Title says it mates. I need a job pal. I'm in LM at the moment. I can lift heavy shit and stuff like that. Skill set's meager yeah but... There it is. Come on lads. I need some pixels here. -McKenzie
-A.N.I- i always need people in the late evenings ((around 4-9 ish EST i get on)) for help in medical tests. i will gladly pay you in abundance of pixels and or fuel for your assistance
The bar on Earneck needs a help day in day out. Built over the wreckage of an old desert city, so we also need help scouting out the city for public. Ill pay quite a bit for your full time services.
Neo Italiano could use a new Bartender. Nothing fancy, half decent pay - plus a room on Liberty Mills.
Afraid full time ain't gonna work out too well for me lad. Sorry. This wouldn't be bad you know mate. Could use a little place to crash on LM. I'll drop by. Doesn't sound up my street pal. Soz.