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At what time (and timezone) would it be going down?
Welcome back! As a player who also just recently returned, I've gotta say, it's been worth it so far!
Name: Brigliss Everdeen Age in Earth years: 26 Gender: Female Species: Human Profession: Deep sea biologist
Did that a while ago, but still, thank you for the advice! -Brigliss Everdeen
Thank you very much for the concern, but I will trust my engineers on this one, and not a stranger on the starweb. But do have a nice day....
You would be surprised how strong they can make glass now! And, with good support, reinforcement and shape, it should not be an issue. At least...
Wonderful! One message comming your way. -Brigliss Everdeen
Well, my parents are the head of the project, but - and don't tell them I said this - I'm the one doing all the work, haha. On a more serious...
Yeah! I've already started construction out of my own pocket. I mean, it's not far, and I had to pull a lot of strings to get this with my limited...
((Oooh, thank you very much! ^^)) Wait, that may be undershooting it. By, like.... a significant amount. I mean, not like the technology isn't...
As in how much money? I honestly don't know. It's a rather abitious project, I must admit, so a fair amount, to say the least. Most definately in...
Good question! I must've forgotten that part while writing. My appologies, but I do get a little nervous. I do not really know what the optimal...
((Appologies if I'm writing this the wrong place, still getting the hang of whole this "forum" thingy, or whatever the kids are calling it these...
Would the council have existed before Antares became a part of it? Or was it founded here? And if so, how big a thing would it have been before...
-Brigliss- Hey it's me again, Brigliss. You mentioned something about meeting somewhere? Any chance you can give me when and where I find said...
Haaaaaai <3