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A poorly-written journal log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by OminousMushroom, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    The log appears to have been damaged from both water and time. The pages are somewhat weak and it appears that the ink that was used to write had stained through several pages.

    On the cover of the book, a line of text has been crossed out, perhaps the previous person that the book belonged to. Under this crossed our line, the word 'CAIRN' is written under it. It's pretty damn sloppy.

    Instead of sentences, there is just one or few words per blue line.

    My captor.
    Im free.
    Showed me.
    In abandoned.
    Will need.
    To search.
    For Floran.
    #1 OminousMushroom, Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2015
  2. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    This page consists mostly of crudely-drawn images that appeared to have been written with a piece of coal. Unfortunately the creature who writes this is unable to use small tools like pencils or pens due to its claws.

    There are three images.

    The first image consists of three bird-like creature. One of them wears glasses, the other had a blacked-out eye, and the other has an outline around the eyes. Could they be glasses? Perhaps. Maybe not. The image, despite being crudely-drawn, appears to be focused on attempting to 'perfect' the details that went into these drawings. The first bird is labeled 'Ziggy', the second, 'Glauen,' and the third, 'Alo.'

    The second set of images appears to be a piano. Musical notes are drawn around it, but they are all the same notes. There's a little note to the side of it. 'MUST OBTAIN'.

    The third image appears to be a village, and right beside the village are a group of what appear to be humanoids with sharp teeth and little comical flowers drawn on their heads. Florans. One of the figures stands out. It appears to be a crude signature 'form' of Cairn. Long snout. Spikey body. Armor.

    Below these images are a series of words, similar to the last entry.

    Part of family again.
    The Florans took me in.
    Introduced me.
    To a new life.
    A life of meaning.
    I spoke to Ziggy. And Glauen. And his mate, Alo.
    Helped me. So much.
    I was confused.
    I didn't know. What I was feeling.
    This warm. Welcoming feeling.
    Is this. What friendship. Feels like?
    I thought I was a guardian.
    I am not a guardian.
    I am a friend.
    I wonder.
    What the future holds.
  3. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    On the next three pages after the next entry, three pictures are drawn, just as crudely as they were before.

    The first resembles some sort of suit. The helm of it has three little circles drawn in the corresponding angles of a triangle, resembling the eyes of a hylotl. Under this drawing, the name 'ARUANA' is drawn.

    The second resembles a human, or at least, some bulky humanoid figure, bleeding from the neck. The note 'INJURED' is written beneath it.

    The third is similar to the previous drawing of a tribe of Florans, except instead of Florans, these appear to be humans in suits of dark-colored armor. This is labeled 'MARINES'.

    On the fourth page, his notes are written.

    Nearly asphyxiated.
    My ship. Suddenly ceased functioning.
    Some sort of electrical disturbance.
    Life support was dwindling.
    Ship returned to operating status shortly.
    I thought I was going to die.
    I went to Katune after.
    Saw Glauen. Alo. And a peculiar Hylotl.
    Borne in armor. Much like me. However.
    She is immunodeficient.
    She can not survive without the armor.
    I pity her.
    A Human appeared shortly after.
    A Glitch was carrying him.
    The Human had a knife in his neck. He was dying.
    I took him into the clinic. Applied pressure to the wound. Alo took the knife out.
    Soon after. The USAF arrived. 'Marines.' They're called.
    They acted quickly.
    He barely survived.
    Thankfully, he did.
    I believe his name was George.
    Why did I care if he lived or died?
    I remember he and his bird companion glanced at me with some disdain.
    I do not think they enjoy my presence.
    Then why did I help him?
    I suppose I felt responsible.
    Responsibility is a strange feeling.
  4. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Several pages after the last written page has been ripped out, torn in halves or furiously scribbles upon.

    The scribbles cover something that look like it once resembled an image, but the cryptic scribbles make it impossible to tell what the images are.

    There are small, black stains on the first untorn page. It appears to be dried blood.

    Words are written on that same page.

    So.. unbelievably... angry..
    My chest. It hurts.
    It hurts so much.
    I regret this diet. I regret this life.
    Everything is in pain. Everything is in PAIN.
    ... its my diet.
    I am... holding in my inner urges.
    I take out the urges on a variety of wildlife.
    I enjoy the taste of their flesh. The sounds their bones make when they crunch.
    It's just not the same, though.
    It's something about slaughtering humanoids... hearing their screams.. hearing their cries of pain..
    ... it reminds me of my creators.
    And how much I despised them.
    And it makes me sO ANGRY.
    .... Was this the right choice?
    I am told that I made the right decision.
    My chest tells me otherwise.
    I am not dying. That much is for certain.
    But my natural urges.. my instinctual cries for attention.
    I require humanoid blood to sate it.
    No. I don't require it.
    It's all in my head.
    Yelling at me. Telling me things I should ignore.
    Yet, it wants me to listen. Shut up.
    Shut up. Shut up.
    Shut up.
    I need more venison.
    ... maybe extra juicy this time.
    ... maybe raw.
    ... maybe.
  5. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    More black stains can be seen on the pages past the previous entry.

    I've wounded myself.
    I don't know why. I just did.
    I feel so lost. Even with a sense of direction.
    Is this what depression feels like?
  6. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    A drawing of a cave is drawn over a clean page. Unlike the other drawings, this one seems more.. intricate. More well done. More detailed. Under it is labeled 'HOME.'

