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Approved (A kinda-sorta?) Application: Fernbrook Field

Discussion in 'Colony Questions' started by Leschinsky, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    (I'm so ding-dong sorry I didn't apply this place sooner ahhh! The reasons why I derped are down below).

    Fernbrook Field

    A small farming settlement situated just outside of Council space, it’s mired in a constant struggle against nature, the causes tied directly to the past mistakes of the colonists who came before the current residents.


    Following Council Space naming conventions, The Ragnarok Rim is fairly unremarkable. Primarily comprised of barren worlds, moons, and a expansive asteroid field. Nestled within it's third major orbit however, is a single planet which harbors life. Ragnarok Rim III was known to its original settlers as the founding site of the mining town of Mt. Flashpoint.

    Fertile soils gave way to blooming agriculture on the outskirts of Mt. Flashpoint, but at its heart was a quarry, the lifeblood of the colony. As production grew, so to did the small town. With an abundance of stone and clay, the craftsmen set to work in creating a legacy of masonry that would persist through the ages. Times were prosperous and the future bright.

    Expansion of the mining tunnels lining the walls and floor of the main quarry were routine, and picking up pace along with a growing workforce and a high demand, there was a noticeable increase in demolitions within the mines. While the cause wasn't expressly known, it was widely accepted the daily blasting caused the "Blowout". Deep within the tunnels, the rock walls breached into a massive underground lake, causing an explosive flooding of the mines and quarry. This disaster was a death sentence for nearly all of the workers on duty, as well as the prospects for continued mining operations in Mt. Flashpoint.

    However, something peculiar happened in the wake of this tragedy; the waters had an interesting property, rich with nutrients, nitrogen, and something else, that caused the local flora to flourish at an astounding rate.

    The colonists adapted, moving their focus towards agriculture and harvesting the lush forests, redubbing their town Hallowfield to reflect the place’s evolution.

    As time went on, the overgrowth’s effect slowly but surely started undoing their efforts and toils. Thick, powerful vines began digging into the buildings’ foundations, overtaking the farms, proving nearly impossible to keep at bay. As things deteriorated, people began abandoning the town, vacating the doomed place to find “greener” pastures, eventually leaving only one person; Mrs. Quinn Fernbrook. A rancher and widow who held her ground at the place where her husband passed away, and son drowned in the Blowout, refusing to abandon the place that her family lived and died. For a time, at least.



    There are two residents at Fernbrook Fields; Rosen, an avian boy who was given Mrs. Fernbrook’s ranch to continue the town’s legacy, allowing her to finally leave and retire with her advanced age. Rosen tended to his ranch, and maintained the Fernbrook farm up the hill, keeping the vines and brambles at bay for just over half a year.

    Then, thankfully, a woman looking for a new start staking a claim in the frontier named Clementine arrived in a small shuttle, taking over the duties of the farm, planting and sowing the fields.

    The two of them, frankly, were quite happy to have a neighbor. Rosen gets to enjoy fresh feed for his livestock, local meat from his human neighbor’s hunting, and a few Avos crops, fresh from the gardens, while Clementine’s been enjoying fresh eggs and milk every morning. The both of them were thankful to have someone to watch their back as well in the dangerous frontier.

    OOC Information

    Again, I’m so sorry we didn’t apply for the place before building it, it didn’t occur to us because we never intended the place to be a colony, more of a place as a home to roleplay the farming life of these two characters. There’s no intention to make this place a colony, but, with recent issues of people playing fast and loose with building, we realized that officially applying would be best for everyone involved.

    It's at 38, -9 Ragnarok Rim III if any of you want to take a look (I know angre saw it because he came out and made that stupid gate go away, thanks for that by the way!)... It really is a gorgeous build, Rosen did 98% of the (amazing) building, I was only there for grunt work and ideas/designs.

    Okay, thanks for reading guys, have a nice day and a better week and the best month and-

    … Alright I’ll shuttup have a heart. <3​
    #1 Leschinsky, Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2016
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    So as I understand, you have no intent of opening this colony up to be public? Generally, people are allowed to build house/home planets without approval, it's when you want a full blown colony that applications become necessary. To me, seems like you've got a little house planet that'd serve as a backstory for two characters, so unless i'm wrong, you're probably in the clear.
  3. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Oh sweet, yeah that's toats what it is.
    Awesome possum, thanks Hap!~
  4. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Yeah - sounds as they are (what did i just type i won't even try correct it).
    I'll just set this to er ...

    ... Probably "approved" I guess. I'm fine with the idea of just a small place. If it does become bigger, you can always give us a shout anyway I feel.
    Enjoy your lil' farmy place <3