Separate names with a comma.
I was going to say that these are words of wisdom, but they are not. Instead, these are the mantra of survival those who play villains repeat to...
[[JR]] You say that now. Wait until some kartaaking slaver uses that pistol to whip you, then you'll wish you had failsafe explosives instead.
I'll agree with everyone who said that working through the problem ICly would make for some very compelling role-play. Something in her IC...
((JR, Voice-to-Text Protocol)) Don't ever meet people alone or out in wild places. That's how you become a one-handed slave. Want my suggestion?...
((JR, Speech-to-Text Protocol, Doesn't Care If Public)) Hey, important question. Are you working with those shazzbats in the Armada?
[[JR]] From stab victim central? Sure, no problem. Who do I look out for?
[[Damocles, Voice Only]] Uhhh... Just want to check something here. This uh "pacification field generator"... where'd you pick it up? I only...
[[JR]] I'll pick 'em up, don't worry.
[[JR Speech-to-Text Protocol]] Fine. That you were willing to even try is enough of a sign of good faith for me, so forget the free crate. Just...
Crystals are the ultimate manifestation of pseudo magic.
[[JR]] I demand a discount for being passed over like a chimp. Catering to line-jumping gronads isn't how you do business or keep customers. And...
[[JR]] Hey! Don't be a gronad.
Very nice marker work. Makes for bold lines, which I like.
[[JR Voice-to-Text Protocol]] Hit me. 15 tonnes. The whole banana. However, I'd prefer to pick them up myself.
Just a consideration -- try not to make all Toxic Tops seen on server as narcotics. I have a character who has been growing them in plantations...
[[JR]] About time. Please, please begin educating those kartaaking floran. I'm tired of hearing their stupid on the radio.
[[Damocles]] Oh. I actually have no idea. Try asking on StarNet General; they might know.
[[Damocles]] In that case, you should really speak to the people of Waterosa. There's really not much I could tell you about it... and Science...
[[Damocles]] Would you be willing brief me here? I'm running a few diagnostic tests on a delicate process at the moment, and it would save us...
[[Damocles]] Hey, good day to you. Who might you be, and how may I help you?