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A description of Refract Valley

Discussion in 'Refract Valley' started by MaximumRose, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Nestled comfy and cozy between two mountains on the beautiful lush planet of Saldalmelik Prime II sits Refract Valley Center, the beautiful common area of the large overall community that is the Refract Valley Commune.

    Formed from the idea of visionaries such as Raybina Primfeather and Zephyr TinkerToy, and other such revolutionary philosophers, Refract Valley offers job security, safe housing, and equality not bested by any other system in the galaxy.

    Citizens are offered a multitude of professions, geared towards their personal skills and interests and housing is offered according to spatial logic. In short, you live near where you work. Citizens are started off with a standard house and through contribution to the community are allowed extensions or changes to their habitat.

    The owner and leader of this world is Raybina Primfeather. Bolstered by the monetary power of her parents and their managerial teachings, Lady Primfeather looks to spread her own wealth to bring equality and help to others. Lady Primfeather’s living accommodations will not be better than those of her people and she will work just as hard as her citizens. She believes in total equality and hard work to make the commune a thriving place to co-habitate, work, and procreate together.

    The Refract Valley Civic Center is the highest point in all of Refract Valley. It houses a community area for social and relaxation purposes, a large kitchen where meals are made for citizens whose housing does not have cooking options, and a library for the continuation of education for all citizens.

    Next to the Center is the TinkerToy Prismatic School of Arts and Sciences. It is for the offspring of those citizens who choose to live in refract valley, and also houses higher learning classes at night for those workers who would like to continue their education.

    After the school is the Scavenging Receiving Bay. Refract Valley receives its materials primarily from broken down civilizations. Pieces can be brought from anywhere to be sold to Refract Valley. They’ll be inspected for historical value, then re=purposed appropriately.

    Accordingly, next is Re-Purpose and Creation Factory. Using ore gathered in the mines of the planet, and scrap metal and other materials from the Scavenging Receiving bay, new items are created for the use of the commune, and for sale to the rest of Antares.

    In between are smaller cabins, made for those who work inside of these establishments. Lots of space is left between them, so that new housing can be made for other citizens.

    Everything in Refract Valley is based on hard work and merit. Other than very specific laws, those against murder, theft, and the like, Lady Primfeather believes in a laissez-faire attitude. Thusly, there can be no corruption. No person will be treated better than their peer.

    To find us, head to 30 and 6, Saldalmelik Prime II. Your beamdown point will put you just east of the Center. We can't wait to see you!
    Your beam down point will put you just east of the Center. We can't wait to see you!
    #1 MaximumRose, Nov 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2016
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