. Arcullis

    Arcullis New Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    >>Power: ON
    >>Accessing Audio Logs.
    >>Access Granted.
    >>Welcome, Eria.

    "Eria, let's go ahead and re-evaluate why we bothered to even pay this place a visit." The voice sounds sophisticated and even a bit British, although the actual tone shows more than a hint of aggravation. The constant drone of thrusters infers that this was recorded on the go.

    "For brilliant minds. That's what. But you know, I am seriously beginning to doubt that any of these barbarians know how to operate a toaster. How am I supposed to find Father when they all just blow themselves up doing the simplest of tasks?" There is a long sigh, then a brief silence. "Okay, so let's get this recorded from the beginning to add to the list of stories to tell Father when we reunite."

    "As I had mentioned a few days ago, I had three days tops before I had to restock. Well, that time came and I hesitantly boarded my ship prepared to abandon it to lose whatever would be on my tail. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, seeing that all my memories of Father were made there, but I would much rather see him again than kill myself over sentimentality. I just didn't expect them to-" she cut herself off, presumably trying regain composure.

    "Leaving the atmosphere, as expected, I was soon under the sights of an unknown vessel- a rigged up fighter from what I could see. My systems detected infrared targeting, most likely them trying to tag my ship, but I took precautions anyhow and popped the plasma flares. I thought it would deter whatever they were going to throw at me, NOT the actual pilot."

    "Avoiding it like the blasted plague, he swerved off course like it would melt through his plating. Okay, stopping right there I can understand his caution, even if it was a tad overboard. But then? I had to stop, turn back, and confirm if what I had just witnessed was real."

    "This... idiot, had thrown himself right into a ****ing asteroid. Not an asteroid field, there wasn't even one remotely near us. Just one, extremely large, rock. Would he even have turned the other direction, he would have been fine. But no, he flies into the only obstacle in sight. When I came back to observe the wreckage, it wasn't just a single pilot either. This man had single-handedly killed himself, four of his comrades, and at least three others- whether they were slaves or just unarmored crew members I do not know."

    "That had to be one of the most lethal uses of flares this side of the galaxy... At least I can keep the ship."

    >>Power: OFF