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A Pirate's Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Lizmun, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Lizmun

    Lizmun New Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    < Most of the Logs of Cargo Ship X-735 were the same. Just a simple voice and video log of the captain of the ship, simply stating where the cargo is from, where it's headed, and who it's for. Most were just dull and boring, save for perhaps a rather special date. July 27th, 2416. >

    DATE 7/27/2416

    SHIP X-735

    CAPTAIN Eckhard Von Otto

    LOG 31485

    < An older man's face was seen in the video, his beard and handlebar moustache flecked with graying hairs, bored green eyes scanned over a battered clipboard. He took a few moments before he started speaking aloud, voice laced with a thick German accent. He looked into the camera when he spoke. >

    "This is captain Von - Otto, Logging the mid-FTL journey between Xirces Two system and the Gordon Wastes system. Our bay is-- "

    < The captain was interrupted and even nearly taken out of his chair when the ship shook. Otto turned about as a glitch entered the previously closed door behind the captain's chair. >

    " Confused. Captain, why did you put us out of F - T - L travel? "

    < The glitch asked while he stepped towards the camera as the door behind him closed. While Von Otto's face wasn't visible, his confusion was clear in his voice. >

    " What? I didn't-- "

    < A small shudder passed through the cargo freighter again, shortly after, the sound of a teleporter firing passed through the ship's door, followed by a muffled yell from what sounded to be a Hyoltl. >

    Pirates! Pira--!

    <The cry was unfortunately cut short as a rather loud crash came from down the hallways, tailed by a thump, the ship's alarm sounded seconds after, red light tinting the wall with a siren's wail. The captain turned quickly, his face had paled and green eyes had widened. Von Otto reached for a small pistol, which had been laying out of sight. The german man was reaching for the power - off button to the computer and camera just as the sound of gunshots rang through the corridors of the freighter. The glitch was turning about, having pulled a nearby fire extinguisher off the wall. The log's camera and audio cut out once Eckhard pressed the power button to the computer, and shut it down. >

    END LOG 31485
    #1 Lizmun, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2016
  2. Lizmun

    Lizmun New Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    DATE 7/27/2416

    LOG 31486

    < The log after 31485 didn't have the neat and organized popup text, as the others did. Only the date and log number was shown, as was automatically applied by the computer. >

    " A'ight... Is this thing'n workin', now? "

    < The camera seemed to no longer work, or it was shut off. The voice was new, and it wasn't entirely easy to tell if it was masculine or feminine. One thing was certain, though. The accent of this new person was terrible. >

    " Bah. I'unno. But uh. This'ere boat's mine' an' now, fuckers. "

    < The log cut out with a tap of a key. >

    END LOG 31486
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  3. Lizmun

    Lizmun New Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    DATE 7 / 28 / 2416

    LOG 31487

    < Another log and that same voice with the odd accent returned. Every now and this, the sound of a body shifting in the chair came, the camera was still shut off, nothing but black. >

    " A'ight. So. I'm royally boned. Dipshits 'oo I 'ired went on and damaged tha' boostin's in th' 'tack. So uh. Fuck. "

    < A sound of a bottle clinked, then there was a snap, a fizz, and the sound of drinking, a quiet "aah." sound afterwards, with the smack of lips. >

    " So. Yeah. I'm stuck 'round some barren ass planet. 'least I'm think'n it'ss barren. Hopeful ther's no damn native types down there. That'd be bad news bears. "

    < There was a few moments of silence, a grunt broke this. >

    " Hnk. Tha' captain fella' banged me up real nice, like. Pistol put a hurtin' on m'shoulder place. Gonna 'ave t'find sommit more permanent then'uh rolled up cloth t'clog th'wound spot "

    < Another tap of the Key, and the microphone was off. >

    END LOG 31487
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