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A Heartfelt Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Dodec1, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Dodec1

    Dodec1 New Member

    Nov 24, 2014
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    My name, is
    Daniel J. Heart. And as of today I'm starting this...Journal? Memoir? Chicken scratches of a crazy man? Well, whatever this is; as of today I'm starting it. No idea if anyone other than myself will ever read this, but, if you aren't me, you're one: snooping through my stuff. Two: You've robbed and/or killed me. Or Three: You're someone I care very dearly about... One way or another, hey, let's get this introduction out of the way and get into the meat of my little story.

    So. Lets head back a few years, to [22/03/2409] to be exact, what would've been around noon-ish time in galactic standard time, some fire started on the ship I had been working in. Don't know a whole lot about all that, I'd say Clare had left the oven on for too long again, except, nobody managed to put it out I guess; everyone evacuates the ship, yada yada yada, I get my ass into a escape pod and shoot myself out to space away from the smoldering heap that was once known as "The Exodus". Strip down, shoot myself up with all the anti-death cyro goup, and shimmy myself into the single freezer the tin can had. Figured I'd be out there for a few weeks, crash land on some planet and then get picked up.

    So, holy shit, was I wrong. It's...[22/07/2416] now, around seven years later, seven years. I'm surprised I survived that to be honest, figured you couldn't go for more than five without a break; and that's being generous. Guess in that sense, I'm lucky I didn't end up like a frozen piece of meat, like a T.V. dinner. I'm not however, lucky enough to not get the worst cryo sickness in my life. I've done the cryo training before, and felt sick, but nothing like that. I blew chunks as soon as I woke up, and I've got more damn cryo burns than you can shake a stick at; over my arms, chest, back, abdomen, legs, a right fucking mess, not to mention that I crash landed on a snow planet so that certainly didn't help them out, all that cold air irritating them and shit.

    Thankfully, I had a few nice folks help me out, didn't really catch any of their names other than Anno; she's...Nice, seems like a kind girl. But she is a bit strange, to say the least; seems like she has had work done, and not where you think. Has elf ears, amber-ish eyes and her face is quite slim; not sure if she's genetically modded or just a huge dweeb and got them done herself. Not like I can say much after all I've got my fair share of mods myself just not as noticeable I guess, other than the ol' pearly blues. Anno is nice enough though, letting me share a room with her at an Inn on a colony called "Mud" (Such an appealing name!) even let me have the bed! What a sweetheart...Though, she made fun of my jacket, I guess seven years still isn't long enough for my sense of fashion to become to norm.

    I guess that's it for today, real tired, maybe I'll go grab a glass of milk and hit the hay.
    PS: Also, preeeeetty sure I heard gunshots here, oh, what fun!
    PSS: I'm not sure if I should tell people I'm 25 or 32.

    List o' loot
    • The clothes on my back.
    • Around 800 or so pixels.
    • A LR-98 security pistol with one magazine.
    • A backpack.
    • A blanket and a towel (Thanks Anno.).
    • Few spare bits of clothing.

  2. Dodec1

    Dodec1 New Member

    Nov 24, 2014
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    So...Not a whole lot went on today, well; compared to yesterday at least. Met a few new people, shared a few stories with Biscuit (Anno's new nickname, I'll explain in a bit.) and witnessed something real strange in the Mud inn today.

    So, first things first, I talked to a woman today, named Ashley Marks (Or "Stints") a doctor like me, not a general surgeon but a doctor none the less; she was actually the one that treated me for my cryo burns, and for free! Lucky me. She seems nice, like Anno, but somehow...Even more out to space, but, she's an older woman maybe it's just age finally catching up with her, making her a lil' loopy. Think she's out here on some relief program, offered me a room at the inn saying "I'll just take the money out of the treasury." whatever that means. I declined stayed with Anno like I said before. Not that I wasn't grateful of course! I'm sorta glad I woke up when I did seems like there's a lot of nice people out here.

    ...Saying that though, there was gunshots last night along with the damn explosions! I thought that Mud was a peaceful colony out here in the space boonies but it seems that isn't the case. Doesn't seem that anyone was hurt though, which is a relief...I'm going to ask around tomorrow, see what was up with all that, haven't actually left the inn yet, should get out tomorrow get some sun and some information from the locals.

    Now, onto the stories! Well, first let me explain the whole Anno-Biscuit thing; so, she had just woken up and we were both downstairs at the bar, and I told her a story that had happened a few hours earlier; which I'll get to in a bit. And she was like "Oh, now, I've got my share of crazy stories from being a hitchhiker all these years!" long story short, it wasn't crazy, it was just a story about her stealing a dudes biscuits by accident; which took around ten minutes for her to explain, ten minutes that I'll not get back. She had fun at least, which, hey, shes been nice to me least I could do is listen to a mundane story or two. Onto my story, pretty much to keep it short, there was a guy at the bar I think he was a robot may have just been a guy in armour, but he was "drinking" a beer; and by drinking I mean the fucker was pouring the beer onto his damn faceplate, going all over his body and the floor, the whole damn thing too! Made a right mess, feel sorry for Fog, having to clean that up. So, he asks for another one (And Fog actually fucking gives him another bottle) for whatever reason it had a screw cap on it, like the ones on a bottle of pop; the dude freaks the fuck out, like he'd just seen the ghost of his mother; takes the bottle by the neck and smashes it over his fucking head like he does that shit on the daily. Then calmly starts to fucking drink out of it, glass everywhere, still pouring the drink on himself, fucking weirdo man...So, once he's done with his little mental breakdown over there I ask "Hey uh...What the Hell was that about?" And I shit you not, he says "I didn't know how to open it.".

    And...That was about it for the day, chatted up a few other people, nothing major. Not sure if I'm going to be writing these every day or not yet. Guess we'll see where it goes.
    PS: Anno took back her towel, I am not a towelless man.

    List o' loot
    • The clothes on my back.
    • Around 800 or so pixels.
    • A LR-98 security pistol with one magazine.
    • A backpack.
    • A blanket.
    • Few spare bits of clothing.
    2 people like this.