    Glauen and Alo have offered me a home.
    A home where I would not have to deal with my issues alone.
    A home where I can communicate.
    A home where I can live. And thrive.
    The locals may find me disturbing..
    But I'm sure that will pass with time.
    I am indirectly involved with 'family issues.'
    I'm curious to see where this will take me.
  7. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    A drawing of a bottle of wine borders the page next to the next entry. Below the bottle is the word 'POISON.'

    Many things happened last night.
    I briefly spoke with Alo and Glauen before the three of us and Gustwood decided to make our way to Katune.
    Glauen was planning on meeting with an Avian named 'Kayra.'
    A flightless bird, I believe.
    At the same time this happened we encountered a strange armored man berating her, and another Avian as well.
    The other Avian turned out to be Kallah's father.

    On the next page is a drawing of a young-looking bird with a harp in his hands, and under this the word 'KALLAH' is written, with 'WORM' written just underneath it in smaller print.

    There was almost a firefight.
    Glauen and Gustwood both managed to calm down the situation before it escalated.
    Truth be told, I almost lost myself for a moment.
    He threatened to shoot my friends.
    I wasn't going to let that happen.
    Thankfully no one was shot.
    I told Alo about the boy's father, and how he might've been a secretive cultist.
    Alo encountered him, but around the end of her conversation I believe she said something that sparked the man into a hallucination.
    He started cutting into his arm with his blade.
    I intervened.
    Alo and I brought him back to the clinic, where he recovered.
    Afterwards, Alo and, I believe Kayra, both went with this Avian to talk, privately.
    I waited patiently near the beam pad until she returned.
    Alo was beyond furious.
    She wanted to get herself drunk. I didn't want to allow that.
    I coaxed her into coming back home with me.
    She was still furious, and demanding a bottle of poison.
    I developed a plan.
    I know their bodies can not handle alcohol well.
    I gave her a bottle, and told her she can drink as much as she wants.
    When we were in the bath, I stole the bottle from her, and she was too drunk to protest already, even after just one-thirds of the bottle.
    Alo and I began to argue a bit.
    She tried going for the bottle again.
    And that's when I reminded her that she is a motherly figure now.
    And that she should start acting like it.
    She started crying.
    I calmed her down and dried her off before sending her to Glauen's room.
    I believe my plan was a success.
    I will just have to wait and see.
    How now. I desire more meat.
    Life is good.
  8. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    There is a picture of what appears to be a baked good set in the middle of a platter on one page, then an angry-looking bird in the next. The first page reads 'FEATHERFOOD' while the second reads 'APOLOGIZE'.

    I became far too cocky with myself.
    I started to assert my decisions over the others.
    I was trying to help Alo get over her drinking habits.
    I let Glauen know about what happened.
    I was wrong. So very wrong.
    I had gone to talk to them both, without knowing what sort of day they had.
    It was one of those 'longer days.'
    Alo was furious.
    Glauen was stressed.
    And I just made matters worse by trying to baby their decisions.
    And I acted to confident about it too.
    This is what being an 'asshole' or... a 'cloaca' feels like.
    Glauen had already gone to bed when I attempted to ease their anger with an apology.
    At first I had thought that it would be hard to spill my regrets to Alo.
    At first it seemed like she didn't listen.
    But she forgave me, in the end.
    However, she was still stressed out.
    I made her some featherfood to help her out.
    ... it was the first time ever BAKING anything.
    I'm proud of what came out though.
    Even if it was a little burnt.
    She looked more at ease when I departed. I hope it wasn't faux-ease.
    I met with Kallah, as well.
    He is as I imagined. A fledgeling in the body of an adult. Possibly sheltered.
    This is no surprise.
    His father must not have been a very good caretaker.
    Especially with his 'issues.'
    He and I played music for some time.
    He played the harp. I played the piano.
    It was relaxing.
    It took a lot off my mind.
    I'll need to do that more often.
    I hope I can try to make Glauen feel better, later.
    If there's one thing I've learned from this...
    it's that pushing your decision over others makes you look like a cloaca.
    Lesson learned.
  9. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    There are no pictures on this page.

    I've been feeling empty.
    As though part of my chest has suddenly gone missing.
    I lost someone who I had feelings for.
    I also lost Gustwood.
    Damnable religious Avians killed him.
    Cultists killed the other.
    Never before have I felt such a strong, insatiable urge to maim someone doning black and purple robes.
    Never before have I felt such a powerful urge to dig my fist through the skull of a preaching, blinded bird.
    They will both pay for their crimes.
    One at a time.
    Max has agreed to help me attempt to retrieve Gamma's corpse.
    I will not let it fall into the hands of the Cultists. Knowing them they're just going to re-purpose the body for some deranged experiment or ceremony.
    I might still have time. I pray to whatever deity exists, that I still have time.
    There might still be prisoners on the ship, too.
    They need to be released.
    I will also be assisting Glauen.
    We plan to strike back against the Flightless hunting party.
    For now, it's just a matter of time.
    I attempted my own life. Again.
    Or, rather, I was about to.
    I was blinded by rage, by depression. I acted out of hand. My natural instincts kicked in for several moments.
    I think I scared Glauen, too.
    I thought about closing the gap to the cave, and burying myself alive so that they could never find me.
    I never closed it.
    I am smarter than that. I will not let my emotions get the better of me like they did before.
    I will stay strong. For Glauen. For Alo. For Ziggy. For Max. For the rest of the Rabbits.
    I am fucking starving.
    This depression's made me skip multiple meals.
    I need venison or something..
    Maybe raw.
    Nah. I'll cook it.
  10. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    There's only a few words on this page. Either not a lot of thought was put into this, or he simply does not want to write more.

    We fought the Flightless.
    We won..
    But we still lost.