Separate names with a comma. If you ever feel like giving up then watch this video.
Buying a cash rooster for a diamond is not a good deal
Sram OP (at least in wakfu, i dunno bout dofus)
I was just gonna say that but then i saw that you did
Welcome! *slinks off into the void*
Well, there is a 0.01% chance I will
yeah that is probably a good idea
No, I would be making this thread BECAUSE i want sympathy, if i wanted sympathy, not wanting sympathy because I am making this thread, but no, I...
no, I am actually leaving now, and I just want you all to know that i am gone, no sympathy, why would I want sympathy?
HI, remember just a few days ago when I said I was coming back, but then I said I was not coming back, and then I said I actually WAS coming...
What is this? It looks scary.
Any Hylotl character - Hylotl meat Any Human character - Human meat Any Apex character - Apex meat Any Avian character - Avian meat Any Floran...
Its cute and tiny, I like it
Very helpful
You are mean
HEY! Was that an insult to my intelligence?
So, I am back, but I do not know where people hang any more cause times change, and people move from colony to colony. Could someone please tell...
(( :C ))
No its not, its different
Welcome back fellow Floran! Though I do not think we have ever encountered each other ingame.